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Messages - Ed Vette

I was at that game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
BBH Archive / Re: Rate the Head Coach
December 23, 2015, 12:02:49 AM
So far this looks pretty even between stay or go.
BBH Archive / Rate the Head Coach
December 22, 2015, 09:33:41 AM
After two polls gauging the barometer of sentiment toward the OC and DC, it looks like both have majority support. If that's the case, at this point in the season what support if any is there for Tom Coughlin?
BBH Archive / Re: Rate The Coordinator: Steve Spagnuolo
December 21, 2015, 09:45:00 PM
Why did they change from dividing the carries to going with Jennings the last two games? Media criticism or by design?
BBH Archive / Re: Rate The Coordinator: Steve Spagnuolo
December 21, 2015, 09:41:42 PM
The last two games Jennings got the majority of carries and the running game improved. What was the reason or catalyst in the change?
BBH Archive / Rate The Coordinator: Steve Spagnuolo
December 21, 2015, 06:02:41 PM
Explain if you like.
BBH Archive / Rate The Coordinator: Ben McAdoo
December 21, 2015, 05:59:21 PM
Explain why if you like.
BBH Archive / NFT: Inviting Old Friends to Come Back
December 16, 2015, 04:09:35 PM
We have been sending an E-mail Newsletter to our Member base to reach out to some of the folks that haven't frequented the board in some time or have never posted and to feature Threads and Topics and extend Holiday Wishes.

Hopefully we can get some fresh insight and contribution to enhance our site and to replace some of the membership that we have lost through attrition for various reasons.

We ask that you all recognize when a new member posts or when someone returns after a long hiatus and accept them with patience and understanding as you would a long lost friend. Keep in mind a lot of the topics of conversation that have been hashed over the past months are completely new to them.

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 09, 2015, 03:34:36 PM
Q: What's the difference between the New York Giants and a dollar bill?
A: You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.

Q: How do you keep a New York Giant out of your yard?
A: Put up goal posts.

"My wife was about to put my son in a New York Giants jersey, but I reminded her it was a choking hazard."

"Giants Fan On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Giants fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Giants fans. Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?' Because I'm not a Giants fan,' she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Giants fan, then who are you a fan of?' 'I am a Patriots fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie please tell us why you are a Patriots fan?' "Because my mom is a Patriots fan, and my dad is Patriots fan, so I'm a Patriots fan too!" "Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no reason for you to be a Patriots fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was an idiot and your dad was a moron, what would you be then?' "Then," Janie smiled, 'I'd be a Giants fan.'

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 09, 2015, 03:27:54 PM
How many Running Backs does it take for the Giants to hit the century mark?

Five, because four ain't getting it done.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 09, 2015, 03:25:16 PM
I think Giants Fans at this point can use a few laughs.
Chalk Talk / Re: Under Further Review!
December 08, 2015, 09:33:02 PM
Article One
By: BayAreaGiant

I always find it interesting when a week-end goes by with a Giants loss and no one seems to blame the officials. It appears that the past week-end was just such an event. Although there were at least two calls that could be construed as going against the Giants (not including the silly challenge by Coughlin which would have only been two yards one way or the other), there were a significant number of non-calls that actually went in the Giants favor. The first was the 2 or 3 (or more) instances where JPP used his taped and padded arm to club the Jets tackle about the head and neck area. This should have been called each time and I would suspect that it well may be in future games once the officials get a chance to look at the tape. Next came the (almost) piling on penalty that could have been called on Moore as once again he was out of control and landed on a runner that was already down right in front of the Back Judge.  And finally there was a number of instances where Flowers could be seen holding on for dear life, especially with his left arm, but he was only called once as I remember.

The calls that went against the Giants were "hands to the face" call that was obviously wrong (I thought that it was interesting that the LJ was obviously not sure of the call based on the look on his face but finally decided to go with his initial judgment) and the placing of the ball after the DPI penalty down near the goal line which should have been closer to the 8 or 9 than the 12 yard line where it was actually placed.

The other calls (or non-calls) that raised questions were related to some of the antics  of Jets receiver Marshall. It appears that Marshall's swings at Giants DB's were considered to be normal "handfighting" although I do not agree. It will be interesting to see if the NFL office levies a fine for his actions in Sunday's game. 

