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Topics - Giant Obsession

The Front Porch / The Caine Mutiny
August 17, 2024, 07:25:41 AM
I have dickered with myself about posting this for almost 2 years here goes.

In the movie, based on the book by Herman Wouk, there is a scene around the 1 hour 17 minute mark that has confounded me and I have tried researching thru the internet until I am cross eyed.

The scene takes place aboard the aircraft crat, which is docked, commanded by Admiral Bull Halsey, who is in charge of Pacific Operations.

The 3 officers from the Caine go to see Halsy to report what they believe to be the danger Captain Queeg is to their shop.

At this time the carrier flight deck is loaded with the crew from the carrier for some reason (not material to my question).   

Now here comes my query for you.  A voice comes over the P.A. dismissing them to return to I am summing their duties or maybe sme type of leave.

That voice....over the P.A. I swear is the voice of Marty Glickman.  It is uncredited and I can not find out searching hundreds of stories on the net.  It remains a mystery to me.... one that has driven me to the edge. 

If you have to ask who Marty Glickman is "shame on you :) I feel confident the "veterans" are getting a chuckle by now.

Does anyone know the answer ??

Even if you have no idea about all this, every one of you should become familiar at the very least with Mr. Glickman.

As to the movie as I said it is based on a book by Herman Wouk,  one of the greatest American writers i.m.o.  And the movie is a classic with an all star cast, many in very minor roles, starring Humphrey Bogart and Van Johnson and Fred MacMurray as you have never seen him.

Anyway I feel better having dumped this on all of you for help.  I can not find the answer anywhere.

Thank you all for taking the time and allowing me to unburden :)   Mike
Big Blue Huddle / Preseason QB rotation
June 02, 2024, 10:13:13 PM
IMO no longer do we have the luxury of blowing off the last preseason game by resting all the starters.

Face it, we have 3 QB's and NO honest idea of who will/might lead us. Factor in for you DJ fans what IF he is not ready.  I realize he is the default starter, but he needs work, lots of work.  Not the kind of work you get in practice (where you make few if any reads) or playing one series in the first 2 preseason games.  And let's not even factor in him getting comfortable with his NEW offensive line and receivers.

So how would you handle all of this ?? Who plays when and for how long  ??  And should it affect the pecking order as to who is the starter each of these 3 weeks ??

Me???  We have no designated #1, every one gets a half minimum each of the first 2 preseason games. And no sticking it to #3 by playing with camp fodder that will be cut on Monday.
I mean cmon 85 players dressing and getting appreciation time for PS game 3 ????  When you already know as coaches who a solid 15 - 20 cuts will be. 

We need competition.  We need answers.  Injuries happen, be it preseason or inseason, so that can not enter into our thinking at this point.  We need players and cohesion. 

And we need it before 40 - 0 or when we are 1 - 7 at midseason.

Back in the day (the 50's and 60's) preseason games 5 and 6 (yes Virginia we played 6 of those boogers) were treated as dress rehearsel games for the regular season.  Starters players and a lot.  They viewed it as a springboard into the regular season.
Not sure I understand the new KO, but from everything I have read it will place the person who kicks off more in a position of involvement in runback prevention than the olden days of touchbacks.

So surely we do not want to put Gano in that position and go thru multiple kickers via injury.

And since all these blowhard HC and GM's rave about what fine athletes these players are I am hoping Coach Sparky is at least thinking ahead to protecting Gano and find 1 or 2 guys who would be on the 53 anyway.   Actually I doubt it but then I believe a box of rocks is on a parallel plane with our HC.

But I digress, any candidates jump to mind at this point.  Because face it, coaches in the league will not hesitate to pass on the opportunity to disable the other teams PK given the opportunity.  And now the opportunity will exist in spades.
Big Blue Huddle / Thomas McGaughey
February 13, 2024, 12:13:50 AM
Hired by Tampa Bay as their special teams coach.

I feel safe in saying he was despised here but like our OL coach had little trouble in finding employment.

My point in posting this is let's face it the Giants have been bottom 5 talent in this league for quite a while.   Since special teams is usually made up of reserve players occasionally mixed in with a couple of starters what do we really expect or have a right to expect insofar as special teams performance on a team void of quality talent at the bottom of the roster ???

The old saying "no matter how hard you polish manure it ain't gonna shine" comes to mind.

Heck for the last 5 years except for late this season we treated the position of punt returner like poison ivy.  Kickoff returner is a vanished part of the game.  Gano when healthy is easily top ten and our punter is at least acceptable though I would beat the bushes looking to upgrade.

In other words for all those on here who called for his head ...why ??  Not looking to be argumentative here, just wondering what did we have a right to expect given the lack of talent rosterwise ??
The Front Porch / Bone on Bone Knee Pain
July 29, 2023, 12:38:04 AM
As I near 70 I am now experiencing the uneven thinned out remaining cartilage in both of my knees and the resulting pain, especially in my left knee. 
I will try and work thru this with my chiropractor before hitting the orthopedic side of medicine.  We start Monday.

Of course I have been pounding the old R.I.C.E. for the last 3 weeks with minimal results.

Can anyone recommend a really good specific brace (OMG there seem to be hundreds) and /or a good analgesic balm for some relief.  I have tried DMSO and all the otc stuff with no positive results.  I realize kneecap replacement may ulutimately lie in the weeds waiting for me but until that time how do you all feel about joint supplements, injections to replace cartilage, etc.

Thanks for any help.

Everyone runs to Mays' catch against the Indians in '54.

Or Sandy Amoros robbing Yogi Bear in Game 7 of the '55 Series.

Hardly ever mentioned is Joe Rudi climbing the wall in '72 to rob Denis Menke of the Reds in '72.

But for my money, and never mentioned is Paul O'Neill's grab in the 9th inning of Game 5 of the 1996 World Series against Atlanta.  Leading by 1 and Atlanta with 2 runners on if the O'Neill does not catch the deep drive Atlanta wins ad grabs the Series lead at 3 games to two.  Most amazing to me is the ball is past O'Neill, who was on on a dead run.

Rudi's catch ....

O'Neill's catch .....

The Front Porch / OMG
April 15, 2022, 10:40:05 PM
WHO is the huckleberry broadcasting the Yankee game tonight in Baltimore on YES.

He has a voice made for the PA system at county softball games.

Must be Michaelk kay's relative :)
Tex Maule, one of the best sportswriters ever, reports on the 1963 NFL Championship (there was no Super Bowl until after the '66 season).
A bittersweet read and ending, nonetheless a part of our history.

Imagine a game of such magnitude where 2 TD drives that totaled 13 yards were the only points you give up and yet could not be overcome by one of the most powerful offenses in the league.
This actually a documentary on his life.  Unlike a lot of documentaries though it feathers out to include in some detail the people who intersected his life.

It is unlike most documentaries I have ever seen and the narrator is like listening to your grandfather  leaning back in his rocking chair smoking his pipe, and keeping you transfixed on his every word.

I wish I could give a better description but all I can say is I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I hope you will also.
First, I love Joe Torre, the player, the manager, the man. 

Such justice for him that many managers never receive to get to manage a club with TALENT.

And he very ably guided those teams except for a blip or two...the midges and the '04 collapse..

Anyway, ever since the Yanks announced they were retiring his No. 6 it has been like a dagger to me.

You see there was ANOTHER No. 6, not so long ago.   A Number 6 who was on 2 World Series winners.  A number 6 who before that played at least 10 -12 years on Yankee teams that bordered on awful.  And was an exemplary player with a career avg. of 271.  And would lead the league in walks one year and set a record for sacrifice flies the next.  His only flaw was a middlin' throwing arm, yet he would lead the AL four consective years in fielding average.

