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Messages - weeze

The Front Porch / Medical Bills
February 28, 2024, 11:33:45 PM
 As you know I've been experiencing some real serious problems With my spine all the way up on top where your nerve center is. Some mysterious growth had attached itself up there in the area that's referred to as number two. Well we burned that off over 10 sessions and now we're beginning to look at what sort of an operation I'm gonna need.

today I received a statement from Humana Insurance which is my plan g medical backup plan to Medicare. It listed every bill that was submitted to it from June of 2023 through the middle of January 2024. Okay so folks take a wild guess at the total of medical expenses I've racked up in the last 6 months. drum roll please. The toll for the past six months is $253,000. Of course I have out of pocket expenses that I have to pay and my part for all this is $253. Show if you were wondering why our medical bills have become so high visualize someone under the age of 62 receiving a bill of this magnitude. 2 hundred and 53 thousand dollars is almost enough to have purchased my home twice at its price in 2000 and two when I did purchase it.

Just thought I'd share that with y'all. go Giants!
as for myself, I am not impressed. It just seems more of the sort of on and on drag that the original sunk down to. I dont think I ever understood anything after Rick blowing up the bridge. After that I dont have a clue. Because of this I have no clue to any ending on the original, like did it end? did it just crawl off and die?
 This is more of the secret secret organizations stuff that doesn't hole my interest especially since walkers are treated like just a afterthought like the original ended up being.
 What say ll you super informed people?
The Front Porch / Re: Happy Birthday Weeze!
February 14, 2024, 06:11:13 PM
well. everything about moving kust fell totally apart. I wanted to get up there sometime last spring as I really wanted to watch last season hwith my Father. So I put the house on the market last March. I Immediately had two offers. One backed out due to being unable to get a morgage. The other just never showed up to put down the payment.
Then the whole real estate market in Florida just fell out, its still terrible. If you ever wanted to move here now is the time as my realtor told me I could only expect to get 2/3  the price I had on it last year!In the meantime my Dad passed away one month hy of his 99th birthday. Now of course medically it is out of the question and I have no idea when or even if it will ever to be possible.
I speak with Mr. and Mrs. Drake often, they wanted to come visit when I got home from the hospital but I am in no way up for friends as Im still in the watch tv, sleep and go to Doctors. But Im sure they will be coming here eventually if I ever heal enuff to be able to actually go somewhere.
So therre you go Folks, when I get some energy Ill be doing these "text" things so I can get new phone number out there, I dont know how that will affect my puter and Roku though, something Ive got to figger out.
Thats all the news, hope all you all are healthy and enjoying life. We must have a awfull lot of Huddle folks that have retired or will be soon. Lots of houses for Sale in Florida, st stay at least 5 miles in from the coast if you decide winter is great time for Baseball!
The Front Porch / Re: Happy Birthday Weeze!
February 12, 2024, 03:16:42 PM
well thank yall very much. I had a interesting birthday this year. I had a MRI, a Cat Scan and then just a sit down Doctor's appointment. A real big day that was. Seriously thanks for thinking of me. Im getting there.
 I finished my 10 radiology treatments last week where they burned the "growth" off of my spine. This little mass smashed "NO 2" as they call it, the home to all your nerves, not a place to xxxx around with.
 So Im still in the neckbrace and shall remain in it while these guys try and figure out how to fix my broken neck.
 Im in good shape though, got 2 pinball machines in my living room so I may not be able to drive and xxxx but I can play Pinball and I can play with my ROKU tv, man I love this thing.
 Good talking to you all, hope all is grand! 
Giants History / Re: Dave Pagan passed away
August 28, 2023, 02:10:42 PM
My most sincere condolences to all. Another BBWC original
 I was in North Port yesterday at one of their dawg parks for about a hour.
 OK we had a huge thunderstorm this morning at 530 am so needless to say we were up early. Coffee and turn on the tub for the nest movie: "The Paperboy".
John Cusack.......meh
Matthew McConaughey [sic} I think he's better then average actor
Nicole Kidman.....nice rack and a good actor
Zac Efron..... he should go back to Disney and just stay there. Give him a job in the custodial division and let him go around picking up tossed trash from the Desantis supporters. He is worthless as a actor. His reputation is one of a punk kid but supposedly he's finally decided to grow up, I mean hes gotta be 30 by now.
Plot: Where?
The scenery was ok if you like to see the swamps of Florida.
Violence- plenty of wimmen beating, bad language, not for kids.Ole Zac goes swimming right into a whole load of jellyfish and gets all stung up. Couple people get killed but its not gruesome.
My opinion: not for anyone else either. Save your time and oxygen and find a movie elsewhere.
 Now I watch movies a lot and I'll continue doing my quick reviews but if you don't like them, please speak up, don't want to bore you guys!
Remembering that I am easily confused, here is my review of a movie I just finished watching on Roku.
 "Brawl in Cell Block 99". It stars the skinny version of Vince Vaughn as a guy who loses his job at the car repair/ towing business and starts running drugs for a big-time dealer. His only commitment in life is to his wife and the possibility of having a child.
 Vince Vaughan in his skinny shape is freaking GREAT! Playing a all-around bad ass hes convincing in this role. The only other actor I saw is Don Johnson of "Miami Vice" fame in a significant but small role. Always wondered how in "Miami Vice" he was always running around in that Miami heat with a collar less shirt and sport coats but never seemed to get sweat stains on those sports coat collars.  Oh that's right, its tv.
Warning: this movie is violent to the Tarentino level. I even closed my eyes and looked away three or four times.
 Even with all the violence depicted, I liked the movie. Definitely not a "date night" flick, definitely NOT for the wimmens!
 I enjoyed this "B" movie and I think if you can handle the violence, you will too.
Happy Birthday Willie!
 A real American in my book.
well thsnk you.
 I had a walk thru at my home this afternoon which
 I hope it is the last one since have both signed as of yesterday so why did my realtor make me show it again? I guess because it was scheduled yesterday morning.
Now it's time to dig out 10 of my pinball machines that a friend o.f mine is taking, along with my jukebox, to a storage facility in Balston Spa. on Monday.
ok so I watched this movie just now, "Jack and Diane" about two teenage girls of the lezbonic persuasion. I didn't understand it, and nothing HAPPENED! I don't get it. So, I looked up the reviews. Nobody gave it much credit at all. If you see it listed, save your time and watch something else.
Well, ever since I got this Roku set up whenever I try and find a movie the selection is so big it takes forever just to go through what I can watch. and that's just in the ROKU channel offerings! Then there are another 8 or 9 "program bundles: not to mention some of them offer a couple hundred movies just on their site,
  So, I end up watching movies I've never heard of with actors I don't know and some of them are made in Mongolia for god's sake and....... I didn't think it was possible to have too much programming, but it is.
 AND for a update. I put my house on the market 2 weeks ago and got a offer today at like 3 o'clock and we countered, and they countered, and I got the exact price I was hoping for. I close somewhere in the last week of MAY and will be in Giants broadcast area the first week in June! So, boys it's back to New York State after a 35 year absence!
Just so you all know, my new dog Zoey is looking forward to seeing snow for the first time, it should be fun! 
The Front Porch / Re: Age is such a cruel bitch
April 18, 2023, 09:16:18 AM
My brother just returned to Balston Spa from California, bringing my dad east. This was this past Saturday. Dad's 99 now, had to give up driving last year because he doesn't always see so well anymore.
 Mind is all there tho!
Body may be old but the mind is still good, looks like Gene is blessed as hes still getting around well!
 I have my house on the market, will be joining them somewhere in the area as soon as it sells.
 Hope to get a couple of Sundays in with my dad this fall.
EVERBODYS getting up there, its noit easy getting old. 
Giants History / Re: NFT: RIP JimV
April 18, 2023, 09:04:58 AM
May you Rest in Peace.
The Front Porch / Re: What is a Mondegreen?
January 19, 2023, 06:39:14 PM
 Its not easy picking out the lyrics sometimes. you have Steve Miller singing that he "Speaks with a pompadus of love"
Let us NOT forget the diction of Robert Zimmerman who paved the way for everyone afterwards such as Springsteen when he showed the world that you DON'T have to have a decent voice to sing Rock N' Roll music!
The Front Porch / David Crosby died
January 19, 2023, 06:28:00 PM
lasted a long time on those extra body parts he received thats for sure.
The Front Porch / Re: Weeze's medical update.
January 19, 2023, 06:20:31 PM
 Thanks ED. Kind of you to remember.  <:-P