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Re: Good (or bad) Movies PART 2

Started by LennG, January 23, 2017, 07:44:24 PM

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Lenny, it's just that I'm tired of all this "social commentary" BS.


Quote from: Vette on April 29, 2017, 07:30:20 PM
I liked that movie a lot. Lenn, I'm sure they took liberties in the script but think of where the setting was. You grew up in NY. Much different down there in that decade. Now they just whisper.

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Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't trying to make light of the time and problems. We all know about the 2 sets of bathrooms, the back of the bus and many problems we probably never even thought of. BUT, I just found that they over did some of the 'facts'. As I said, I did some research and if you want to see a great interview with Ms Johnson, go to YouTube and put her name in. You will see she admits that some of what was portrayed 9in the movie was, well, not very accurate. AGAIN, not making light of any civil rights problems.

That was my only fault to a very good movie.

Charlie Weiss


I'm in the process of watching "Silence."  Tough movie!!!!!

Ed Vette

Quote from: LennG on April 30, 2017, 12:42:37 PM

Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't trying to make light of the time and problems. We all know about the 2 sets of bathrooms, the back of the bus and many problems we probably never even thought of. BUT, I just found that they over did some of the 'facts'. As I said, I did some research and if you want to see a great interview with Ms Johnson, go to YouTube and put her name in. You will see she admits that some of what was portrayed 9in the movie was, well, not very accurate. AGAIN, not making light of any civil rights problems.

That was my only fault to a very good movie.

I spent some time working in Atlanta and Texas and that was in the 80's and 90's. I can't tell you how many times I heard someone make a comment off to the side about Yankee Jews and Niggers. I can imagine what went on in the workplace in the south before the Civil Rights Movement. I don't think they overdid it at all but I think they softened it. That's just my perspective. I certainly understand how it may have distracted you from what you enjoyed about the movie. You make a good point.
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Quote from: jimv on April 30, 2017, 02:12:14 PM
I'm in the process of watching "Silence."  Tough movie!!!!!

I finished it.  I don't recommend it to anyone who is not a Catholic of strong faith; combination of Scorcese & the Jesuits. ~X(  (Outstanding acting,)

Ed Vette

Quote from: jimv on May 01, 2017, 11:55:45 AM

I finished it.  I don't recommend it to anyone who is not a Catholic of strong faith; combination of Scorcese & the Jesuits. ~X(  (Outstanding acting,)

What's it about?
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


It's about the Japanese persecution of Christians in the 17th Century.

Ed Vette

Quote from: jimv on May 01, 2017, 01:06:28 PM
It's about the Japanese persecution of Christians in the 17th Century.

Why would not be recommended to someone not of strong catholic faith?
"There is a greater purpose...that purpose is team. Winning, losing, playing hard, playing well, doing it for each other, winning the right way, winning the right way is a very important thing to me... Championships are won by teams who love one another, who respect one another, and play for and support one another."
~ Coach Tom Coughlin


Quote from: Vette on May 01, 2017, 01:24:52 PM
Why would not be recommended to someone not of strong catholic faith?

Just my opinion.  I just don't trust Scorcese with an interpretation of the Catholic Faith.  And, I'm less than happy with the current day Jesuits.


So we finally sat down to watch what most people thought should have been the best picture of the year, 'La La Land', staring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. No need to go into too much detail as if you never heard of this movie, the rest may not be interesting.

La La Land is a movie made to sort of reminisce about the older days of Hollywood musicals in the 50's, where there is some sort of story but they break into song and dance at the drop of a hat.

So, my take. We liked the movie, but to say this was the bet picture of the year, WOW. As I just said, it was good, enjoyable (if you don't like Hollywood musicals, really don't bother) but it was just a bit of fluff, with no substance, not very good songs and just no where worthy of all the hype it has received.  Most of the Hollywood musicals of days gone by, usually had a big son or two in it, to help the movie along, this didn't. It just tried to capitalize on the fact that no one makes musicals anymore, and it succeeded in that.

Story wise, Gosling is 'old school' jazz musician, Stone is a wannabee actress. They meet, after some wrangling around, they date, fall in love. Careers separate them and do they end up back together, I'll leave that to you to watch the movie. Again, was it a bad movie, no way. We enjoyed it, but maybe after all the hype, I expected a bit more. I have seen movies worthy of Best Picture, which weren't even nominated. This one had all the hype and just didn't live up to it all.

It is for everyone. One or two curse words, but after that, it was like Hollywood in the 50's where the entire family goes to the movies to enjoy the show.

Charlie Weiss


Where to begin for this one???????????

As you all must know, myself (and Jim) are sort of movie purists, in that many times we find it hard to even like a movie that has been a remake of any sort of Hollywood classic. Many times i have written, just wondering why Hollywood would even think of remaking movies, that have become such classics, knowing they can never measure up to the 'real thing'.

So last night we sat down to watch the latest in a long line of movies titled King Kong. This one is the latest, "Kong: Skull Island"  starring, I guess, the most well know, was Samuel L. Jackson and several others who I might know, or might not.

