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What Irritates You?

Started by squibber, February 17, 2024, 09:30:15 AM

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Those intentionally ripped jeans bug me especially the ones that cost a fortune to buy.  It's ugly and makes no sense.

The slang word "sick" as in "That concert was sick".  What does sickness have to do with greatness?  Sick is something I associate with not feeling good.

The slang word "fire".  "That song was "fire".  Come on. Just say it was excellent.

My wife is a great person and I'm happy she is in my life. She's a talker and could use some patience. She has a habit of interrupting me because she can't wait for her turn.

Jolly Blue Giant

I think everyone finds it disrespectful when someone starts talking over them when someone is not finished what they are saying. I know a few overbearing people like that. Very irritating

I hate cell phones. Mine only rings when I'm on the toilet (and it irritates me that my spell check highlights the word and says it is "inappropriate use of word as some find it an offensive use of the word"), in an important discussion, or checking out at a store...and people under the age of 30 or so, stare at them as if their life depended on it

Poor play by the New York Football Giants (obviously), phantom fouls or no calls on obvious fouls in the NBA and college basketball, hand signal for intentional walk in MLB

Slow drivers in the fast lane...or...drivers who pass you on the left, get back into the right lane, and slow down so you have to pass them if you're using cruise control...grrrr  :boooo:

People too lazy to use their turn signals or dim their lights for oncoming cars

Probably get in trouble for this, but the whole societal issue of gender identity being forced down our throats at every turn. We know at birth, give it a rest. If you don't know, take a look at your crotch

Any trip on a plane that's over three hours or getting stuck on the tarmac for more than a half hour

People who talk overly loud at restaurants, bars, or gatherings so that everyone knows what's on their mind even if you don't know the person nor want to hear them...also, rude people in grocery stores, and guys looking for a fight when out for a nice evening enjoying a beer with friends, just "because"

Setting digital time clocks; hence, the reason I use battery operated analog clocks wherever I can

Twenty minutes of a show combined with ten minutes of advertisements to complete a half hour of a television show (especially sick of the guy from "my pillow" and the "Balance of Nature" advertisements)

Anyone who throws garbage out their car window. I wish I had the superpower to throw their garbage right back in their face or on the floor inside their home

The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing

Ed Vette

People that try to make themselves look good by making others look bad.

People who talk about themselves and dominate a lengthy conversation so you can't get a word in edgewise by talking without a pause. Never asking about what's going on in your life.

Drama queens and selfie look at me people. It dominates their FB and Instagram profile pages. Every little issue exploded and magnified. Ultimately insecure people who crave attention.

People with the need to answer a question with, "To be perfectly honest". Implying they have no problem lying.

People who are not collaborative, even when it's costly to those they represent.

People who write and incorrectly use words of to, too and two, then and than, their, there and they're... makes them look stupid. Especially those who I graduated with and fail to put together a coherent sentence.

Nosey people who ask personal questions when it's apparent they are information gathering for gossip. Additionally, whisperers who tell you something about someone else in a whisper as if it's a shared secret. They probably shared it with many others and share xxxx about you the same way.

Now you got me started, so I'll end it here.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Thinking about what irritates me.  =))
:dance: :Giants:  ALL HAIL THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!!  :Giants: :dance:


People who eat while on the phone.

People who only talk about themselves (agreeing wholeheartedly with Ed on this one)

People who have bad breath all the time (I know this can be a condition but for many it's just a lack of proper oral hygiene).

People who always need something to bitch about.

People who act entitled and rude just because they're pushing a stroller or (worse) double stroller.


Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on February 17, 2024, 10:28:38 AMI think everyone finds it disrespectful when someone starts talking over them when someone is not finished what they are saying. I know a few overbearing people like that. Very irritating

I hate cell phones. Mine only rings when I'm on the toilet (and it irritates me that my spell check highlights the word and says it is "inappropriate use of word as some find it an offensive use of the word"), in an important discussion, or checking out at a store...and people under the age of 30 or so, stare at them as if their life depended on it

Poor play by the New York Football Giants (obviously), phantom fouls or no calls on obvious fouls in the NBA and college basketball, hand signal for intentional walk in MLB

Slow drivers in the fast lane...or...drivers who pass you on the left, get back into the right lane, and slow down so you have to pass them if you're using cruise control...grrrr  :boooo:

People too lazy to use their turn signals or dim their lights for oncoming cars

Probably get in trouble for this, but the whole societal issue of gender identity being forced down our throats at every turn. We know at birth, give it a rest. If you don't know, take a look at your crotch

Any trip on a plane that's over three hours or getting stuck on the tarmac for more than a half hour

People who talk overly loud at restaurants, bars, or gatherings so that everyone knows what's on their mind even if you don't know the person nor want to hear them...also, rude people in grocery stores, and guys looking for a fight when out for a nice evening enjoying a beer with friends, just "because"

Setting digital time clocks; hence, the reason I use battery operated analog clocks wherever I can

Twenty minutes of a show combined with ten minutes of advertisements to complete a half hour of a television show (especially sick of the guy from "my pillow" and the "Balance of Nature" advertisements)

Anyone who throws garbage out their car window. I wish I had the superpower to throw their garbage right back in their face or on the floor inside their home

Did I write this?  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>

Charlie Weiss


Just to add a few more

People who hide behind fake names on the internet, post and spout anything and everything just to get noticed

People who also scour the internet to find little hidden links to support whatever thoughts they want to push at people.

