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Messages - katkavage

Quote from: jimmyz on May 12, 2021, 03:48:34 PM
Trump was the hate magnet that exposed the media for its obvious bias.  You dont have to like Trump to see that.

The media bias swings both ways, my friend. Just turn on Fox or Newsmax these days and you'll see plenty of hate magnets.
Quote from: jimmyz on May 12, 2021, 04:44:01 PM
CDC says 10% of transmissions occurred outdoors. 

Bull$h!t.  More like 0%

Amazing how a naturally occurring virus managed to be transmitted from a wild animal to a human, but only indoors.  What are the odds?  CDC says 10%.
I'm not sure it was zero percent, Jimmy, but it was very very low. I agree. The media and the CDC never balanced Covid. Fear was mongered. But part of the problem was the denier in chief who made it even worse and made mask-wearing seem as if it made his followers weak. Seriously, such a sacrifice. It was all about common sense from the get go. Masks indoors. Avoid large crowds outdoors. Do that and you would be good.
The Front Porch / Re: The Assault on Democracy
May 09, 2021, 06:01:55 AM
Bob and I are having a discussion here. Though he did insult me for watching too much TV. I won't behead him for that. We are adults. We can handle our disagreements.
The Front Porch / Re: The Assault on Democracy
May 08, 2021, 02:44:35 PM
Quote from: Bob In PA on May 08, 2021, 09:28:05 AM
Rich: OK, in the interest of avoiding further deliberation on THAT, I'll address the original post. 

There was a time the Republican party stood up for democracy. No more.  This is just political pap.  Meaningless.  Both sides say the same about each other EVERY DAY. 

They are a clear minority in terms of numbers and that has them in a panic mode.  In case you don't know, the Democrats are also a minority. Numbers of independents grow daily.  There is no majority party.

So they align themselves with a man who is a habitual liar and abandon their core principles. This also applies to Joe Biden.  If you can't see how or why, then you are a lost cause, a victim of the mainstream media.

And now they are trying to limit voting access....  They ARE trying to limit voting access... by dead people, non-citizens, people who vote more than once, and anyone else not entitled to vote.

It is apparent, they no longer believe in democracy. Sad and a very danger to the future of our country.  More pap.  Meaningless. You watch too much TV.


Bob, you are smooth. Were/are you a salesman? Because you do know how to try to sell. No matter if what you are selling his junk.

Limiting voting rights because of bogus allegations spread by propaganda media like Fox and Newmax that dead people are voting is absurd. You know very well why they are limiting access to voting for many. Don't even go there, Bob. You are "watching too much TV."

When is the last time a Republican won the popular vote to the White House. Almost 20 years now. And the gap is growing. Independents are closer aligned to democrats thanks to the silly social wars the Republicans continue to press proving they are a thing of the past.

Did I miss something. Joe Biden lied about an election? He led his followers to storm the U.S. Capital. Guess I missed that.

When you try to limit democracy; when you care more about allegiance to a man than to principles, you are going against what the founders envisioned about America. Sad but true. Thankfully I don't have to watch much TV, at least political, these days with the lunatic tweets stifled.

The Front Porch / The Assault on Democracy
May 06, 2021, 11:27:48 AM
There was a time the Republican party stood up for democracy. No more. They are a clear minority in terms of numbers and that has them in a panic mode. So they align themselves with a man who is a habitual liar and abandoned their core principles. And now they are trying to limit voting access in hopes to quell what they have lost in numbers. It is apparent, they no longer believe in democracy. Sad and a very danger to the future of our country.
The Front Porch / Re: Database of "Canceled" People
April 28, 2021, 12:09:04 PM
Quote from: squibber on April 28, 2021, 09:17:49 AM
I got into a heated political discussion on Facebook with a conservative friend. I consider myself moderately liberal.

The Front Porch / Re: NFT/NGT: Leaving Afghanistan
April 23, 2021, 10:59:57 AM
It's because they use the "unpatriotic" line to strike fear in all rival politicians. Our military hardware is ridiculous. No country can even come close to what we possess. Yet so much of it is useless. Intelligence and cyber defense (so much cheaper) how wars will be fought and won in the future. The days of heavy artillery are coming to an end.
The Front Porch / Re: NFT/NGT: Leaving Afghanistan
April 21, 2021, 11:54:36 AM
The corruption and bloat in the defense budget is draining other much needed resources. Infrastructure could be funded by the waste in defense that just lines the pockets of contractors. Health care could be funded with the same bloat. Yet you rarely hear any politician, right or left, speak up about it.
Quote from: Bob In PA on April 14, 2021, 12:05:48 PM
kat: That is one way to look at it.  Another is to ask why the Democrats (in the last election) changed the laws (or rules and regulations, etc.) in PA, MI, WI, etc., but didn't do so in NY, CA, IL, etc. 

There are two sides to every political coin. I don't mind (AT ALL) a person who sees both sides and THEN makes his or her choice. 

That is a person's right as an American citizen, so I respect whatever choice they make after considering the arguments of the competing parties.


All that is true in terms of our choices. But the easier it is to get more people to vote is always a very good thing for democracy. Making it harder for whatever clerical reason is not good for democracy.
Now I see Michigan republicans in the statehouse want to change their voting laws? How come we don't see republicans in, say, Alabama...or Oklahoma...or Utah...rushing to change their voting laws? Funny how it is. You lose, you have to change the rules of the game. At least that's what the Republicans are doing. But they are losing the game anyway. It's a lost cause, really, for them.
Again, we can discuss this and get heated, but the line has to be when there are personal attacks. I feel a thread should not be shut down if one individual can't follow the basic principle of not attacking his fellow poster personally for his opinion. Just block that person and we can move on.

As for the topic at hand, there is still is no honest answer as to why any of these laws are now being introduced. We know that there was no fraud in the last election. That has been proved ad nauseum. So why now? And why in these particular states? Answer please?
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
January 24, 2021, 12:10:00 PM
Small Axe on Amazon Prime. I hear Lupin on Netflix is real good. That's next.
Careful, Painter, stay on topic. Don't dare drift from football despite the state of the world, your thread will be closed. We are too immature to discuss matters beyond the football field, it seems. Anyway, how about that Nick Saban?
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
December 18, 2020, 12:14:22 PM
The writer/comedian who created Everybody Loves Raymond goes around the world and eats. Sort of like Anthony Bourdain, but not as dark.
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
December 17, 2020, 12:44:45 PM
Feed Phil on Netflix. A nice reminder of days past when you could travel the world and eat with strangers.