Now these are not blow you away stats, but pretty damn good stuff on a team that rarely reached .500 in over a decade.  Yes, Mr. Torre had quite a nice run as a pinstripe manager, but for me the other number 6 had as equally impressive a run as a player during the Dark Ages most Yankee fans never want to talk about.

And it will forever be a blot on the Yankees and even Mr. Torre (who in my world should have insisted) that ROY WHITE is not honored in the same manner as the number 6 who hangs on the wall in Monument Park.

Thank you for letting me get this out, it has been festering for quite a while. 
I got hooked big time back in the late 90's as the internet really took off.

I met Y.A. tittle at a card show and got his autograph on a mini helmet and on the famous Berman photo.

I met Fran Tarkenton back in 1968 at a sports breakfast for the Winchester, VA Apple Blossom Festival.  He autographed 2 pictures which still hang in my den.  An aside, Fran was 28 years old and believe me a more polished prfessional speaker you have never seen.  While he told a few stories his talk was about fathers and sons, not a normal jock speech.  50 years later he is still and always will be my favorite football player.

My nephews gave me as a gift years ago Mr. Tarkenton's rookie card which I have in a lucite block.  Never had it graded but it looks to be a 9.

And my final act in collecting I have every card from the Giants years 1961 - 1990.  After that, I quit cold turkey as the amount of companies producing card mushroomed overnight.
First I can not stand this guy as a manager.  Overloyal to declining vets, terrible lineup placements, destroyer of bullpen arms, but I digress.

Today he makes the statement that if he were commissioner he would outlaw defensive shifts.

WHAT ????  :doh:

Hey Joe, why not teach, demand, and in general manage your team to counterattack these shifts.

Bunts (the regular kind)....bunts to vacated areas....hit the other way (I.E.  Tex, Arod et al), stolen bases.

Just manage the game Joe, don't change it, you ain't that smart.

Oh, and by the way, when Ellsbury is hurt or out of the lineup (usually 50 to 60 games), play Gardner in center and Hicks in left field.  That way Gardner is not reaching across his body for the gap shots that seem to get launched out there more and more frequently.

And c'mon Joe..C.C. Sabathia...if he was a horse he would have been put down 2 years ago.

And don't even get me started on Chase Headley.
Giants History / Tom Coughlin -- A Football Life
January 13, 2015, 09:12:52 AM
Never doubt who we have leading us into 2015.  The coaching leadership we have is without compare.  Time does not pass this man by, it just intensifies the already concrete resolve to winning. 

Whatever problems the New York Giants may have.....our Head Coach is not it.

Don't know how long this link will be active, but enjoy it while you can.
2001 -- While a nondescript type of season for the Blue, they did have their biggest comeback ever against Dallas.  Trailing 24 - 7 at the half at Giants Stadium, the Giants thrilled the fans with 2 Kerry Collins 2nd half TD passes and a 40 yard FG by Morton Anderson to send the game into OT. Midway through OT Anderson drilled a 42 yard game winner for a 27-24 victory.  Now, these were not your Father's Cowboys.  Jimmy Johnson had departed and they were QB'd in the game by Clint Stoerner and Ryan Leaf.  Nevertheless, it was a great win over an adversary that had handled them most favorably over the years.

2002 -- A rare sweep of the Cowboys who would go on to finish 5-11 was enjoyed that season.  A 4th quarter touchdown pass from Kerry Collins to Marcellus Rivers delivered the win in Texas, 21-17.   Then in mid December a rare route was delivered by the Blue in a game that featured 4 rushing TD's and 3 Matt Bryant FG's, 37-7. 

2003 -- In what would prove to be Jim Fassel's final Giants season as coach the Giants would be swept by a familiar face coaching the Cowboys, Bill Parcells.  The 1st game proved to be particularly crushing as the Giants snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  Trailing 20-7 at the half at the Stadium, the Giants mounted a furious 4th quarter comeback to lead 32-29 with 11 seconds left on Matt Bryant's 30 yard FG.  But then in an effort to minimize a long return Bryant kicked the ensuing kickoff out of bounds, giving Dallas the ball at their own 40, still with 11 seconds left.  One completion later, Billy Cundiff nailed a 52 yd. FG at the gun to signify OT.  Six minutes later Cundiff would again hit from 25 and the Giants were left shaking their heads while their old mentor had a victory in his inaugural meeting as Cowboys honcho.

2004 -- New coach Tom Coughlin took the measure of his mentor twice that season.  And in the second game, played at the Stadium his new QB Eli Manning displayed the coolness of a seasoned vet in driving the Giants to a last second win.
Watch and enjoy...........
NY Giants Game Winning Drives - 2004 vs Cowboys

2007 -- After being outplayed twice in the regular season by Dallas, the Giants rode into Dallas for a 2nd round playoff game.  This game does not need my it.
Giants Vs Dallas 2007 Divisional Playoffs

2009 -- In a truly disappointing 8-8 season, the highlight of the season had to be in Week 2 as the Giants travelled to Dallas for the inaugural home game in Jerry Jones' brand new Cowboys Stadium.  Before 105,000 in a back and forth scoring melee Lawrence Tynes nailed at 37 yard FG at the gun for a 33-31 win, spoiler Jones big day.  Below the scoring for the game..................

Scoring Summary
1st Quarter NYG Dal
NYG FG 6:01 FG Lawrence Tynes 30 3 0
Dal TD 10:49 Marion Barber 2 run (Nick Folk Kick) 3 7
NYG TD 12:14 Bruce Johnson 34 interception return (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 10 7
2nd Quarter NYG Dal
NYG FG 1:29 FG Lawrence Tynes 28 13 7
Dal TD 5:56 Jason Witten 1 pass from Tony Romo (Nick Folk Kick) 13 14
NYG TD 14:14 Mario Manningham 22 pass from Eli Manning (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 20 14
Dal FG 14:59 FG Nick Folk 47 20 17
3rd Quarter NYG Dal
Dal TD 11:28 Tony Romo 3 run (Nick Folk Kick) 20 24
4th Quarter NYG Dal
NYG TD 1:36 Steve Smith 22 pass from Eli Manning (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 27 24
NYG FG 7:23 FG Lawrence Tynes 36 30 24
Dal TD 11:20 Felix Jones 7 run (Nick Folk Kick) 30 31
NYG FG 15:00 FG Lawrence Tynes 37 33 31

The Giants would go on to sweep the season series that year winning at the Stadium 31-24, key by Domenik Hixon's 79  yard punt return in the 4th quarter.
Domenik Hixon Punt Return TD

2010 -- In late October, what was becoming the new norm for Cowboy-giants games occurred...a shootout. Highlights...
NFL 2010 season seventh week of the New York Giants vs Dallas Cowboys Highlights

2011 -- In a crucial must win game for the Giants, they defeated the Cowboys 37-34 at Cowboys Stadium by riding Eli Manning's 400 yard passing day to the victory.  The Giants made up a 12 point 4th quarter deficit which was not decided until Jason Pierre-Paul blocked the Cowboys attempt at a game tying FG as time expired.

