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Messages - Jolly Blue Giant

Those numbers are insane. He's doing to the NT position what Lawrence Taylor did to the LB position. He's one of a kind...and he's all ours!  :ok:
The only way Giants trade DJ is if they draft a "ringer", or think they have one. DJ's the man until a proven replacement is in hand. Sooo...might as well root for DJ to have a good (even great) year this coming season, cuz he ain't going anywhere without a better replacement...and we don't have one
Quote from: T200 on May 28, 2024, 02:04:14 PMDumbing down society one technological advance at a time.

I saw something that said at one point in time, the average number sequence most people could remember was seven. I have to believe it's less than that now. Why? Very few people bother to remember a phone number anymore.

I'm guilty of no longer memorizing phone numbers. But it goes beyond that...autocorrect makes proper spelling irrelevant, and no one can multiply or divide these days without a calculator or being able to write or read cursive. None of my grandchildren can use cursive writing. I tell them all the time, 90 percent of all historical documents written in English is in are history students going to be able to research old records???

Autocorrect is my worst enema
The Front Porch / Re: Totally Exhausted
May 28, 2024, 05:15:29 PM
Quote from: Sem on May 28, 2024, 03:13:59 PMRic, I've made that drive twice, except a bit further, to Rochester, Minnesota. But I certainly didn't, nor would I, ever want to make the round trip drive over a three day period. No wonder you were tired!! Funny story on my second drive out there, back in 2006. I had rented a Ryder truck to deliver a bunch of stuff to our son, who had just graduated from college and moved to MN. I took a wrong exit and drove right into O'Hare Airport....with a rented Ryder truck. I'm sure I raised some flags because I was almost instantly followed by a Security SUV all the way around the perimeter and back out to the highway.  Redfaced

It would probably be easier to get to Rochester, MN than where I went because you could stay right on 90. I had to take back roads for over an hour to find my destination, which Google guided me wrong and put me on a dirt road  ~X( . I've made the trip out that direction 6 times in the last 12 years because my son lived in Lacrosse for a while. I was actually thinking of bouncing over to Rochester to meet an old fella who was a first cousin of my Dad, who I had never met, but is still alive. There just wasn't time. I'll be making the trip again, but I'm not going to do it straight through and especially not back and forth straight through over three days. Way too old for that and I'm paying the price. The cost of tolls and gas, I might just fly into Madison instead and have my son pick me up at the airport. Less stressful
Hard choice, but going with Kayvon Thibodeaux. He was already coming up to the standard we expected when we drafted him with our 5th overall pick, and he was starting to show signs of greatness. Now, with Burns on the other side, the focus of offenses will be on stopping Burns, which should allow Thibs to go up against someone other than the other team's best blockers and double teams. At 23 yrs old, and 3-years of NFL experience, and with the mindset that he will do anything to become the best in the NFL, he is getting ready to step into stardom...IMVHO
Quote from: MightyGiants on May 28, 2024, 10:57:06 AMWe invented the internet, which was a game-changer for humanity

and the Quantum Computer which, combined with AI, will be as significant as the home computer and the internet in the future
Thanks for sharing, Rich. I've been away and have been frustrated from lack of Giants' leaders and media reports, so I love to see it
The Front Porch / Totally Exhausted
May 27, 2024, 04:54:29 PM
Drove from my home in Upstate, NY to Neillsville, Wisconsin (more than a thousand miles) non-stop on Friday, then drove back non-stop on Sunday, arriving this morning about 7AM. I am getting too old for this stuff. Been sleeping almost all day

For those of you who travel RT 90 and have been to Cleveland, you are aware of the 90 degree turn on a major highway where people have been averaging 80 MPH for hours. All the warning signs, flashing lights, and rumble strips and there was still a major car accident early this morning that set me back an hour. And Google Maps kept feeding me "alternate routes" that didn't work because officers with flashing lights stopped traffic from going the direction Google (and Garvin...tried them both) told me to go. They were all giving out false information. Getting lost in Cleveland at 2:00 in the morning is an adventure in itself. Going through Chicago in the middle of the night on Friday worked well...especially since it's Memorial Day weekend. Still, quite a bit of traffic, but nothing like I've dealt with in the past. I timed it so that I would go through at 3:00 in the morning. On the way back, Google warned of an accident in Chicago and gave an alternate route that worked, albeit about an hour longer

Anyway, just felt like bitching...friggin beat and my age is showing  :crazy:  :sleeping:  :sleeping:
Steel (slide) guitar
Atom bomb
Alternating current
Cotton gin
Peanut butter
Repeating Rifle

