Thank you, Sir. It was a pleasure and an honor to experience and be a part of the past 12 years. Your professionalism and drive to be the very best was an inspiration to this town. A Great Coach, A Great Mentor and a Great Man. You will truly be missed and you have left some big shoes to fill.
All the best that life has to offer to you and to your family.
Thank you so much Tom. Normally I don't get choked up about sports, but this is the rare occasion that I do. You took over as the head coach during a very formative period in my life, and while I had many great examples in my personal life to follow, I also always looked to TC to see how a MAN acts. I learned many lessons just by watching you coach, and no doubt your players did as well. A tip of the cap to the finest Giants coach I have had the pleasure of watching as an adult.
Thank you Tom. You are the finest man to ever coach the Giants as well as their finest coach. Best wishes to you and your family for the future. =D> =D>
One of the hardest things to do is have great success yet stay humble. TC achieved this in my view and that of the majority of press and players that have worked with him in NYC. A class act to the last and one I fear we will come to miss more than some fans appreciate.
I wish you the best in where ever life takes you now.
Thank you for 12 years of the classiest coach the NY Giants ever had, and for those 2 Lombardi Trophies.
Now go home and reintroduce yourself to your grand kids and enjoy them as much as you can.
If I could, I would give you a standing ovation.
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Thanks for many amazing memories. As someone who has had to "reinvent" himself more than once, may I be so bold as to make a suggestion? Please coach football again - at the High School level. That's not meant as an insult. It's meant as a very high compliment. I work in a Children's Hospital and I see lots of boys who think waving a gun around makes them a "man". These boys - for the most part - will lead sad and unfulfilled lives. In and out of jail, drugs &/or alcohol, kids they never meet - let alone raise - with "women" they never bothered to get to know. Find a city High School - as long as it's a public school - and you'll find more of these boys than you would care to. You are a legend. You become the coach, they will come out to try to play for you. At first, they will rebel against your rules and discipline. No one likes discipline, especially when you've never had any in your life. But in time, they will realize what you are doing. They are not stupid, they lack guidance. You, coach, can mold these boys into men. You can teach them about what it is to be part of a team. You can give them direction and purpose. You can save their lives. You can keep them out of jail. You can instill the confidence in them that they can be fathers, or better yet, daddys. Will it change the world? Nope. Can't offer you that, coach. That task is too big for any one person. But you will change lives and, in turn, the lives of the women and the children these boys interact with and bring into the world. Who knows? Maybe one of them will cure cancer. Maybe one of them will only manage to be a manager at a McDonald's. Doesn't really matter. What matters is they are no longer harming themselves, others, and the ones that love them. They grew up. They took responsibility. They became men. And, you, coach, you showed them the way. You do not have to show Mara and/or Tisch they were wrong. You only have to do what makes you happy. I have seen you act as a substitute dad for dozens of NFL players. I think it's your favorite part of the job. Please consider starting to work your magic at a younger age. Everyone who interacts with those young men will, literally, thank God you did. Be bigger than the NFL, coach. Change the lives of boys who desperately need someone to care enough to say "Stop that sh*t right now!". We really need LOTS of Tom Coughlins in lots of High School from one coast to the other. Can we start with the original? Again, much thanks for the memories, coach. =D>
Tampa, Dallas, Green Bay, New Engalnd.....
Atlanta, Green Bay, San Francisco, New England......
Five weeks we'll never forget.....and we got to do it twice
Thanks for the memories Tom
Best coach we've ever had in my lifetime. Thanks for 12 great years. You were a big part of some great memories I have of my favorite team.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and will always be a fan.
Thanks, Coach Coughlin.
Some words from Justin Tuck:
"As I sit back and reflect on Coach Tom Coughlin, I remember all the one on ones in your office talking football, game plan, etc. I think back to when I was named captain and I used to try and beat you to the facility. I would get there at 6, you where there. I got there at 530 and you were there. 5 am... I knew I would beat you then.. NOPE YOU WERE THERE. I remember feeling the hood of your car and it was cold. Come to find out there were nights you slept in the office. No one worked harder, no one demanded more and I LOVE YOU for it. I chose this picture for one reason and one reason only. Everyone knows you for your dedication to your team and how intense you are on the football field. But I will remember you for helping me become a man and challenging all of us to be better husbands and fathers and men. You did it the right way Coach. And you might be retiring from coaching but I'm sure this isn't a goodbye. That's not in your nature."
And from Antrel Rolle:
"..As a player who has been in this league 11years and can say they have pretty much seen it all.... I want to say Thank you to Coach TC and it really has been an extreme pleasure. What we accomplished as a Unit meaning player/coach relationship is a given. Maybe I wasn't used to your ways and I am sure u weren't used to mine but in the end we accomplished something that no one could ever take away... A BOND!! One that will alway travel beyond what anyone can ever imagine. I want to thank coach for always being himself LOYAL CARING HONEST!! Some players appreciate it and some players need it. I know which one I was. Wishing coach the best as he will always be the coach with THE SMILE!! You are MY GUY and that will never change. As my mom will call him UncleTC!.... See you soon"
Great coach who always kept the Giants playing hard and fun to watch!
Coach Coughlin,
Knowing what I know about you, how you handle yourself on and off the field and how your positive actions have touched so many lives, you are a Giant of a man walking amongst mostly boys. You shine with truth, walking in dark shadows of uncertainty. Your steps are strong with conviction, even as you walk on slippery slopes.
I know that you know, that all those associated with the Giants, the ownership and fans, who were unappreciative of your abilities and your selfless efforts, to keep your teams competitive, arming them with knowledge and hearts of warriors, they will lament your loss, if not now, in the future. I wish you were not abandoned and left to struggle, with what you had to work with, in a very competitive field, so your legacy would continue, getting us even more glory and trophies, but it's ok, you gave us a lot already.
It was an honor to have you as our Giants' coach, leader and mentor. As one of your many fans, I will look forward to witnessing your future successes, on and off the football field.
May God bless you and your loving family, with his Blessings.
It took me years to recognize the intrinsic qualities of Tom Coughlin. I think he was/is a damn fine coach and one I would have been satisfied to see on the sideline next year. His leaving will not help the Giants become a better team. Something else will have to happen, something as good as what happened in those two playoff years. I agree with Eli that TC did not fail, it was the players who did not perform up to their abilities who let him down.
We are truly privileged to have had Coach Coughlin with us all these years. There is no doubt he will end up in the Hall. He was the epitome of class, and made us all proud that he bled Blue.
Thank you Coach, it was a hell of a ride :)
Thanks Tom =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
You started out as a coach who supposedly players didn't want to play for. You changed Tiki, you changed Strahan and you had Eli in tears. If that is not a coach respected by his players I don't know what is.
I'll see you in Ohio.
Mods maybe this thread deserved to be tacked????????
Quote from: Tomeee on January 06, 2016, 08:26:21 AMThanks Tom =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
You started out as a coach who supposedly players didn't want to play for. You changed Tiki, you changed Strahan and you had Eli in tears. If that is not a coach respected by his players I don't know what is.
I'll see you in Ohio.
Mods maybe this thread deserved to be tacked????????
It wasn't just players who supposedly didn't want to play for him, there were a lot of Giants fans who weren't happy either as he was viewed as a humorless martinet. And in year one, that seemed all too true.
But then, it wasn't at all. He was for all of us the best, most admired, and respected Head Coach, leader, and Major Tom, the Giants have ever had. He should not only share Eli's soon to be Gold Jacket, but he also deserves one himself. I think Belichick and Brady might agree.