Then 3 short weeks later the two teams assembled with the winner taking home the Division crown and the loser vanquished from playoff qualification.  New years Day and MetLife stadium was the setting, the scoring below......
Scoring Summary
1st Quarter Dal NYG
NYG TD 10:03 Victor Cruz 74 pass from Eli Manning (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 0 7
2nd Quarter Dal NYG
NYG TD 1:33 Ahmad Bradshaw 5 run (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 0 14
NYG TD 13:51 Ahmad Bradshaw 10 pass from Eli Manning (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 0 21
3rd Quarter Dal NYG
Dal TD 8:06 Laurent Robinson 34 pass from Tony Romo (Dan Bailey Kick) 7 21
4th Quarter Dal NYG
Dal TD 4:45 Laurent Robinson 6 pass from Tony Romo (Dan Bailey Kick) 14 21
NYG FG 9:15 FG Lawrence Tynes 28 14 24
NYG TD 11:19 Hakeem Nicks 4 pass from Eli Manning (Lawrence Tynes Kick) 14 31

2012 -- October 28 at Cowboys Stadium was the last victory enjoyed by the Giants in this rivalry.  And again another 4th quarter comeback that resulted in 2 Lawrence Tynes FG's proved the difference.  In victory the Giants were able to overcome Tony Romo's 437 passing yards by intercepting him 4 times, sacking him 4 times, and recovering 2 fumbles.
A late Dallas touchdown was overturned when it was ruled part of Dez Bryant's hand was out of the end zone and his hand had landed first before his body.

In Tom Coughlin's career with the Giants he is 12-9 against the 'Boys which includes their only playoff meeting.  The Giants lost both games in the 2013 season and are looking to reverse that starting this week
Giants History / HISTORY -- Vs. Dallas Cowboys Part TWO
October 17, 2014, 12:51:29 AM
With the introduction of the George Young administration  in 1979 Dallas and New York started to wear the look of a rivalry, mainly because of smart drafting which included Young's first draft choice Phil Simms (7th pick of the draft) and 2 years later grabbing Lawrence Taylor with the 2nd pick in the draft.

1979 -- The season started typically enough as the Giants dropped their first 5 games as Phil Simms was kept on the bench garnering exposure to the pro game.  But at 0-5, coach Ray Perkins decided the time had come for his raw rookie from 1-AA Morehead State to earn his chops.  The Giants immediately ripped off 4 wins in a row and a buzz emanated from the faithful that had been a long time coming.  With a chance to even their record and possibly project themselves into the playoff race, the Giants faced Dallas in early November at Giants Stadium.  When Billy Taylor took a pass from Simms from 23 yards out in the 4th quarter the Giants lead 14-6 and hopes were running high. 
But Roger Staubach lead 2 long drives which resulted in a TD and then a late FG and the Giants flirtation with a fairy tale came crashing.  They would finish the season at 6-10.

1981 -- Sitting with a record of 6-7 and their starting quarterback disabled with a broken collarbone, it appeared the Giants and their faithful would have to be satisfied with a season that showed slow steady improvement on offense and the emergence of a rookie LB, Lawrence Taylor and his defensive cohorts who would rank 3rd in defense by season's end.  But wins in Weeks 14 and 15 left them in line for a playoff berth as Dallas came in having already clinched the division.  A victory over Dallas on Saturday and a Green Bay loss to the cross-town Jets on Sunday would fulfill that hope.

It was a windy, chilly Saturday matinee at Giants Stadium that provided the venue for the Giants FIRST hopeful playoff qualification since 1963.  It was a fiercely fought contest...scoreless at the half because usually reliable Giants placekicker Joe Danelo had missed 2 short FG attempts.  But early in the 3rd quarter backup, now starting QB Scott Brunner hit TE Tom Mullady with a 20 yard TD pass and the 7-0 lead held for the rest of the quarter.  Then Dallas pulled their typical late game 4th quarter magic and with 2 minutes left the Giants trailed 10-7 and were left with trying to attain FG range with a drive into a 20 m.p.h. wind.
Brunner nibbled his way down the field setting Danelo up for a 40 yard attempt as the final seconds ticked own.  This time Danelo nailed it and overtime awaited.
The Giants needed to win, a tie would eliminate them and they dominated the overtime with a stifling defense.  Their first drive after a Dallas punt resulted in another missed FG by Danelo, his 3rd of the day.  The defense promptly got the ball back on an interception by Byron Hunt.  Two first downs later and Danelo planted his kick between the uprights and the Giants were halfway home to a playoff appearance with a 13-10 victory.  The next day the Jets throttled the Packers and 18 years of frustration and despair were vindicated.
Go to the 3 minute mark for highlights of both games........
New York Jets - New York Giants 1981

1985 -- Firmly entrenched as a contender in Bill Parcells' 3rd year the Giants came into Texas Stadium in Week 15 with a chance to claim their first Division Championship since 1963.  They were tied with The Cowboys at 9-5 and the winner would claim the division title.  In a game the Giants would dominate offensively turnovers would prove their undoing.  First Downs 25-13 Giants....Yards 396-273 Giants....4 sacks and an interception of 3 Dallas quarterbacks.  Yet with Jim Jeffcoat's 65 yard interception return tying the game in the 2nd quarter, the Giants were unable to ever regain the lead and would fall 28-21.  Again, their path to the playoffs was as a wildcard.

1993 -- The rivalry hit a benign stretch mostly due to the demise of the Cowboys. By this season Jimmy Johnson had replaced Tom Landry as head coach for Dallas and Dan Reeves had surfaced as the Giants new coach and was in his inaugural season.  When the two teams met in Week 16, the divisional title was on the line, the loser would go the wildcard route.  The Giants relied on an efficient offense and the last vestiges of a defense born in the early '80's. This was to be Lawrence Taylor's last regular season game.
Dallas bolted to a 13-0 lead but a Jarrod Bunch TD plunge and 2 David Treadwell FG's lead this game to overtime tied at 13.  Dallas Eddie Murray connected from 41 yards out midway through OT and the Giants wildcard fate was sealed.

2000 -- In a surprising year which would propel them to the Super Bowl, the Giants first big step was clinching their division.  To accomplish this they would have to defeat a pesky Dallas team at Texas Stadium.  Fired up to be a spoiler this time, the Cowboys throttled the Giants in the first half and lead 13-0.  Then in a tale of 2 games within a game, Kerry Collins hit Amani Toomer from 33 yards out and Tiki Barber added a 13 yard TD run in the 4th quarter to finally give the Giants a lead they would not relinquish en route to a 17-13 victory.  But this game belonged to the defense, which held the Cowboys to 145 total yards and garnered 5 sacks, an interception and recovered 2 fumbles.  Additionally they held HOF running back Emmitt Smith to 46 yards on 24 carries.  It was to be the last road game of the season until they travelled to Tampa for Super Bowl 35.
BBH Baseball Board / Buck Showalter -- Playoff exit
October 16, 2014, 12:31:24 PM
I loved watching Buck "Mr. Notebook" Showalter getting bounced from the playoffs again.  Little twerp really thought he could power play the Yankees back in '95 for a new contract by quitting.  Now every night he gets to dream of the 5 World Series rings Torre has, not to mention all the perks like possible HOF, retired number, etc he might have enjoyed.  I still blame him for the Seattle loss...use your closer and take your chances.  Black Jack McDowell was toast waiting to be eaten.
The Dallas Cowboys came into the league in 1960.  They played their first 11 years at the Cotton Bowl.  They were coached by former New York Giant player and defensive coordinator Tom Landry, who would go on to coach them the first 28 years of their existence.

Overall, the series is lead by Dallas and stands at 42-59-2.  they have met once in the playoffs, a game won by the Giants.

At first glance, this appears to be a rather benign rivalry, compared to the Eagles and Redskins.  But there is much woven into the fabric of this rivalry.  Most obvious is Dallas very first head Coach -- Tom Landry.  He was a player drafted out of Texas who played his whole career with the Giants as a DB and fill in Punter.  He retired from playing in 1955, but prior to that 2 years earlier was named an assistant of the last player/coaches in football.  Upon retirement he was immediately named Defensive Coordinator. 
If you combine their records...3 coaches who served as Defensive Coordinators for the New York Giants have accounted for 625 wins and 7 Super Bowl victories....Landry, Parcells, and Belichick.