Off the top of my head. I know Howard Hughes was a prolific inventor, but not sure what they were
Well, I got my Mohs surgery overwith and the pain is not too bad. I have a big bulging bandage on my face, but at least my eyes didn't turn black like the last time. The surgeon didn't biopsy around my eyelid and sent a referral to a place in Syracuse that specializes in cancer treatment and reconstruction of the eyelid and surrounding areas...yay!  /sarcasm/

Leaving for Wisconsin tomorrow to help my son move, even though I have strict orders from my doctor to not lift anything heavy for 10 days. He says his friends out there will take care of moving stuff, so that's good. I hate the trip, especially driving on 90 through Chicago, which can be a real nightmare if you hit it at the wrong time. I've done that several times in the last few years, and it's no fun. Should be back by Tuesday at the latest...knock on wood
The Front Porch / Re: WW2 Admirals
May 23, 2024, 02:11:23 PM
I don't know much about the admirals, but my father was a navy man in WWII and the Korean War. My dad was a boatswain mate on the USS New Jersey (Big Mo's sister ship) and he had a 35mm camera and took a lot of pictures and sold them to other sailors who didn't have cameras. I once pointed at a picture and asked him what that picture was, and he said, "that's Bull Halsey, our admiral". He was genuinely star struck to meet Halsey. Unfortunately, I don't have the picture and my dad is no longer around so that I can ask him about Halsey. I know he admired Halsey and was over-the-top excited to meet him and take his picture

I suspect all the admirals were all excellent warriors. I only know who Halsey was, and that he was called "Bull", because of my father
He looks fine to me. I've been around guys who look thin, but are exceptionally strong. Some call it "string muscle" vs "mass muscle". Those thin guys tend to be not only strong, but also faster and more flexible. I'm no expert on muscle, so I did some research

From ChatGPT:

"The phenomenon where some men who look skinny are stronger than those who look muscular can be attributed to several factors, including muscle density, training style, genetics, and neuromuscular efficiency. Here's a detailed explanation:

1. Muscle Density

Lean Muscle Mass: Muscular appearance is often associated with larger muscle size, but this doesn't necessarily equate to strength. Strength is more closely related to the density and quality of muscle fibers.

Muscle Composition: Some people have a higher proportion of type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers, which are more powerful and contribute to greater strength.

2. Training Style

Strength Training vs. Hypertrophy: Men who look muscular may focus on hypertrophy (increasing muscle size) through high-repetition, moderate-weight training. In contrast, those who appear skinny might engage in strength training with low repetitions and higher weights, leading to increased strength without significant muscle size gain.

Functional Strength: Athletes in sports that require functional strength (e.g., gymnastics, rock climbing) often develop exceptional strength without significant increases in muscle size.

3. Neuromuscular Efficiency

Motor Unit Recruitment: Stronger individuals often have better neuromuscular efficiency, meaning their nervous system is more effective at activating muscle fibers. This allows them to generate more force with the muscle mass they have.
Coordination and Technique: Skill and technique play significant roles in strength. Someone who is "skinny" might have developed excellent lifting techniques and motor patterns, allowing them to lift more efficiently.

4. Genetics

Genetic Predisposition: Genetics influence muscle fiber composition, tendon insertion points, limb length, and other factors that can affect strength. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to be stronger despite not having large muscles.

Regardless, I think Flott takes too much flack from fans for not looking like Charles Atlas. He was doing pretty well towards the end of last season. So much of football has to do with the muscle inside the skull - anticipation, understanding moves, ability to readjust quickly, etc. I tend to give coaches credit for understanding things that I don't, and I believe if the coaches didn't think Flott has potential, he'd be long gone
Glad to hear it went well  :ok:
I can't think of too many, but I expected to see: "How you doin?" Joey (Friends)

Here's some off the top of my head:

"Let's go to the tape" (Warner Wolf)
"And here's the rest of the story" (Paul Harvey)
"Juuust a bit outside." - Harry Doyle (Bob Ueker)
"That's my spot" (Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory)
"Dy-NOOO-mite" (JJ Walker - Good Times)
"You're killing me Smalls" (Sandlot)
"Never ends for Raymond. I go to work, people shoot at me. Ray goes to work, people do the wave." ... Robert (Everybody Loves Raymond)
"What do you want me to do, die of old age?" (Robert Duvall, a 90 year old telling Michael Caine why he bought a plane that he had to put together himself..."Second Hand Lions"

Quote from: uconnjack8 on May 20, 2024, 08:46:41 AMDoes he possess those same intangibles as Pace?

I don't know. Two different positions. Last year Pace was called by "Fansided" as the second best LB in the draft behind Jack Campbell. I had pushed for the Giants to draft him and was going crazy when he was still sitting there in the 7th and immediately disgusted when I saw the Vikings snatched him up as an UDFA

As far as Chatman goes - not a clue :-?? But you can bet I'll be watching him closely to see if he has that "it" factor...hope so