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Messages - beaugestus

I believe a big part of the problem was we never knew from week to week was who would be playing on the OL last year. We constantly hear a big reason the OL needs is cohesion, I would think it is pretty hard to do if the man next to you is someone new every week.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Name that running back
February 17, 2024, 11:01:03 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on February 15, 2024, 09:04:00 AM

He played with the Chiefs was the power back with them on he was kind of on the short side. He played in the same backfield as Garrett
I don't know if this would have made a difference, but they kept mentioning all game they wanted to contain Mahomes to the outside, sometimes players mess up.
Ed, I hope I am wrong regarding Neal, he just doesn't seem to have the "feet" for the position. I agree with the rest that you have mentioned.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Barkley, OBJ, and Bitcoin
July 19, 2023, 01:47:39 PM
I have not delved into the crypto market but from what I understand it's mainly relying on the buying and selling of the crypto itself. There are no assets backing its valuation. We have seen this before from the tulip craze and beyond.
Brian, it was a great listen and nice to hear Ceri's take on the FA acquisitions and the draft. Good job.
Thanks Brian, always informative.
good job Brian, thanks   
Walter Brennan played Judge Roy Bean in the Westerner a great performance. I think he won an Academy Award for the role.

Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in to Kill a Mockingbird (As a side note Mr Peck was touring local theaters in NJ in his reminices of his career at the end there was a Q&A and was asked what movie he turned down he regretted, it was High Noon in which Gary Cooper won an Academy Award.

Anything that Morgan Freeman does from a pimp to the President of the USA, my current favorite actor.

Gene Hackman in Scarecrow a little known film he did with Al Pacino. I thought he was fantastic in his role. Besides a great many performances in his movies.

I could go on and on this suject.
Good job Brian and Ceri, I found it informative and enjoyable, John
Larry, I think this is a very good idea. I think, it helps when you can address someone with their first name. It has seemed to help with the demeanor that is taken when we have opposing views. Good job!  John
My name is John.
I hope your right Dave. He's a very talented young man.
Larry having Mexican food tonight? Arriba!  =))
Bob, I don't know if he'll take a snap under center, but, I agree they will try everything within their system to try to get him into some space. Last year Garrett was limited in what he can call for a myriad of reasons.