In their inaugural season of 1960, the Cowboys were to finish 0-11-1 (last year of the 12 game schedule).  But that tie came late in November at Yankee Stadium on a late Dallas TD pass to finish the game at 31 all. 

1961 -- In a season where they won 4 games, their last victory of the season was again at Yankee Stadium.  An Allen Green 32 yd. FG in the 4th quarter defeated the eventual Eastern Conference Champion Giants.  the Giants would finish at 10-3-1.

As the Giants finished 1962 and 1963 again as Eastern Division Champions, they dispatched Dallas with relative ease.  But then the worm turned.  The Giants were about to enter their "Dark Ages" in 1964 winning only 2 games, while Dallas kept steadily improving winning 10 games by 1966 and playing in the NFL championship.  That same year the Giants won once, and were defeated by Dallas by scores of 52-7 and 17-7.   In fact, from 1964 thru their first meeting in 1980, the Cowboys were 26-4-1...a winning percentage of .854.  In those 31 games the Giants average 12.6 points/game as what had become known to football as the "Doomsday Defense".

Needless to say, the 2 teams through those years never played a "key" game against each other.  But, for Giant fans there were 3 games of interest...2 seemed significant at the time and 1 had surrounding events which affected the Giants and Cowboys for years to come.

1968 -- The Giants came into the game with a 5-3 record trailing the Capitol Division leading Cowboys by 2 games.  This early November game with a season ending December meeting at The Stadium still to come was the Giants ultimate chance to make inroads in the division.  Fran Tarkenton opened the scoring with a 22 yard scramble TD run in the first quarter and early in the 2nd quarter safety Bruce Maher picked off Don Meredith returning it 89 yards to the 5 yard line. Tarkenton followed up 1 play later with a TD toss to Joe Morrison.  Dallas answered back  with Meredith TD passes to Lance Rentzel and Bob Hayes to tie the score at 14 at the half.  midway through the 3rd quarter Tarkenton caught the Cowboys in a blitz at his own 40 and hit Homer Jones on a quick slant for a 60 yard TD an the Giants never trailed again winning 27-21 and pulling within a game of Dallas for the division lead. 
While the Giants would win the next week to take their record to 7 - 3, they would suffer a heartbreaking defeat to the Rams in Los Angeles the next week and limp home with a 7-7 record.  Dallas loss to the Giants would be the last game they would lose that year as they finished at 12-2.

1970 -- Again, an early November game  -- this time at the Stadium found the 4-3 Giants facing the 5-2 Cowboys.  The Giants circumstances are what gave this game even added importance.  After adding a speedy, shifting halfback named Ron Johnson to the team via trade and having retooled their offense the previous season, this was the best Giant team in the last 7 years, or so the pundits thought.  They immediately opened the season falling into an 0-3 hole, one of the losses coming on a referee mistake in New Orleans.  Undaunted, the Giants righted their ship and won their next 4 games to bring us to this contest.
A Tucker Frederickson fumble and a staunch Dallas defense gave the Cowboys a 17-6 lead late in the 2nd quarter.  But then Tarkenton lead a skillful 2 minute drill to get the Giants to the edge of FG territory...the Dallas 47.  With seconds remaining Pete Gogolak kicked his personal best 54 yard FG on the final play of the half to close the gap to 17-9 and provide what seemed an emotional lift as the players poured forth in celebration on their way to the locker room.
New York took the 2nd half kickoff, but after a handful of plays, Frederickson fumbled again and shortly after Dallas converted the miscue into another 3 points and a 20-9 lead.  Again the Giants regained their composure and on a 14 play drive which consisted mostly of Johnson runs mixed in with an occasional Tarkenton pass and scored late in the 3rd period to cut the margin to 20-16.  At this time Alex Webster ordered an onside kick which was executed perfectly and recovered by "Little" Mean Joe Greene in Dallas territory.  After 2 first downs, the drive bogged down, but Gogolak missed a short attempt on a day when he had already connected from 40, 42, and 54 yards.
Dallas and New York would trade punts and eventually New York would start a drive from inside their own 20 with 9 minutes left.  On an almost mirror like drive of the one a quarter earlier New York would come to rest at the Dallas 13, facing a 3rd and 7 with just over 3 minutes left.  The Giants started to break their huddle, when Tarkenton called them back and changed the play called.  He had Ron Johnson run a straight line route directly at All Pro safety Mel Renfro and make a sharp cut to the right when he got in end zone.  Tarkenton hit Johnson 2 steps out of the cut for the go ahead touchdown and the Giants lead for the first time all day.  Furiously Dallas tried to drive into FG range in the waning minute but a surprisingly stifling Giants defense rose to the occasion holding them just short of midfield and insuring their 5th victory in a row.  On the day the vaunted Dallas offense gained but 263 yards.
The Giants that year would actually have qualified for the playoffs as Divisional Champs but a season ending rout by the Rams at the Stadium and a Dallas victory in their final game played later that day prevented such an occurrence.  Dallas would lose but 1 other time in the regular season and go on to play in Super Bowl V, losing to the Colts on a Jim O'Brien FG.

When 1974 rolled around the Giants were back into a state of rebuild.  Tarkenton had returned to Minnesota, Ron Johnson, while still a good back, had been greatly reduced from being a "special" back because of knee and thigh surgery and the general wear and tear of heavy use.  Their drafting had been abysmal.  The Rocky Thompson and Elridge Small 1st round selections were to become legendary....and not in a good way.  They got a nice season out of Norm Snead at quarterback in 1972, but his talents were never all star caliber, and they were diminishing by the day. The only effective player on offense was Bob Tucker, and he was to soon to become disgruntled with the situation and demand a trade. On defense, they had actually become a decently effective unit, certainly not a "Steel Curtain" of Pittsburgh fame, but able to keep the club competitively in most ball games.  The only trouble was, they had trouble scoring.  They had failed to find a young quarterback of ability to find suitable for grooming....a problem that had plagued them for over 25 years.  They constantly plugged that problem with trades for veterans such as Tittle, Tarkenton, and Snead.
The '74 season opened with 2 straight losses and 30 points scored.  Then the Giants travelled to Dallas and amazingly played their finest game of the last 5 years, beating the Cowboys 14-6.  And while the win was satisfying, the fact they got to look at a Dallas team with the one "commodity" they craved sit on the bench must have been burned in their brains.  Roger Staubach had finally after 3 seasons wrested total control of the QB situation from Craig Morton.  Morton was tailor made for the Giants...a 31 year old, 9 years in the league veteran who had been successful in his playing time with a superior talent team.
The image of Morton must have burned brightly in the brains of Wellington Mara and Andy Robustelli the next 3 weeks as the Giants scored a total of 17 points in 3 consecutive losses to stand at 1-5. Norm Snead, Jim del Gaizo, and Carl Summerell were all dismal at QB.  Adding to that mounting pressure was the fact that in less than 2 years the new stadium in New Jersey (Giants Stadium) would be opening with an extra 15,000 seats to fill and no solution to the QB position on the horizon.
Thus, they bit the bullet, and acquired the disgruntled Morton on October 22, 1974 for a 1st and 2nd round draft choice.  What was to hurt for the next 12 years was that 1st round round pick was the 2nd choice in the draft.  The Cowboys selected a player who would almost instantly become an All Pro and later elected to the Hall of Fame...Defensive lineman Randy White...nicknamed "manster" for half man and half monster.
Morton, well in his 3 seasons at starting QB he won 1 game in the rest of '74, 5 in '75 and finally 1 in 1976.  The Giants averaged around 13 points in his combined starts over that 3 year period.  The Giants were dismal, but all the seats in the new Stadium sold out and the light bulb finally went off in Wellington Mara's head that Giant fans were matter what.  They were going to be there whether the team was a playoff contender or a basement dweller.  The era of the quick fix was now dead and gone.  It was time to build through smart drafting.
So, I personally have always credited Dallas trading us their head case QB as a major link to the future success which the Giants were about to experience in a few short years.  The end of the "Dark Ages" was coming very shortly.

2004 -- The Tom Coughlin era is ushered in and the highs and lows versus the Eagles have still continued.  TC is 9 - 13 against Philly, including 0 - 2 in the playoffs.  The Giants are 2 - 0 in OT games against Philly in the Coughlin era.  In their last 12 meetings the Giants are only 3 - 9.

2006 -- The 0 - 1 Giants strode into "the Linc" looking for the first win of the season and found themselves down 24 - 7 at the start of the 4th quarter.  But thanks to Eli Manning's hot hand (31-43 for 371 yards and 3 TD) and a key Brian Westbrook fumble they were able to forge a tie at the end of regulation on Jay Feely's 35 yard FG with 7 seconds left.
In OT, the Giants eschewed the run after entering Eagle territory and ended the game on a 31 yard pass from Eli to Plaxico Burress.
Both Amani Toomer and Burress had over 100 yards receiving and the Giants unveiled rookie Brandon Jacobs who had several key runs late in the game.  the game also provided a glimpse into the resiliency of Manning, who was sacked 8 times that day.

2006 Playoff -- Sneaking in with an 8 - 8 record, the Giants journeyed to Philadelphia for a first round game against the Eagles.  Overcoming a 20-10 deficit in the 4th quarter, the Giants tied it up on Plaxico Burress' 2 TD catch with just over 5 minutes remaining.  The Eagles promptly took over and drove into FG range using the remainder of the time and David Akers nailed a 38 yard FG as time expired.

2010 -- With a win all but assuring them of a seat in the playoffs, this battle of 9-4 teams played out like 2 separate games.  With Eli throwing 4 TD passes the Gmen had a commanding 31 - 10 lead with under 8 minutes left at the Meadowlands.  In the next 6 minutes Michael Vick threw for 2 TD's and ran for 1 to tie the game.  The Giants final drive proved futile and Matt Dodge lined up to punt with 14 seconds left.  No further words are necessary, the video is below.........
Miracle In The Meadowlands III - Eagles vs. Giants 2010

2012 -- Another gut wrenching loss occurred in Week 4 at the Linc.  In a tight defensive battle the Giants grabbed the lead at 17 - 16 for the first time midway in the 4th quarter on a short Manning to Bear Pascoe TD pass.  The Eagles then launched a time consuming drive that resulted in Alex Henery's 4th FG of the game and a 19 - 17 Eagle lead with just 105 seconds left.
Deftly, Manning moved the Giants into FG range at the Eagle 27 with less than 45 seconds left.  At that point Manning elected for a home run pass to Ramses Barden who was flagged for offensive interference.  With 14 seconds left and the clock running Lawrence Tynes FG attempt from 54 yards was wide left as a light rain fell.  But Andy Reid, the Eagles head coach, had called a time out just before the ball was snapped to holder Steve Weatherford.  The Giants lined up again for the game winner and Tynes kick was headed perfectly between the uprights.....but fell a yard short.

Again, this was another season the Giants would miss the playoffs by 1 win.  The win put the Eagles record at 3 - 1.  They would win only 1 more game that season and Andy Reid would be relieved of his head coaching position.

1981 -- After "The Fumble" the Giants took on a massive overhaul.  George Young was hired after Pete Roselle mediated the feud between Wellington and Tim Mara which had become very divisive in the organization.  For me, George Young deserves the modern day throne in the Ring of Honor.  He was given enough power in his hiring that he did not have to serve two masters.  His belief was that successful football was achieved through imposing your will via the offensive and defensive lines.  He hired Ray Perkins as head coach.  His first draft choice was Phil Simms from tiny Morehead State in Kentucky, a team he lead to 4 wins his senior year.  Simms was the 7th pick of the draft, a fact not to pleasing to the Giant faithful.

But Young and Perkins set out on a "true" rebuilding the next 3 years.  There were no "patchwork" trades.  And there were not a lot of victories.

The Eagles won their next 6 games against the Giants, putting their streak against them at 12.  Then on a late November day in '81 at the Vet the Giants turned the tables on the Eagles in a game they had to win to keep their playoff hopes alive.  it was a game where a now youthful Giant defense, lead by Lawrence Taylor and Harry Carson and George Martin imposed their will and punished the Eagles at every turn in a 20-10 victory.
One month later the Giants faced the Eagles as a wildcard team, again in Philadelphia.  Again, it was the defense with a big assist from special teams and an efficient running attack lead by Rob Carpenter that wrested control of the game early.  Backup QB Scott Brunner, playing in place of Phil Simms the last month (broken collarbone) threw 3 TD passes on only 9 completions and the D held the Eagles to 226 yards of total offense for a 27-21 victory.  This game signified for me the start of the modern era of Giant football.  The "Dark Ages" were finally gone.

1984 -- The early career of Phil Simms was marked with glimpses of great play generously spiced with bad injuries....broken collarbone, torn knee ligament, compound thumb fracture....and the most ignominious of all, Bill Parcells decision in 1983 to install Scott Brunner as starting QB.  An outraged Simms demanded to be traded.  The Giants offense was floundering and Parcells first year (1983) threatened to be his last also.  But Parcells survived the rumor of Howard Schnellenburger of National Champion Miami taking over the reins and vowed to mold the team in his image.
Thus the starting QB in Week 1 against the Eagles was a now healthy and semi seasoned Phil Simms.  All Simms would do that day in his first start for Parcells was go 23 of 30 for 409 yards and 4 TD's leading the Giants to a 28-27 victory at Giants Stadium.  The beautiful marriage Giants' fans had been praying for the past 20 years was born.

1988 -- The Giants and Eagles have played 7 OT games in their regular season history.  The Eagles have won only 1 of them, but it was that 1 win in this year that ultimately kept the Giants from winning their Division, and subsequently even qualifying for the playoffs despite a 10-6 record.  it occurred the weekend before Thanksgiving at Giants Stadium.  The 7-4 Giants stood to basically nail the division shut in this matchup against the 6-5 Eagles.  The Eagles were coached by Buddy Ryan who was assisted by Wade Phillips and Jeff Fisher.
Leading 17-10 in the 3rd period Phil Simms injured his groin and was relieved by Jeff Hostetler who had not quite developed the magic he would have 2 years later.  The Eagles tied the game at 17 and forced overtime.
In OT the Eagles drove into FG range for the kicker Luis Zendejas.  Lawrence Taylor charged up the middle, leapt and blocked the kick.  The ball bounced right  into the hands of Clyde Simmons, who had been blocking on the end.  Simmons lumbered 15 yards and fell into the end zone for the winning score.  Because the kick had not crossed the line of scrimmage, the offense was allowed to advance the ball only by running it.  They did.  The Stadium was stunned.  LT remained a solitary figure on the bench after the teams left the field.
Both teams finished with identical 10-6 records, but the Eagles won the NFC East due to their head-to-head victory, while the Giants lost the wild card tiebreaker to the Los Angeles Rams and missed the playoffs.

2000 -- On an improbable "all in " march to the Super Bowl the Giants first round opponent was the Eagles. The highlights of this game was Ron Dixon's return of the opening kickoff for a TD and a miraculous interception and TD return of an interception by Jason Sehorn.  If you want to know where the Giants developed this trait of small college receiver prospects, Dixon was a 3rd round draft choice from tiny Lambuth College.  He was a developing talent until a knee injury derailed his career.  Next to Homer Jones, the fastest WR we have ever had in my opinion.
Follow the link to the complete game video.  I still get chills watching that opening kickoff.
Giants VS Eagles 2000 Divisional Playoffs

2002 and 2003 -- After that 2000 playoff victory, the Giants would win only 1 of 8 games against the Eagles in the next 4 years. But that win in Dec. '02 at Giants Stadium would propel them into the playoffs.
it was the last game of the season, a win and you're in game for the Blue.  The Eagles lead 7-0 midway through the 4th quarter on a 1st quarter end around by WR James Thrash.  The Giants, who were to outgain the Eagles that day 461-209 were thwarted by 3 Tiki fumbles, a 36 yd missed FG, and an end zone interception in the 2nd quarter from in close.  With just under 7 minutes to go Kerry Collins drove the Giants to the tying score tossing a "get it" ball to Jeremy Shockey who outfought Brian Dawkins.
With 2 minutes left Tiki lost his 3rd fumble of the game in Giants territory threatening to spoil a 200 yard effort on his part.   But always reliable David Akers missed from 36 to the left and on to OT.
In overtime, the Giants finally mounted a drive to the Philly 22 with around 5 minutes left.  Rookie PK Matt Bryant then nailed a 39 yarder to send the Blue into the playoffs.
The 2003 game in week 7 was another last minute dagger in the heart.  Leading 10 - 7 with less than 90 seconds to go in the Meadowlands, and the Eagles out of timeouts and having only amassed 134 yards of offense, Jeff Feagles directional punt didn't directional quite enough and was fielded by Brian Westbrook at his own 16.  The first cover Giant overshot Westbrook, who then proceeded to outrun the entire special teams unit walking the sideline tightrope.....84 yards to pay dirt.  As sad as that was, an even worse sidebar to the game was the injury incurred by Rich Seubert, a promising 2nd year free agent guard for the Gmen.  it would require almost 2 years of surgeries and rehabilitation before he could resume his career.
See 2 links below......................
Westbrook TD Vs Giants

Rich Seubert Injury-Giants vs. Eagles 10/19/03

The Philadelphia Eagles joined the NFL back in 1933.  The season series stands at 84-76-2. Through the years they have been involved in MANY memorable games with the Blue.  A lot of those games were (and for some of us still are) honestly quite painful to swallow.  But it is a rich history, which I will post in 2 or 3 installments this week.  I hope you enjoy.

It is a series that started rather benignly with the Giants winning 17 of the first 20 games played.  But in 1960, the matchup of these 2 teams began a life of its many ways a historical life.

1960 -- In a hard hitting game, an Eagle team that would go on to win the championship that year over Lombardi's 2nd Packer team, beat the Giants 17-10.  But the story of the game was a play that in Eagle lore is referred to as "The Hit".    The link will tell you why. 
Chuk BEDNARIK plaquage Frank Grifford
Gifford was removed on a stretcher and taken to the dressing room and on to the hospital.  During that 4th quarter a fan suffered what proved to be a fatal heart attack.  He was taken to a room off the dressing room for emergency assistance and a priest was summoned.   The game ended and as the Giants trudged into the locker room they saw the priest in the other room administering last rites.  Many of the Giants mistakenly assumed it was Gifford's body in the other room with the priest and believed that Gifford had died from the hit.

1964 -- Coming off 3 straight Eastern Division first place finishes but failing each time in the Championship, the "64 Giants were a blend of aging veterans but many controversial trades that off season as Allie Sherman sought to remold his defense but still field a team capable of returning for another try to the Championship game.
The first game of the season was at Franklin field and the first play after the kickoff was a preview for the entire season.  A handoff to Earl Gros by Norm Snead resulted in a 59 yard TD gallop paving the way to a 38-7 route. The resulting season of 2-10-2 followed.

1970 -- A resurgent Giant team lead by Fran Tarkenton, winners of 6 straight, including back to back breathtaking victories over Dallas and Washington the previous two weeks, strode into Philadelphia for the very first appearance on Monday Night Football.  The Eagles stood at 1-7-1 in a season where they would only win 3 games.
Alas, the Giants would play their worst game of the season in front of a national audience...losing 3 fumbles and dropping 2 wide open TD passes and slump home with a 23-20 loss.  And ultimately they would lose their division by 1 game.

1972 -- In a somewhat resurgent season under Alex Webster and lead by Norm snead, Ron Johnson, and Bob Tucker the 6-4 Giants met an Eagle team that was to win only 2 games that year.  This was NOT one of them.  The Giants rolled on air and ground and late in the 3rd period lead 41-10.  Not wanting to inflict any further embarrassment on his old friend Eagle coach Ed Khayat, Webster replaced Snead with backup Randy Johnson who was under orders to run and only pass short.  Unfortunately the Eagles were so disinterested in the game by now that 2 short passes to Don Herrmann resulted in 32 and 63 yard TD's.  That combined with a 2 yard run by Johnson resulted in an embarrassing pasting of 62-10.  After the game Webster apologized and consoled Khayat (who would be fired at years end) as the two walked off the field together.

1973 -- Buoyed by an 8-6 finish the previous season and winners of all 6, yes SIX, of their preseason games, the Giants were ready to make a serious challenge in 1973.  Add to that a resounding win over Houston in their opener at The Stadium, and the Giants were on a roll.  Week 2 was to send in the sacrificial Eagles for the very last Giant game at Yankee Stadium, which was to undergo a 2 year renovation.  The Giants were to play the rest of their "home" games in the Yale Bowl that year.  Despite rolling up over 400 yards of offense, the Giants found themselves trailing 23-20 in the last 2 minutes.  The video tells the story...........
The resurgence was dead.  The Giants won 1 more game that year finishing winless in their "new" home.

1978 -- November 19 to be exact.  This game propelled the Eagles to their first playoff appearance since 1960 and ultimately proved to pave the way for a new era of Giant football under new GM and Vice President George Young.  Historically this game proved the old adage "it is always darkest before the dawn".  "Miracle in the Meadowlands" it is called by many, most of us simply know it as "The Fumble."
Eagles vs Giants 1978: "The Miracle in The Meadowlands" -Insane Last Play Fumble Return.
Giants History / NYG history vs. Atlanta Falcons
September 27, 2014, 02:31:54 PM
Next Sunday, the Blue face what has been a pesky opponent in their history.  The Giants and Falcons have faced each other 22 times in their history, each winning 11.  The last meeting last year I hope is emblazened in our coaching staff and players.

The Atlanta Falcons came into the NFL in 1966 coached by Norb Hecker.  They promptly dropped their first 9 games.  Then they ventured into Yankee Stadium to face the 1-7-1 Giants.  What ensued was one of many embarrassments the 1966 Giants would suffer that year.

A 27-16 loss at home in which the Giants never lead.  This expansion winless franchise caused 4 turnovers and had 7 sacks of Giant quarterbacks Tom Kennedy and Gary Wood.
Amazingly, the Giants actually outrushed and out gained their opponents in total yards and committed only 2 penalties.

Two years later, 1968, a hopefully very different Giant team went to Atlanta sporting a perfect 4-0 record and thoughts of resurrecting their climb back to an ultra competitive franchise.  They had Fran Tarkenton at the helm and the mercurial Homer Jones at WR along with great complimentary receivers Aaron Thomas and the venerable Joe Morrison.  The running game seemed more than adequate with Tucker Frederickson, Ernie Koy, and newcomer Bobby Duhon and Ronnie "Bye Bye" Blye.  The defense was anchored by a group of young veteran DB's, including Spider Lockhart.