As I said before, where to begin. The write up for this movie were good. My daughter saw it in the theater, and in 3-D, and she said it really needed that for it to really be effective. (I thought if a movie needs 3D to be effective, how good can it really be?) We saw it on our regular TV, so this review is based on that. Since I am so biased and to me nothing can match the original 1933 version. That is the REAL King Kong and no mater how hard Hollywood tries, it can never even come close to that masterpiece.

So this version. It takes place right after the Viet Nam War. They discover this uncharted Island (Skull Island) and they send the army and some scientists to scout it out. Of course there is the lady photographer (Fay Wray part). It is really hard to get into a story as the story is really does nothing towards the movie. It is the action, the special effects etc. But some parts are so silly it needs to be mentioned without giving too much away. Right for the beginning when they are going to Skull Island with a swarm of Helicopter, they encounter Kong. So instead of staying away and trying to do whatever they want to do from a distance, no they swarm all around his head so he can have his way with them. Even as they are trying to shoot him, they do so in close range so he can swat them away at will. Ridiculous.

Kong, as usual, is fascinated by the 'lady' but never really interacts with her. The action scenes are great, the evil creatures are stunning, and the battle Kong has with some of them are not to missed. I would assume in 3D it would be so much better, but for us it wasn't to be.

The movie itself is nothing like any of the other Kong movies made, storyline is completely different as they never have a desire to capture Kong and take him away. For me, the best character is a WWII pilot (John C Reilly) who has been on the island since he was shot down in 1944 and didn't even know who won the war. His scenes are just great.

OK, so overall, this movie wasn't made as a homage to King Kong, it was made for younger folks, who have no idea who or what King Kong was, and to capitalize on the many, many explosions and super great special effects. If I had to rate this movie, maybe a B-, or a C+ because it did have some super special effects and Jackson's and Reilly's performances were great. I would recommend this movie, even for 'purists' just to see what they can do to a real Hollywood classic. It can be for the entire family, but Kong can be scary for young children and the other creatures are scary also.

I did enjoy watching this movie as it was thrilling in many parts, but I also couldn't help always thinking of what Hollywood has done to a true Hollywood classic. Give me the 1933 version anytime overr any remake

Charlie Weiss


We are on a roll right now. WE wanted to watch the new release of Guardians of the Galaxy II, but we never saw the first one, so last night we sat down to watch 'Guardians of the Galaxy'  starring Chris Pratt and a bunch of known people who have minor roles. know I've said this several times over time, but I am usually not a big fan of Super hero type movies, and these type of comic book features. In fact, I usually avoid them as I feel they are more 'bubble gum' type of movies, if you know what I mean.

So, my son said he saw this flix and it wasn't too bad, so, as I said, we sat down to watch. There is simply now way I can describe the plot as in most movies like this, the plot is the least of the movie. Several people are after this orb and do spectacular things to get it and it's amazing power. I know this movie, when it came out, was a 3D movie, as most action movies are these days and you can see, watching it, how many things are sort of thrown around to give a good 3D effect. So, my opinion, it was fluff. I enjoyed it somewhat as a light amusing movie. I am a huge wrestling fan, and one of the main characters is Batista, from the WWE. AND, if you can get behind this fox/racoon (or whatever he was) as a super hero type, you will like it a lot more. In fact, I found his character to be the best in the movie (and the tree also). (You have to see it to understand this)

There is plenty of action, great special effects and very colorful. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has interest in these type of movies and, of course, it is really for any age. (there are a few references to curse words, but that is all)

So, overall, I did enjoy the movie, but if I never sw it, I probably wouldn't miss not seeing it. But, we now will watch Part 2 of this saga.

Charlie Weiss


Lenny, I just read your review of the latest "King Kong" movie.  I don't know how I missed it until today!  Anyway, your review  will certainly keep me away from it!

The trouble with that movie is the BIG trouble with most movies these days; they're all about computer special effects, blowing up things, etc. :boooo: :boooo: :boooo:  Special Effects masters like Willis O'Brien (who DID the '33 version) were GREAT!!!  The new guys should just sop meddling with the Classics.  The original KK WAS interested with the lady.  It WAS " who killed the beast."



We were watching some movie on TCM and Ben Mancowitz (SP) came on afterwards and said something I really thought was great. He said that in Hollywood's 'Golden Age' movies had to  have a great story,great writing and great acting as they didn't have anything to blow up.

So really true.

Charlie Weiss

Jolly Blue Giant

Quote from: LennG on May 21, 2017, 11:10:52 AM

We were watching some movie on TCM and Ben Mancowitz (SP) came on afterwards and said something I really thought was great. He said that in Hollywood's 'Golden Age' movies had to  have a great story,great writing and great acting as they didn't have anything to blow up.

So really true.

That made me laugh because it's so true. Today all you need is - near death experience, car chase, hot woman shows up, fist fight with overwhelming odds, car chase, something blows up, motorcycle chase, hot woman shows some serious skin, another near death experience, car chase....
The fact that Keith Richards has outlived Richard Simmons, sure makes me question this whole, "healthy eating and exercise" thing