People who have a sort of agenda and use sites like this to push them down other people's throats by continually posting about it and rarely letting it drop.

I am with Ric on so many driving impropiaties
No turn signal is a gimme, but when they d o signal it is after they have basically come to a complete stop where they are going to turn.

Yes, riding in the left lane with no one in front and no one in the right lane, and they are doing the speed limit.

People simply do not know how to enter a highway. They crawl to the very end of the on-ramp and then wait for a huge opening instead of picking up speed and blending in.
People who ride in the right lane, and never move instead of moving over to let another car/truck onto the highway.
People listening to music in their cars so loud I can feel the vibrations from that car even when I am next to them.

People in a supermarket who just leave their wagons in the middle of the aisle and wander about looking for something.
Again in any market, people who have to feel and squeeze every fruit or veggie just to find the right one for them, forget about the rest of us who have to buy some of these also.
Line cutters, at any venue
Anyone talking on the phone while in a restaurant at their table. Put that darn phone away for an hour.
Going to a theater or show and with that venue almost empty make sure they sit right in front of someone else.
Parents who think supervising their kids, especially at a playground isn't right for them. Just let the kids run wild.
Parents who do NOT teach their children proper respect for things and people, especially older people.
Parents who blame teachers when their kids do lousy in school.

And maybe my biggest irritation, people who smoke when there are signs No Smoking.

Charlie Weiss

Ed Vette

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 17, 2024, 11:59:55 AMPeople who have bad breath all the time (I know this can be a condition but for many it's just a lack of proper oral hygiene).

They always see to be close talkers.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin

Jolly Blue Giant

QuoteAnd maybe my biggest irritation, people who smoke when there are signs No Smoking.

I'm guilty of that. Every place is "No Smoking" (except for pot, which I can smell everywhere). I don't smoke often in public, but trying to find a place to smoke is irritating. Ski resorts (like Whiteface Mountain) have "No Smoking" rules anywhere on the mountain or in the 60 acre parking lot (as do most ski mountains these days). Or outside a hospital in the parking lot even though 3 doctors and 11 nurses are standing next to an exit door puffing away

I enjoy going to the NYS Fair every summer, but they have a new rule: "NO SMOKING ANYWHERE ON PREMISES INCLUDING PARKING LOT", and they add (THERE WILL BE NO DESIGNATED SMOKING AREAS AVAILABLE). Since this turns out to be close to an all day event for most people, and is outdoors covering 375 acres (not including hundreds of acres of parking lots), it reeks of a non-smoker who just wishes to enforce her personal punishment on anyone who smokes. Many of the farmers who have brought their horses, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, etc., to the show happen to smoke. What are they supposed to do? Walk a mile to their car and drive away? So what happens, a lot of smokers light up and hold their middle finger up to cameras that are everywhere. Funny thing is, people are openly smoking pot all over the place and no one ever complains

Funny story: I was at the fair grounds for the annual Harley Show and Swap Meet in one of their large buildings. There are bands playing, bikes revving, beer being sold everywhere, and a lot of people smoking - all inside the building. Security is tight. Cops everywhere...gang members are not allowed to wear their colors and police make you go through a metal detector and verify your identity before going in. Inside, there's probably at least a few thousand attendees at any given hour that include gang members, hookers, tattoo artists, attorneys, doctors, CEOs of large companies, and everything in between. Suddenly, over the loudspeaker comes a woman's voice, "ladies and gentlemen, New York state laws make it illegal to smoke inside a government building...please put your cigarettes out and don't smoke in the building", followed by the entire place breaking out in laughter and everyone who smokes, but wasn't smoking, lit up. Cops shrug their shoulders and laugh. They don't want to get involved

I smoke and am addicted. Tried many times to quit, I just don't have the willpower anymore to keep trying. I am not a chain smoker (half a pack a day guy), but I'm very aware of people around me (especially children) and go out of my way to be respectful by keeping smoke away from them. I take plenty of heat...especially from reformed smokers. I'm sure that my ex-wife will tell people at my funeral one day that, "I told him smoking was going to kill him"...
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing

Ed Vette

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on February 17, 2024, 02:10:52 PMI'm guilty of that. Every place is "No Smoking" (except for pot, which I can smell everywhere). I don't smoke often in public, but trying to find a place to smoke is irritating. Ski resorts (like Whiteface Mountain) have "No Smoking" rules anywhere on the mountain or in the 60 acre parking lot (as do most ski mountains these days). Or outside a hospital in the parking lot even though 3 doctors and 11 nurses are standing next to an exit door puffing away