The Falcons meanwhile continued to suffer from a lack of talent and were mired at 0-4 and had fired Coach Hecker that Monday after winning only 4 of their first 31 games.  He was replaced by HOF QB and Tarkenton's former Viking coach Norm Van Brocklin.  The bad blood between Tarkenton and Van Brocklin was legendary in the Vikings organization.  One of the many comments Van Brocklin made about Tarkenton after he resigned in Minnesota was "he's a loser".

So the stage was set for what should have been an easy win for the Giants and a chance to extend to 5-0 in a 14 game season.  Alas, Van Brocklin proved to be quite the motivator that day, with an assist from 3 fumbles lost by the Blue.  In fact, this day started what for me has become a common thread that exists to this day for the Giants...being beaten by the backup QB.  The Giants knocked out starter Randy Johnson in the 2nd quarter with a knee injury only to have Bob Berry, Tarkenton's backup in Minnesota, come in and have Atlanta ahead 24-21 late in the fourth quarter.  Tarkenton deftly marched the Giants downfield for the potential game winning score.  Facing a 3rd and 1 on the Atlanta 11 with 2 minutes left, Sir Francis eschewed a ground attack that had rolled up 180 yards and tried a rollout to the left pass play.  he was pressured and floated a very catchable ball towards Aaron Thomas in the end zone.  But unable to set up and throw with any ferocity the floater was intercepted by Lee Calland and the perfect season became a vapor.

The Giants would rally briefly that year beating Dallas in Dallas and take their record to 7-3, but sadly dropped their last 4 games for the 2nd consecutive and 3rd in 4 years .500 season.  Van Brocklin and the Falcons would go on to win only 1 more game the rest of the season.  It was billed as a game of revenge.....Van Brocklin vs. Tarkenton...but what resulted was the most gut wrenching loss of the Tarkenton era in New York.

Another noteable footnote in this rivalry is the game played in November of 2004 at Giants Stadium.  It marked the beginning of the Eli Manning era.  A loss...14-10, with Michael Vick rushing for 104 yards.  Eli was 17-37, 1 TD, 2 int.  But every great story has a beginning, and that was Eli's.

For anyone interested I have listed below the series results.

If anyone has any other memories of any of those games or the ones I discussed , please feel free to add.  history is meant to be shared, to learn from, and hopefully in many cases not to be repeated.

Also, I do have highlights from the 1968 game which i will be glad to send to anyone interested...just need an email address from you.

Finally, this is your team and your teams history.  if you have any specific requests please feel free to let me know. 

12/16/2012 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Georgia Dome (Atlanta, GA) L 34-0 70,741
01/08/2012 * New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) W 24-2 79,909
11/22/2009 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) W 34-31, OT 78,491
10/15/2007 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Georgia Dome (Atlanta, GA) W 31-10 69,828
10/15/2006 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Georgia Dome (Atlanta, GA) W 27-14 70,840
11/21/2004 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) L 14-10 78,793
11/09/2003 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) L 27-7 78,813
10/13/2002 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) L 17-10 78,728
10/08/2000 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Georgia Dome (Atlanta, GA) W 13-6 50,947
10/11/1998 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) L 34-20 71,173
10/23/1988 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) W 23-16 --
10/14/1984 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) W 19-7 --
09/11/1983 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) W 16-13, OT --
09/12/1982 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) L 16-14 --
10/25/1981 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) W 27-24, OT --
11/11/1979 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ) W 24-3 --
10/01/1978 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) L 23-20 --
10/02/1977 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) L 17-3 --
10/06/1974 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Yale Bowl (New Haven, CT) L 14-7 --
11/14/1971 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) W 21-17 --
10/13/1968 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons A Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Atlanta, GA) L 24-21 --
11/20/1966 New York Giants Atlanta Falcons H Yankee Stadium (Bronx, NY) L 27-16 
Giants History / 1965 NY Giants Highlights VIDEO
April 17, 2013, 05:20:26 PM
This is especially for my good "friend" Jamie, whose Dad  had season tickets at old Yankee Stadium in 1965 and took him to the games.

While this is from Youtube....I have the attachment (224 MB) if anyone would like it.  Just let me know.

As an overview the Giants were 2-10-2 in 1964 and 1-12-1 in 1966. 


1965 New York Giants Team Highlights
BBH Baseball Board / NY Yankees -- 2013 edition
March 23, 2013, 12:21:01 AM
Okay, so 7 of our 8 starters from last year are hurt or gone.

The pitching staff, if it holds true to form, should be well above average.  This year it will need to have stretches of dominance.

Count me as one lifelong Yankee fan who is glad to see all this happen.

The "Core Four" from the mid 90's were the foundation of this team.  What in the heck have Yankee scouts been doing for the last 20 years ?

Joe Girardi will have to manage the REAL game of baseball this year.  Hit and run, steals, hitting behind the runners, bunting, advancing runners.

I rued the day we traded Austin Jackson, Phil Coke, and Ian Kennedy for Curtis Granderson.  My brother, also a devout Yankee fan LOVED it.  Extolled the virtues of this lefthander star.  He admitted last August...."you were right".

Granderson is a great guy, well spoken, a true gentleman. But he has holes at the plate that average pitchers exploit.

Mark Texeira(sp.) is the 2nd most overpaid player in baseball.  The finest DEFENSIVE first baseman I have ever seen, he has obviously hit that age where his hitting skills are on the decline.   And four years left on his contract.  Of course, we will never know if he could have mitigated this decline by adjusting to hitting the ball the "other" way against the shift that almost every opponent throws his way.  His abject stubborness to be a dead pull hitter is maddening.  Personally, I hope he is gone for the year.

Speaking of which....AROID.  Injuries, declining production, head case, steroids....reads like an ala carte menu.  If the Yankees had any balls, they would challenge his contract (HE is the most overpaid player in the league).

Jeter....what is not to love.  I pray for his health quickly because I want that run on the Hit record.  The romance of baseball needs him so we can FORGET Pete Rose totally.

Gardner, with good health, will be an All Star.  He should be in CF for the next 10 years.

And that brings me to the GREATEST mystery of the Yankee roster....Eduardo Nunez.  Tall, slender, very fast, and a butcher in the infield.  They sent him down last year when he was hitting .290.....right after Gardner's surgery.  GREAT, I thought, they are finally going to teach him the outfield where his assets are best utilized.
Then, I read an interview with Cashman just before spring training where he states the Yankees have ONLY considered him as an infielder and will work to correct his problems.

HISTORY Mr. Cashman.  Look up Mickey Mantle and Bobby Murcer.  Between screwing around in your marriage, getting blackmailed, and jumping out of planes...spend a little more time paying an open minded interest to your organization.  Okay, I know that was a semi-cheap shot.....but I find Nunez  as an infielder an insult. him...and he never cracks a bat or has it splinter.  There IS a reason for this for whoever is interested.

Catching....well, let's see...Yankee propaganda has told us for the last 5-7 years we have 3-4 catchers of promise in the pipeline.  Cervelli is servicable and more importantly, very likeable.  Austin Romine...always injured.  Chris Stewart makes Jake Gibbs and Frank Fernandez look inviting.

And last but not least....Robinson Cano.  Five years ago I thought he was just plain lazy.   Then watching him everyday, I discovered he is the MOST effortless fielder and hitter I have ever seen.  It is all natural ability.  The man should be a triple crown threat every year....period.   Another dead pull hitter who needs to make the "shift" adjustment when necessary.  But hands down the most talented Yankee and if/when so inspired the best player in baseball.....even if 3-4 times a year he forgets how many outs there are when on the basepath.

All that said, I told my brother last year "Third Place" after watching all of their spring training games.  "The slide has started."  Little did I know Baltimore would phoenix from the ashes and that Toronto would get decimated by injury like no team I have ever seen.