One of the basic tenets of officiating is that you need to be prepared for just about anything on the field at any time. Two examples of this occurred in Sunday's Eagles - Patriots game. The first occurred on a kick-off when the Patriots kicker Gostkowski, after being handed the ball by the back judge (which starts the play clock), immediately pitched the ball back to safety Nate Ebner who (pooch) dropkicked the kickoff. A kickoff may be kicked by a placekick (using a tee is optional) or by a dropkick. The second play occurred when QB Tom Brady acted as if he was changing the play and re-aligning his wide receivers as he walked down the behind his offensive line only to have the ball snapped directly to a deep back who handed off to Amendola on a reverse who then threw a pass to Brady. (Had Brady taken the snap under center he would have been ineligible to receive a pass on the play.) It would be interesting to know whether these trick plays were discussed with the Referee during the pregame discussion or whether the crew just had to adjust on the fly. In any event, they are examples of the strange things that can happen in a game that the officials must be prepared to address.     

Finally, there was a situation that occurred in Monday night's game that reminds one that the old adage "the ground cannot cause a fumble" is not totally true. On the ill-advised punt return by LeSean Jackson near the end of the game, it appeared that his hand and wrist hit the ground with the ball in his hand and the contact caused the ball to come free. As a runner is not down until a part of his body other than his hand or foot hits the ground and as the wrist is considered part of the hand, Jackson was not considered to be down by contact and the ground may have caused him to fumble the ball. [It is noted that this play was so close that I believe that replay would have gone with whatever had been ruled on the field as the available views appeared to be inconclusive. However, on the play at least three of the officials threw their bean bags signifying that from their respective viewpoints, it was a fumble. A really tough call made in real time with various bodies flying around.]  So in this instance, it could be (correctly) said that the ground did cause a fumble.   
Chalk Talk / Under Further Review!
December 08, 2015, 09:32:08 PM
We are excited to announce that BayAreaGiant has agreed to post a weekly article that discusses the Officiating of Games in the National Football league. As you know he has extensive experience in this area at the Division I level and has put this experience to the study of the NFL Rule Book. After consulting with our Moderator Emeritus Group we decided to create a thread where BayAreaGiant can discuss the rules, game calls over a weekend that became controversial and to answer questions from our members. If you have a question that you would like BayAreaGiant to give his interpretation, send him a Personal Message. This will be a locked thread and not a discussion thread. He asked that I submit his first Blog that he prepared as we introduce this weekly feature. We hope you enjoy it!

"Welcome to the Big Blue Huddle where you can meet passionate and informed Fans of the New York Giants and Students of the game. The goal is to share information and discuss topics pertaining to our New York Giants and to reply to these topics in a civil give and take manner.

All messages made available as part of this discussion group (including any bulletin boards, PM Personal Messages and chat rooms) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of Big Blue Huddle (unless Big Blue Huddle is specifically identified as the author of the message). The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this Big Blue Huddle web site does not mean that Big Blue Huddle has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. We encourage visitors to the forum to report any objectionable message to the Moderation Team. This forum is not monitored 24/7. Posters are responsible for their own comments and behavior. You own what you write. All legal responsibility falls on the Author. The Owner/Owners of this Big Blue Huddle Website, its Administrators and Moderators are not responsible for any of the content posted here.

This isn't a debate board. If you disagree with someone's opinion you can respectfully introduce your take on the subject but never put down or attack the other Member. Good information and content is backed up by facts but if it's your opinion, you should state so. Everyone is a representative of this site. We do not disrespect the players, coaches or the organization.

If you would like to post an article, copy and paste a small portion of the article and then post the link to the original source. If it's a small article you can post it in it's entirety but alway post a link to the original author giving the original author credit. Not doing so can be considered a copyright infringement.   

We don't engage in discussions about Politics, Religion or Race issues however if you would like to post an occasional Current Event Topic start the Topic Title with NFT (Not Football Topic). This way it does not get broadcast out to our Social Media Sites such as Twitter or Facebook. At some point the thread may be moved to our Front Porch Board for further and more in depth conversation and leave more space on the front page to the football forum for what we are all here for, NY Giants Football.

We understand that this community is not for everyone. It's very unique and the manner in which it's moderated and content that is allowed is not up for discussion. We do things here a certain way and it's worked well for us since 2007. We have a group of volunteers that moderate the site and we have a seasoned group of Moderator Emeritus Members and Core Members who care very deeply about our community. Members often meet for Home Games, Away Games and for Get Togethers. Any Member with Hall Of Fame Status is welcome to to get involved.

Spamming of other sites or promoting other sites without approval is not permitted. Neither is overstating a point in numerous posts and threads or personal attacks and inappropriate remarks to other members. This includes violation of the PM Personal Message system. That includes general barbs where the message can be obviously intended to target a member. Membership is a privilege and can be revoked at any time.

If you have an issue with a post, kindly hit the NOTIFY icon at the bottom of the post and provide an explanation or send a personal message to one of our Moderators. There is one simple rule, Civility and Respect for each other, the players, Coaches, the Organization, the Officials and the League. Treat others with the respect you expect to be treated and never say something to someone you wouldn't say to their face."