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Messages - Ed Vette

Quote from: Doc16LT56 on Today at 07:09:06 PMShould reporters not report when they hear players vent? Coughlin admitted he had locker room issues he had to address. Since when are reporters back stabbing anyone by doing their job?
He didn't report venting. He reported a request for a trade. That aside, there are situations where it's important to report and there are situations where the stretch of the truth is unwarranted. Especially for a struggling franchise that is making every effort to turn it around. A situation was crafted here. Why? Because he smells blood and it profiles himself at the expense of others. Two games into the season. Two.

We have no idea what damage was done and if this snowballs.

Before this season, the talk was that Daboll and Schoen had enough slack in their rope to draft and develop their own QB. Now it's win or your done. Lose the locker room and your out.

Wash, rinse, repeat... three more years wasted.

Self fulfilling prophecy. He's a weasel. Two games and he's backstabbing Daboll. Let's get this to spread through the locker room. Weasel.

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on Today at 04:03:37 PMI think it's being overthought...not exactly rocket science. Pretty simple really...we drafted Nabers. He is the main show and will be (and has been) used as such. And Robinson is extremely valuable in the slot and fills that spot perfectly, so he's getting chances. So it comes down to Slayton and Hyatt for WR3. As I've pointed out, Slayton is taller, has longer arms, bigger hands, and had a faster 40 time than Hyatt (albeit, just a couple tenths of a second) at the, Slayton is experienced, and he has gotten rid of the dropsies (statistically proven). So basically, it's a coin toss between Slayton and Hyatt, and with Slayton's experience, he's obviously going to get more chances than Hyatt. And Slayton isn't getting used all that much as it is

Hyatt needs to relax, put in the work, stay in tip-top shape, be a good teammate, and he'll get his chance as WRs are always getting hurt. When his time comes, he must make it count. What he shouldn't do, is complain or ask for a trade
And he's doing all that. This is only about a reporter stirring up xxxx. There's another rumor that there are player who are starting to lose faith in Daboll and he's on a watch list of the first to be fired. Reminds me of Gary Myers and Paul Schwartz back stabbing Tom Coughlin around 2005-2006. Losing the team.

Players get frustrated and they vent, especially the young ones. Lesson learned who to trust and not trust.
Daboll and Jalin deny it. I hate it when reporters start $hit.

"Never told me that," Daboll told reporters. "Jalin is probably one of the closer guys I am with on this team. You should ask Jalin."
Big Blue Huddle / Re: I saw improvement
Today at 02:49:52 PM
Quote from: Uncle Mickey on Today at 11:27:19 AMGood stuff Vette.

I can't guarantee DJ will turn it around but we can also acknowledge he played well and drastically better after Daboll made adjustments week 2. We also know the OL is a night and day difference so far and under Bracillo one would think that will continue.

The D scares the heck out of me under Bowen though.
The real test will be Dallas. If this group can hold them off, then that's a huge improvement and Bricello gets a lot of credit.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: I saw improvement
Today at 10:55:49 AM
According to PFF, Areas of improvement from week 1 to week 2.

Aspect_______Week One_______Week Two

Drop Categories- Tackling, Pass Rush, Coverage, and Special Teams.
Puzzle #467
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Dru Phillips
September 19, 2024, 05:24:51 PM
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on September 19, 2024, 04:30:29 PMMaybe we finally nailed a 3rd round steal...fingers crossed
Ya just had to bring that up, didn't you? The third round jinx. 🙄
The Front Porch / Re: NYT "Connections" Game
September 19, 2024, 08:26:12 AM
Puzzle #466
As Nick pointed out, the space given by the Corners was unnecessary. They can play Man and not be so deep. It also created a situation where the Edge Rushers had to set up wide at least 7 Technique on both sides and when your Nose Tackle is lined up 0 or Nose Shade it creates massive sized Gaps. There were times the LBs covered the correct Gap but then had to come around from behind to follow the RB in a well blocked A Gap. A 5 Yard cushion between the DLine and Backers and at least 7 yards between the Cover 2 Safeties and the LBs. Too much space and when their TE and RB Chip or stay in, it makes it difficult to get pressure with four Men. The way to shore this up is to spread both DTs on some of these snaps and bring the Edges in slightly for more balance and close those gaps, and bring the Corners up on man. Maybe when Bowen has more confidence in his DBs to cover, he can modify his game plan. I get Carl's point about Press Coverage, but I'd rather deal with a running QB than the RBs chewing up yards after contact. The quick game on short passes and almost 8 yards per carry killed the Defense in time of possession. I was actually impressed they weren't gassed by the 4th quarter. Watching the all 22, it underscores what we saw game day. It took the ball out of DJs hands for at least one and likely two sets of downs. Singletary had a good game and also had some nice yards after contact at the second level. I know we will see more of the same in Cleveland but I hope there are some adjustments. This is where Kafka has to spend some time while Daboll has to spend more time with the Offense. That back seven seem to have a lot of choices to make on the fly.
Neal isn't a mauler, for his size he's not a killer. He's top heavy and slow to the punch. I don't see it. But why not try. Unless he can be magically transformed into a good Tackle, he's been beaten out by a journeyman. They also will never mess with Andrew Thomas and switch sides. He needs a guru or a muse. And a bubble butt.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is it worth to keep jones next year
September 18, 2024, 02:32:13 PM
It's a question that can't be answered yet. Soon, but not yet.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Arch Manning
September 18, 2024, 02:20:23 PM
Be careful of the highlight reels. Arch has a way to go before he can be considered a top QB. The Defense they faced was extremely weak and the RR system is a well Designed Offense. It was like TX was playing the Paramus HS football team. He missed hot reads and checkdowns and I haven't even finished watching the tape. He's got talent and he's a chip off the old grandpa.
The Front Porch / Re: NYT "Connections" Game
September 18, 2024, 07:26:15 AM
Puzzle #465