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Topics - Slugsy-Narrows

To all members and admins:

After calming down and thinking about it I need to apologize to the members and admins for my comments to BF in response to his comments about me and my parenting.

What was said, was said in the heat of a moment and was just me lashing out verbally in which I should not have done.  I mean BF no harm at all!

I hope this caused no issues for anyone here and if it did, again I'm sorry as it was never my intent to cause anyone any harm or problems.

BF I'm sorry for the comment as well.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to set the record straight and a chance to apologize.

Wish you all a great game on Sunday!
BBH Baseball Board / Suggestion
January 02, 2023, 09:19:04 AM
Make this the baseball, hockey basketball forum??!!!
The Front Porch / Best Christmas ornament ever
October 27, 2022, 08:29:27 PM
Tis the season to be Jolly!

Make your own!!!

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Ok my inner geek is coming out for this post! Lol

I turn 50 in Oct.  started playing D& D back in the 4th grade. 

Played Basic, Advanced, 1st and 2nd Edition TSR D& D through High School and College. Now 5E.

In college just so happened that a few guys who lived in the same hallway as me (and become lifelong friends) also played and we gamed all through college and to this day together.

Once college ended obviously became harder to play living in different states but we got together occasionally and gamed.

The last 2 years almost now started playing 5E D& D (so never played 3, 3.5 or 4th edition). As we found a virtual platform we could all get on from different states and Game on. ( and we have gotten back into it.  We meet at least once a week when life allows and we picked back up where we left off all those years ago. (Still learning 5E rules as things have changed so much)

I mostly DM, but have a few characters I have developed and play as party members mostly as NPCs.  I have a Human Barbarian and a Elf Assasin/Cleric.

I am big on backstories and running games not from premade modules but my own games, based off the Forgotten Realms World and Lore.  I like to create games more as ongoing stories that build off each other as the characters grow and develop immersing them into that world as the hero's.  I run a world with a lot of magic and powerful strong items and creatures, I never understood under powered characters. 

So who here plays still?

Has played, but doesn't anymore?

What characters did/do you play?

What world did/do you play in?

Anyone interested in learning about it?

Anyone want to form a Giants D& D group and meet online and play?

Got any D& D stories to tell?

Would love to hear about it all as I got way more to tell but don't want the first post to be a NOVEL.

And if ya don't want to let your inner geek out in an open forum it's cool, shoot me a DM.

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The Front Porch / Funny Meme’s
April 01, 2022, 02:00:14 PM
Who doesn
To anyone who used to hunt but don
The Front Porch / Autistic School Fundraiser
February 22, 2022, 10:52:05 PM

My friend Odel is the Gym teacher at this school in Florida.

I am posting this for anyone who would want to donate to help the School.

This is a private school so funding is always appreciated!

If you could or would please copy the link, post on your social media or pages you belong to.

No donation is to small. 

Thanks to any who donate or post for us.

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This is an off year election!

No mid-Terms
Woodbridge Buddy Ball Fundraiser

Woodbridge Buddy Ball supports kids with special needs and gives them a place to play sports, parents to meet and share information and the kids to go out in the community together for events.

This organization have been giving my 2 autistic kids a place to play for years! 

This annual outing helps fund them throughout the year.  If you want to sponsor a golf hole it