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Messages - PSUBeirut

Quote from: coggs on Today at 11:39:08 AMHaving Barkley doesnt add a nickel of revenue to the Giants.  Tickets are still sold.  Jersey sales are shared league wide.  Having him go to another team probably added money to the giants share of that revenue.  Giants fans already have Barkley jerseys.  A lot more Eagles fans went out and bought his jersey than Giants fans would.

Agreed.  I think the reason Mara didn't want to lose Barkley was simply personal- he like him as a person, a team captain, and a face of the franchise.  I don't think it had anything to do with putting butts in the seats.  Winning teams do that, not running backs.

Quote from: T200 on September 18, 2024, 09:21:04 AMI'm still a Saquon fan but if we're being honest, his hands aren't the best. He's had plays like that for us as well and he stonehands the ball.

Additionally, if he catches that ball, the rest of your post doesn't happen. He effectively ends the game with a catch, even without getting a first down.

Yep very true.  And there were things obviously prior to those last few minutes that contributed mightily to the Eagles losing AT HOME on MONDAY NIGHT to the Atlanta Falcons.  Just a glorious, glorious set of mishaps from coaching all the way through execution on both sides of the ball.  It was all marvelous to watch unfold.  And, YES, I will be that Giants fan that even if we're 1-16 will still be taunting Eagles and Cowboys fans for their terrible losses as well.  It may just be the only enjoyment we'll be able to carve out of this season.  :laugh:

Still wishing Saquon the best personal success this year (and yes, I admit it- I DO care- been a fan for quite a long time of both the player and the man), hopefully amid many crushing defeats.
Quote from: TONKA56 on September 17, 2024, 08:00:05 PMHas it really gotten so bad in Giants fandom that our only victory can be found in schadenfreude?

uh yep.  And I'm sure it won't be the last time, although I'm also just as sure there won't be any threads here from the same folks that don't care when he rings it up like last week. 

It takes a good, bitter amount of GIants fan bias to blame that one drop on the Eagles losing.  When the play should never have been called, when the Eagles let Kirk Cousins walk down the field in less than a minute to score a TD, and then when all Hurts needs is a FG and promptly throws a game-ending INT.  And that's just the screwups in the last 2 minutes.   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
But but but...I could have sworn there was a thread where it was near unanimous that this board couldn't care less about Saquon after he left?  lol .  Buncha hypocrites.  Very predictable though. 

And watching the Eagles lose a heartbreaker and the Cowboys get BLOWN OUT is a nice salve on this bitter Giants fans heart.  Of course- it was even sweeter that Siriani was a complete MORON for calling any kind of pass play in that situation also...and of course the Eagles losing by 1 via TD from Kirk Cousins...  also hilarious. 

But yeah, I guess we'll get to see all these Saquon threads on a board that apparently could care less about the guy now that he's left.   :ok:  :ok:  :ok:
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Much improved offensive line play
September 15, 2024, 08:41:53 PM
Definitely a bright spot, for sure.  They did the best job I've seen from a Giants OL for quite some time.
Against one of the worst pass defenses in the league, I was unimpressed.  He had lots of time and was mostly meh.  Nabers got an absolutely ridiculous target share, which I doubt with a better defense backfield would be a workable plan moving forward.  We really need to work the middle the field more with the TE, IMO.
I think at this point it is unquestionable that, in hindsight, Schoen picked the wrong player to franchise vs. who to sign long-term.  That was the decision at the time- bend a little on your topline number (and by a little I mean very in maybe 1-1.5 million per year) to sign Saquon and put the tag on Jones --OR-- give Jones his big contract and tag Saquon. 

At the time I advocated for the former.  In hindsight, I can't imagine many Giants fans wouldn't now agree that this would have been the more prudent course of action, what with all the tons of uncertainty surrounding Jones' tenure in NY and Barkley set to rip it up for our division rivals.

Of course, there were tons of fans who advocated a third option that Schoen wasn't considering- don't offer Saquon a contract at all and tag Jones.  In hindsight, this also would have been a better option.
My opinion hasn't changed and won't change as Saquon continues to do Saquon things and the Giants continue to do Giants things.   It was the right decision to let him go to a team that would pay him and allow him to shine this year.  It was the WRONG decision not to sign him to a long-term deal that was cheaper than what he is getting paid now and at the same time would have allowed the G-men to slap the franchise tag on DJ, which would 100% have been the right move.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: How one Viking saw Sunday's game
September 10, 2024, 06:41:28 PM
This game was an unmitigated disaster.  This should have been a VERY winnable game at home vs. Sam Darnold and that sub-par Vikings defense.  Our defensive line was supposed to be dominant and they simply disappeared.  Our running game was putrid.  Our passing game has been covered ad nauseum. 

How will they respond this week against another VERY WINNABLE game against an atrocious pass defense and a rookie QB???  Guess we'll just have to see how it plays out but my confidence level is pretty low.
In my opinion it was treating the 2022 season like a stepping stone instead of an aberration.  It would have taken a lot of guts at that point to continue to tear down and rebuild the roster, starting with the QB, but that's exactly what they should have continued doing.  At the very least, DJ should have been on the franchise tag.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: How the 6 first round QBs do
September 09, 2024, 11:20:49 PM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on September 09, 2024, 11:09:37 PMPeople can say whatever the hell they want, but it amazes me that some people are still clinging to this bizarre agenda to try to defend Jones at all cost and somehow whitewash his unconscionably horrific play. Were people not watching yesterday? Good lord, are you kidding me?

Do people have some sort of a Daniel Jones thing? Is that where their allegiance is? Or is their allegiance to the NY Giants and for this team to start consistently winning?

I'm stunned.

Feel free to use the word derangement.
One thing I worry about with applying the "David Carr" test- Maybe Carr (and Jones) just weren't good NFL QB's before their internal clocks got ruined.  And MAYBE a quality of a good to great NFL QB is that they are much less likely to be rattled by constant pressure.  A quote from Dan Campbell, talking about Matthew Stafford from last night comes to mind- "It's almost like you don't want to hit him because when you hit him he plays better". 

That's the direction I'm leaning with DJ- he just never had it in him.  And that's ok.  Professional QB in the NFL is just about one of the most difficult jobs to have on the planet.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: NGT - Congrats Saquon
September 09, 2024, 02:04:56 PM
I'll say this- the fact he did what he did on that trash field in Brazil makes me wonder what his cuts and agility will look like back on an NFL track.  I hope nothing but the best for the guy (except against us, but let's just come to grips with it- he is going to torch the hell out of us), he deserves it after having to be a part of this sorry franchise for so long.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Malik Nabers
September 08, 2024, 04:13:24 PM
Here is what's going to be interesting to watch- what is Malik Nabers' character?  As a superstar on a terrible offensive team with a poor QB that won't be able to get him the ball consistently- what does Nabers do?  Barkley has been in his exact shoes.  Does Nabers act like Saquon Barkley and suck it up, work his ass off regardless, and stay positive?  Or does he pout, become a cancer, not put in the effort he should? 

Who knows, but it bears watching.  Of course this all changes if by some miracle the offense/DJ/whoever replaces DJ starts to show some life.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Yes, another Daniel Jones thread
September 08, 2024, 04:10:46 PM
We've been hearing on this board that because Jones has played with such terrible OLs that he may be shell shocked and antsy- in other words, that he's been broken because of all that pressure for so long (The David Carr argument).  I completely agree with that, HOWEVER, he was a poor QB to begin with.  So now you take a poor QB who is now also shell shocked and injury prone and what do you get?  QB HELL.