This year.....I have no idea.  Romance tells me the pitching staff will be sterling, the lesser players will use their maximum ability and Girardi will truly "MANAGE" this bomberless team to a lot of 3-2, 4-1, and 2-0 wins.

You see, I LOVE the romance of baseball...there is nothing like it.  Ron Guidry, Mo Rivera, Brian Doyle et al.... it has always had a grip on me.
Giants History / A Great Interview with Matt Bahr
March 22, 2013, 11:33:16 PM
about the 1990 NFC Championship vs. San Francisco and Super Bowl 25.

He makes a great point in this about "icing" the kicker by calling timeouts.

Enjoy OUR History...and come back....more stuff coming.....and please feel free to leave your rememberances.

This should be a "must see" section for all, especially our younger fans.

012112 Matt Bahr New York Giants.wmv
Giants History / 1967 Season Video
November 03, 2012, 08:37:42 AM
of the NFL season (28 minutes).  Some great clips of Fran's first year and Homer...narrated by jack Whitacre.

2nd part is the highlights of Super Bowl II...narrated by William Woodson, a legendary voice over man filling in for an unavailable John Facenda.

A very nice trip down memory lane with some great clips of Unitas, Sayers, Fearsome Foursome, Starr, Lombardi.

Enjoy !!!

Superbowl II - Green Bay Packers Vs Oakland Raiders (1967)
I have been following this closely for the past 2 years projection wise.

First off, let me state Derek Jeter is a SPECIAL player, the likes of which comes along very seldom in all of baseball.  Unlike football with its juiced up offenses and give up defenses, the game remains largely unchanged except for the emphasis on relief pitching and the DH in the past 40 years.  Records are achieved on mostly level playing field for the most part.

Given continued good health and minimal decline in his skills (which I realize is a HUGE given), he has a good shot.

Standing at 3304 hits right now and assuming he gets 200 hits next year (the last year of this contract), he will stand in 6th place, just a few hits behind Tris Speaker's 3514.  With a new 2 year contract in hand and 180 hits each of those 2 seasons he will have reached roughly 100 hits behind Hank Aaron for 3rd place, passing Speaker and Musial in the process.

At that point he will be 41.  One more year of 160 hits or so and he will be solidly in 3rd place, but basically looking at almost 2 more full seasons to pass Cobb at 4189 for 2nd place.  And then he will be 44, looking at the next season when around 100 hits will bypass Rose.

I can not imagine he will still be playing the field for more than 50-60 games once he passes 41, he will be used mostly as a DH.

SO MY QUESTIONS ARE......1. Is his hidden ego driven enough to want and pass Rose ?  2. Would he stay when most of his play will be at DH after the next couple of years ?  3. How will the Yankees handle  his contract...or do they ?

MY ANSWERS..........1. Yes, this would be an achievement that will last the ages, who wouldn't take a shot given the assumption Jeter has retained most of his hitting skills (see Arod for reverse example) and relative good health.  He is a baseball player, born for this task.    2. Yes...most of his career has been while playing an exemplary shortstop so nothing to be ashamed of in that respect.  He did not build a whole career off of sitting on the bench and going to the batters box 4-5 times per game every night.  3.   As long as his salary demands are reasonable the Yankees HAVE TO, they could never let him walk l'est be forever thought of as baseball scrooges.  The Yankees are TRADITION....the flagship of baseball...and the money is really secondary to the continued microscopic exposure they receive on a daly basis, which is part of what makes them so valuable.

The only fly in the ointment I see is the sad fact that I believe this franchise is headed for a downward turn in field performance.  Minor league system is threadbare thin.  Rapidly aging performers (who also fall  into a category of underperformers) like Arod, Granderson, and I fear Tex...along with a front office edict of no more wild spending and luxury tax bites have us on a slowly downward spiral.  I do not see Jeter sticking around and playing on a version of the 1982-1994 Yankees.
BBH Baseball Board / Brian Cashman....UGH.
August 29, 2012, 12:55:12 PM
What a load of crap that he had no business commenting on................

What self-serving comments designed to make him not look like the boob he is by jettisoning both players. A great GM for finding fill in pieces, terrible at addressing the root of the Yankees problem...too many high priced stars who are not Superstars, and every MAJOR trade he makes lately he gets fleeced....Granderson for Austin Jackson and Ian Kennedy...and Pineda for Montero...a young everyday guy for a pitcher who declined BADLY the 2nd half of last year and then comes up injured. Meanwhile Montero gets his seasoning in Seattle, and we can watch another Jay Buhner in the making.
It will be real interesting to see what he does to get the Yankees UNDER the the cap as mandated by the Steinbrenners next year. Is anyone stupid enough to take AROID off his hands even if we pay half of his 32 million dollar salary ? And Cano's payday is coming up soon and the Yankees can not afford to lose him. Plus no guts in returning Joba to the minors and letting him start over from the ruination of his career thus far. He is a "deer in the headlights" this year....6 plus innings...15 hits, 4 walks, and just languishing and sinking further. Return him to the minors (AA) and leave him alone for a while and forget calling him up in September. Maybe reconsider him next June if he is pitching to potential.
This is a great piece from Sports Illustrated which will give the reader a great insight in hindsight as to what happened after such a great run of teams from 1956-1963.

Although very young, I lived through those years and it actually strengthens your resolve and character as a TRUE fan of a team.

And the reason I would never let Brian Cashman do anything but pickup fillin players (which he is surprisingly good at).

3 years ago....basically the Yankees gave up AUSTIN JACKSON (22 at the time and the jewel of the farm system), phil Coke (a pedestrian LH relief pitcher, serviceable at worst) and IAN KENNEDY (24 at the time, a 1st round pick and another pitcher we fast tracked the same time as Joba, got frustrated when his initial success didn't last and then banished to the mnors until the trade).

We got Curtis Granderson....period.

I am not going to spout out stats, you can click and see beside each players name.

First GRANDERSON  .....a very educated, well spoken CF who is an asset defensively in what at times has been a very challenged outfield (especially since we gave away Melky Cabrera, a defensive demon and clutch hitter who blossomed these last 2 years).  Curtis is a Strikeout king at the plate.  Yes, he does hit with power, and he hits with power against lefties, but he is a basic .240-.250 hitter, who this year will strikeout about 200 times.  UGHH.

Compare to AUSTIN JACKSON  who is basically 6-7 years younger.  On his worst day he is the equal of Granderson defensively.  Offensively, you can see the difference.
What in the world was the rush to get Granderson when the jewel of your farm system was major league ready.  Yes, he has had a few growing pains, but look at the numbers. they are growing and who knows what the ceiling is.  granderson is basically same old, same old as he was in Detroit.  Why do you invest in drafting and grooming a player through the minors and ditch him at the very moment his time has seemingly arrived.

Now, as if straight up, that is not a bad enough trade, lets talk IAN KENNEDY   Fast tracked with Joba in 2007, he was entertainingly effective enough that the Yankees slotted him as their Number 5 starter in 2008.  They jumped him 2 levels of the minor leagues basically.  Then he started abysmally, and was relegated to the minors and ignored.  Then in 2009 he was bought up in August, pitched 1 very effective 8th inning to bridge a big win against the Angels, and was shuttled back down.  Thank you very much Ian. 
And since the off season trade that year where he landed in Arizona, he is 41-24, including a 21-4 record last year.
I am not even going to bring up Phil Coke, because he is the kind of lefty reliever that hangs around baseball and pitches into his early 40's.  We have one now in Repada, and they always seem to be available.

I am stunned we never gave away Derek Jeter, but thank God Cashman was not in power at that time.