I enjoy going to the NYS Fair every summer, but they have a new rule: "NO SMOKING ANYWHERE ON PREMISES INCLUDING PARKING LOT", and they add (THERE WILL BE NO DESIGNATED SMOKING AREAS AVAILABLE). Since this turns out to be close to an all day event for most people, and is outdoors covering 375 acres (not including hundreds of acres of parking lots), it reeks of a non-smoker who just wishes to enforce her personal punishment on anyone who smokes. Many of the farmers who have brought their horses, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, etc., to the show happen to smoke. What are they supposed to do? Walk a mile to their car and drive away? So what happens, a lot of smokers light up and hold their middle finger up to cameras that are everywhere. Funny thing is, people are openly smoking pot all over the place and no one ever complains

Funny story: I was at the fair grounds for the annual Harley Show and Swap Meet in one of their large buildings. There are bands playing, bikes revving, beer being sold everywhere, and a lot of people smoking - all inside the building. Security is tight. Cops everywhere...gang members are not allowed to wear their colors and police make you go through a metal detector and verify your identity before going in. Inside, there's probably at least a few thousand attendees at any given hour that include gang members, hookers, tattoo artists, attorneys, doctors, CEOs of large companies, and everything in between. Suddenly, over the loudspeaker comes a woman's voice, "ladies and gentlemen, New York state laws make it illegal to smoke inside a government building...please put your cigarettes out and don't smoke in the building", followed by the entire place breaking out in laughter and everyone who smokes, but wasn't smoking, lit up. Cops shrug their shoulders and laugh. They don't want to get involved

I smoke and am addicted. Tried many times to quit, I just don't have the willpower anymore to keep trying. I am not a chain smoker (half a pack a day guy), but I'm very aware of people around me (especially children) and go out of my way to be respectful by keeping smoke away from them. I take plenty of heat...especially from reformed smokers. I'm sure that my ex-wife will tell people at my funeral one day that, "I told him smoking was going to kill him"...

Ten cigarettes a day? You're close to quitting. The only way is cold turkey. If you think you get a craving, it's just more oxygen going to your brain.

The day I quit, I was chain smoking in the car on the way to see my brother and his year old twin girls. I picked up Jennifer to give her a hug and she made a face and pushed away. I was not going to be her stinky Uncle. Never had another cigarette again or a cigar either. Kept an unopened pack of Parliament Box on my desk for a year and then tossed it away.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin



 I have no problem with smokers in a designated smoking area. There needs to be something like that, for people like yourself. My problem is a distain cigarette smoke these days and when I go out and want to enjoy myself, I simply do not need that blowing in my face. Sorry.

I used to be a smoker, many years ago. Never a big-time one, less than a pack a day. When my son was born, he got very sick and we thought we were going to lose him a couple of times before he was even 2 months old. I asked GOD to save him and in return, I would quit smoking. He recovered and I haven't had a cigarette since.
The point is, that where there is a true will, there is a way. If you really want to stop, really want to, you can, as Ed alluded to also, cold  turkey.

Charlie Weiss

Bill Brown

I was a cigarette smoker for about 15 hrs. My wife told me she would not marry me as long as I smoked. I went to a hypnotist and after leaving his office I haven't had a cigarette since. That was in 1978.

""The Turk" comes for all of us.  We just don't know when he will knock."


For those who have successfully quit smoking and haven't smoked in a long time:

When you see cigarettes or smell cigarette smoke, is the craving still there? Or are you repulsed by it? Or is it just kind of a neutral feeling?

Ed Vette

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 18, 2024, 07:24:24 AMFor those who have successfully quit smoking and haven't smoked in a long time:

When you see cigarettes or smell cigarette smoke, is the craving still there? Or are you repulsed by it? Or is it just kind of a neutral feeling?

Neutral. It seems that I'm never really around anyone that smokes or have been working in a situation where smoke overwhelmed the environment. So many people do not smoke in my area. I know in certain parts of the country that's not the case. I think more people smoke in the South. I've also never smelled pot smoke very often at all.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 18, 2024, 07:24:24 AMFor those who have successfully quit smoking and haven't smoked in a long time:

When you see cigarettes or smell cigarette smoke, is the craving still there? Or are you repulsed by it? Or is it just kind of a neutral feeling?

I smoked as a teen and when I was 21 years old, I quit cold turkey. I did not smoke again until I was divorced and in my forties. So I quit for about 24/25 years, and smelling smoke from others did not entice me. However, stress at work or home caused me to automatically reach in my shirt pocket as if there were cigarettes there. And my job was very stressful, going through a divorce was stressful, so always had that going on. I would also dream twenty years later that I was smoking and wake up in a cold sweat because I didn't want to ever go back

I was in my mid-forties in a golf tournament when the gnats were unbearable. The guys I was golfing with would light up when they were putting to keep them away. Like a fool, I said "gimmie one of those". All it took was one drag on a cigarette, and it was "gotcha". More powerful than any drug once that nicotine hit my blood stream. I've tried off and on to quit ever since, but I have far less willpower than I had when I was a younger man. And I agree, a terrible habit and it's more addicting than heroin from all I've read
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing