In Ed's survey, there were some that felt left out because some of us use first names. I do it because I think it's more humanizing.
So if you feel comfortable doing so, what is your first name?
I will start- Richard
I'm looking forward to finding out Bob in PAs real name. And where he lives.
Quote from: MP21WAYS2PAY on August 03, 2021, 01:12:29 PM
I'm looking forward to finding out Bob in PAs real name. And where he lives.
:laugh: =)) :funnypost:
My name is Lou. Feel free to use it anytime!
My name is Lee. I'm happy to be part of the first name crew with some of you and welcome the others who want to join!
My name is Richard, but everyone (except cops, judges, doctors....or my mother when I'm in deep sh..) calls me Ric (w/no "k")
Quote from: ozzie on August 03, 2021, 01:18:38 PM
My name is Lou. Feel free to use it anytime!
"Lou, lou, bo-boo, banana fanna fo foo, fee fi mo moo...Lou"
Sorry to pick on you, Lou. I won't do it for any of the others (to avoid clutter).
I suppose I could have gone with "Lou, lou, he's our man, if he can't do it nobody can.... but then again, we DO have female members and contributors, so....
My name is Joseph.
Also, I am not a philosopher in any sense but have always been enjoyed reading from the great philosophers throughout history. That's why my board username is plural to show them, not me.
Slugs seems to be the most common here
I do get a Slugsy occasionally which I chuckle at.
You can call me whatever you like and I
I'm John, but I answer to Moose as well. :greetings:
Dale aka Sooners!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Leave off the Dumpster and you got it but I kind of like the Dumpster
Given name is Richard but everyone calls me RICK. Go Giants!!
The official name is Leonard, but only my mother used that name for me, and when she did, I knew I was in trouble.
I used LennG only because many years ago in a land far far away, when we created a user name, it had to be 5 letters. I am really Len, but will answer to anything from 'hey, old man' to 'Hey, Giantfan' ( my license plate). But only the missus can call me Honey. :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on August 03, 2021, 01:26:34 PM
My name is Richard, but everyone (except cops, judges, doctors....or my mother when I'm in deep sh..) calls me Ric (w/no "k")
Can you really distinguish between someone calling you Ric vs. someone calling you Rick, LOL.
Anyway, same name for me, except everyone except my wife calls me Rich.
Quote from: AZGiantFan on August 03, 2021, 04:22:27 PM
Can you really distinguish between someone calling you Ric vs. someone calling you Rick, LOL.
Anyway, same name for me, except everyone except my wife calls me Rich.
Nah...something I did as a kid starting around 4th or 5th grade. Everyone called me "Ricky" and I thought it was too infantile a nickname so I insisted on just Ric. It's still pronounced exactly like Rick, I just had to be different I guess. I had noticed that "Vic" was always spelled without a "k" so I thought, WTH, I'll do that with Rick and no one stopped me - no teacher or parent. Although now that I'm old (and not a bit wiser), they probably started spelling "Vic" without a "k" to distinguish from the masculine name Victor from the feminine name Victoria or Vicky/Vickie. Who knows?
Quote from: LennG on August 03, 2021, 03:23:30 PM
The official name is Leonard, but only my mother used that name for me, and when she did, I knew I was in trouble.
I used LennG only because many years ago in a land far far away, when we created a user name, it had to be 5 letters. I am really Len, but will answer to anything from 'hey, old man' to 'Hey, Giantfan' ( my license plate). But only the missus can call me Honey. :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:
That's a great name; one which reminds me:
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you dont really care for music, do ya?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor falls, the major lifts
The baffled king composing, Hallelujah
Quote from: AZGiantFan on August 03, 2021, 04:22:27 PM
Can you really distinguish between someone calling you Ric vs. someone calling you Rick, LOL.
Anyway, same name for me, except everyone except my wife calls me Rich.
Rich: I'm not your wife and have called you Rich for years yet you never corrected me. LOL
In any event, I have a good friend Ric who gets angry if you write Rich or Rick, and another good friend Anne who erupts if you write Ann.
Both are excellent musicians. Hmmm.... Probably a marketing thing. :crazy:
I'm Alan. Feel free to use it.
BBH Handle is Jaime.
My name is Jaime. :goteam:
From the bygone days of the bbs cafe, I am Dr as or or the Drake!!!
Family calls me "Ant".
Funny thing though....been married slightly over 5 years, and other than our wedding day, my wife has called me by my birth name exactly twice.....and I am one lucky man to be alive after both times she spoke it!!
Not to difficult here but my given name is Thomas. Most call me tomeee. But many just call me "E".
Mine is Matt. Nice to meet you all. :P
I'm Chris
Donny according to my parents.
Quote from: drakew on August 03, 2021, 10:52:23 PM
From the bygone days of the bbs cafe, I am Dr as or or the Drake!!!
Cut it out, Blue man in the handsome Giants tie. And while you're at it, put the sword away.
I'm Jess
Steve here.
Quote from: Jclayton92 on August 04, 2021, 10:59:53 AM
I'm Jess
Good to know that you're not John Clayton whom Sean Salisbury used to refer to as the Cryptkeeper, which was in reponse to his having been called, Mr. Backup. In any case, he was let go in Disney ESPN's big (300+) layoff a year ago. I think Clayton now has a Saturday Morning radio show devoted to the Seattle Seahawks. I wonder if he still has the poneytail?
As for Salibury, Mr.Dicpic was fired way earlier. Yet he too has a radio show.
In any event, we'd rather "listen" to you, Jess.
Frank, which I prefer to my baptized name, Francis Joseph. Was named after my father. He was the fifth born in his family and first male born in the USA. He was named after Franz Josef, the Emperor of Austria. So occasionally I would kid my father and ask why wasn't he named after George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or somebody like that. Once he replied his mother was too busy raising kids to think much about it.
Quote from: Painter on August 04, 2021, 01:35:17 PM
Good to know that you're not John Clayton whom Sean Salisbury used to refer to as the Cryptkeeper, which was in reponse to his having been called, Mr. Backup. In any case, he was let go in Disney ESPN's big (300+) layoff a year ago. I think Clayton now has a Saturday Morning radio show devoted to the Seattle Seahawks. I wonder if he still has the poneytail?
As for Salibury, Mr.Dicpic was fired way earlier. Yet he too has a radio show.
In any event, we'd rather "listen" to you, Jess.
John Clayton has been making some appearances on NFL Radio when regular hosts are off. There are other media people that host shows on that network, and in some ways they understand how to create a better radio program, but the knowledge base is very different from the ex- players, coaches and front office people that I find more interesting on that station.
Dont post much, but my name is Marcus.
Mines is Kerry
Should you wish to remember. Only those currently submitted are included. Please correct any errors, and add or delete your name as you may wish.
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Thanks for doing that, Larry :ok:
Steve here. =)
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Quote from: Painter on August 05, 2021, 11:50:39 AM
Should you wish to remember. Only those currently submitted are included. Please correct any errors, and add or delete your name as you may wish.
A lot of time on your hands these days--????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
A little late to the party; I do beg everyone's pardon. For today, I declare with great excitement that I turned in my membership to the Land of Enchantment (will miss the green chile for certain) for a return to the Grand Canyon State to start the next chapter in my life (NOTE: as well as my family).
I am in the former BBWC Hall of Fame for my field goal kicking prowess as well as holding the record for the longest cow-pattie kick in the state of Alabama (NOTE: attested to by none other than the Tru Blu fan, in his darker, more handsomely days).
Most refer to me as the "k-man" here but I am fine with folks using my given name.
Peace, Chris (short for Christian) K.
Quote from: kartanoman on August 07, 2021, 01:31:21 AM
A little late to the party; I do beg everyone's pardon. For today, I declare with great excitement that I turned in my membership to the Land of Enchantment (will miss the green chile for certain) for a return to the Grand Canyon State to start the next chapter in my life (NOTE: as well as my family).
I am in the former BBWC Hall of Fame for my field goal kicking prowess as well as holding the record for the longest cow-pattie kick in the state of Alabama (NOTE: attested to by none other than the Tru Blu fan, in his darker, more handsomely days).
Most refer to me as the "k-man" here but I am fine with folks using my given name.
Peace, Chris (short for Christian) K.
Thanks, k-man, I mean Chris. You're included. I don't know why I'm keeper of the roll but I feel like I've painted myself into it (pun intended). Best wishes to you and yours on your return to Arizona. Just don't forget who you're rooting for when they play the Cardinales.
I was named after my father Frank. When my father was asked what was his middle name he replied "Frank". There is a pattern with the name in my family. Both of my grandfathers were Frank. My mother's father, Frank, named there first son Frank. He had a son that he named Frank who just recently had a son that they named Frank the fifth. Get the pattern here. My mother was 1 of 4 sisters and 2 brothers. Three of the 4 sisters married a Frank. When we were at a family gathering all you had to do was call a male Frank and there was a good chance that you would be correct. Also, there was a cousin Frank on my fathers side. Many of my female cousins had a middle name of Frances. Two of my 3 sons have a middle name of Francis.
My grandfather and all of my uncles are gone but the name Frank lives on with Frank the fifth.
By the way my name is, you got it "Frank".
OK, my given name is Kenneth.
No one ever calls me Kenneth, I answer mainly to Ken.......among other things.
My name is Lou and I
Hey! Frank, Ken, and Lou. Gotcha.
Saluti! Luigi ;)
Quote from: Painter on August 09, 2021, 12:54:02 PM
Hey! Frank, Ken, and Lou. Gotcha.
Saluti! Luigi ;)
Mille Grazie!
Quote from: Gmanfansince on August 18, 2021, 07:44:51 AM
That's too much information for our nationality. :laugh: :ok:
My first name is Fred. That's all you get. ;)
That's all good, Fred. Thanks.
George. By all means use it if you want. August Bday too.
Quote from: Thegratefulhead on August 23, 2021, 12:21:24 PM
George. By all means use it if you want. August Bday too.
Got it, George. Thanks. And Happy Birthday; possibly belated but no less sincere.
Quote from: LennG on August 05, 2021, 03:16:44 PM
A lot of time on your hands these days--????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
No more than usual, Len. ;)
Cheers! NJ. Youngest of 10 Irish /Scottish clan and only surviving member...whaddy'a expect if I'm 84! :ok: :ok:
Quote from: afan56 on August 26, 2021, 02:20:37 PM NJ. Youngest of 10 Irish /Scottish clan and only surviving member...whaddy'a expect if I'm 84! :ok: :ok:
No wonder we like each other so much, Bob. We are Dead Wringers (pardon the expression) except that I was born in the Bronx. ;)
Quote from: Painter on August 05, 2021, 11:50:39 AM
Should you wish to remember. Only those currently submitted are included. Please correct any errors, and add or delete your name as you may wish.
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Missing Bob in Pa.
Quote from: afan56 on August 26, 2021, 04:23:34 PM
Missing Bob in Pa.
afan: I never called you Bob all these years to avoid confusion. People might have thought I was talking to myself. LOL
Quote from: afan56 on August 26, 2021, 04:23:34 PM
Missing Bob in Pa.
It's not an official list, and I have included only those who have affirmed use of their first name. I don't believe that Bob has for perhaps an obvious reason. Of course, it might be a screen name for a guy named Harry from Maine. But as that Bob is a Global Moderator and fan favorite, I'll add Bob In BBH...I mean PA to the List. By the way, guess who else is not on that list?
Quote from: Painter on August 05, 2021, 11:50:39 AM
Should you wish to remember. Only those currently submitted are included. Please correct any errors, and add or delete your name as you may wish.
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Hint! Hint!
My name is John.
Quote from: beaugestus on August 27, 2021, 10:25:12 PM
My name is John.
I knew that, but needed your Okay! ;)
Larry, I think this is a very good idea. I think, it helps when you can address someone with their first name. It has seemed to help with the demeanor that is taken when we have opposing views. Good job! John
Quote from: beaugestus on August 28, 2021, 08:00:11 PM
Larry, I think this is a very good idea. I think, it helps when you can address someone with their first name. It has seemed to help with the demeanor that is taken when we have opposing views. Good job! John
Now that you mention it, John, I can sense that it is so. When we address each other by first name, we do seem to be more
eye to eye than nose to wall.
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
43 names, not including yours truly, and counting.
Hey Larry... what's your first name? LOL
Quote from: Bob In PA on September 01, 2021, 01:13:16 AM
Hey Larry... what's your first name? LOL
How 'bout Larry Out Loud? LOL
But you can call him Al
(You know, the Paul Simon song) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
Following Lenn's name is Matt and you're free to use it anytime you want, even to curse at me :).
Quote from: kingm56 on September 02, 2021, 11:11:34 PM
Following Lenn's name is Matt and you're free to use it anytime you want, even to curse at me :).
Added. I can't imagine cursing at you, Matt. But at Lenn? Naw! Won't work. He has a hide like an Armadillo, so we gave that up a long time ago.
Way late to the name is Chris
Quote from: expatriot on September 10, 2021, 08:39:52 AM
Way late to the name is Chris
Never too late, Chris. Got it.
Pretty sure people have figured it out, but it's Justin
Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Tim here

Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners56 Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
bobalobabingbong Dano
giantd86 Rich
Another Dan here. Friends call me Dano. Feel free to use that.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: bobalobabingbong on September 21, 2021, 08:03:05 PM
Another Dan here. Friends call me Dano. Feel free to use that.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Will do, Dano.
Tom but everyone calls by my nickname
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
bobalobabingbong Dano
giantd86 Rich
Woody Tom bka Woody
Chiller99 Sean
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosopher Joseph
Slugs Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
bobalobabingbong Dano
giantd86 Rich
Woody Tom bka Woody
chiller99 Sean
Sorry for being late to the game here. My name is Darrel. I live in Northern NJ.
My name is Ed but you can call me Ed.
Name's Domenico but you can call me Dom. :)
Quote from: GordonGekko80 on January 12, 2022, 06:24:52 AMName's Domenico but you can call me Dom. :)
That we will do, Dom. And now that you have authorized it, you as well, Ed. And I suppose I should add myself finally
Screen NameMightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosophers Joseph
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
bobalobabingbong Dano
giantd86 Rich
Woody Tom bka Woody
chiller99 Sean
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Ed Vette Ed
Painter Larry
Quote from: Painter on January 12, 2022, 12:55:01 PMThat we will do, Dom. And now that you have authorized it, you as well, Ed. And I suppose I should add myself finally
Screen Name
MightyGiants Richard
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Zephirus Lee
JollyBlueG Ric
Philosophers Joseph
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Moose135 John
Sooners Dale
Dumpster Dan Dan
EDjohnst Ed
PresidentRick Rick
Londonblue Neil
LennG Len
AZGiantsFan Rich
files58 Allan
Jaime Jaime
drakew dr drake
topshelf Ant
tomeee E
Uconnjack8 Matt
babywhales Chris
TDToomer Donny
Sem Steve
JClayton Jess
CVA14 Frank
theNorwegian Marcus
state_property Kerry
PSU Beirut Steve
kartanoman Chris
brownelvis54 Robert
Shoelessjoe Frank
MagicRat Ken
squibber Lou
Gmanfansince Fred
Thegratefulhead George
afan56 Bob
Bob In PA Bob
Beaugestus John
Giant Jim Jim
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
Gman329 Gary
Giant Obsession Mike
kingm56 Matt
expatriot Chris
justinddelfosse Justin
T200 Tim
bobalobabingbong Dano
giantd86 Rich
Woody Tom bka Woody
chiller99 Sean
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Ed Vette Ed
Painter Larry
Thanks to Larry who's stayed on top of this.
Sent from my SM-S901B using Tapatalk
@Painter thank you so much for doing this :ok:
I will add the one trick I know how to do with Excel and alphabetize the list
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
Beaugestus John
Bob In PA Bob
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueG Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Bob In PA Bob
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueG Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Quote from: miss86 on October 30, 2022, 10:32:20 AMMiss86 - Christina (Chris)
I always though it was short for Mississippi :P
Quote from: T200 on October 30, 2022, 10:48:04 AMI always though it was short for Mississippi :P
I thought she missed the greatest season of all time.
Quote from: Ed Vette on October 30, 2022, 11:19:58 AMI thought she missed the greatest season of all time.
:laugh: =))
A great group of people...not just Giants fans. Glad to be a part of this site.
They call me Bruce.
Thanks, Rich. That really is a big help.
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
Beaugestus John
bighitterdalama Brian
Bob In PA Bob
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueG Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Rosehill Jimmv Jim/ Jimbo
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
Thin Blue Line Bruce
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AP44 Dale
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Bob In PA Bob
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueG Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Torrey Paul
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
Would you like my name or what my wife calls me? haha
If its the former, its Dale
Quote from: AP44 on November 07, 2022, 01:32:32 PMWould you like my name or what my wife calls me? haha
If its the former, its Dale
Both, in case we need to as well! ;) :laugh:
Quote from: MightyGiants on October 28, 2022, 08:16:49 AMafan56 Bob
Alamo Tom
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AP44 Dale
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Blue Cruz Ed
Bob In PA Bob
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
jgrangers2 Jason
JollyBlueG Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Uconnjack8 Matt
View From 129 Darrel
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
I'm also an Ed (And a Giants Fan since 1956, when I listened to the Giants on Sunday afternoons in my Dad's car outside the Robin Hood Inn (our Sunday dinner spot) in Clifton NJ at the age of 9)
Quote from: BluesCruz on December 07, 2022, 01:55:07 PMI'm also an Ed (And a Giants Fan since 1956, when I listened to the Giants on Sunday afternoons in my Dad's car outside the Robin Hood Inn (our Sunday dinner spot) in Clifton NJ at the age of 9)
Quote from: MightyGiants on December 07, 2022, 02:06:21 PM(
Thanks for that Richard, that made my day.....truly
and you cannot find a meal like that anymore. I later worked there as a busboy with many stories to tell
Also Jorgenson's out RT 23 another great old restaurant. those were the days.
Quote from: Alamo on January 03, 2023, 05:47:59 PMAlamo...Tom
I find it easier to remember the Alamo, Tom. ;)
Should be obvious but I also answer to Jimbo :D
Updated (Upnamed) as of the moment.
With Larry's push, I'll add mine:
dflogan: Don
I've been offline for a while, but hopefully back fairly regularly.
All the best, Don
Sorry. Thought I was already listed.
bighitterdalama Brian
Quote from: MightyGiants on November 07, 2022, 07:59:19 AMafan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AP44 Dale
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
bamagiantfan Mitch
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Bob In PA Bob
bighitterdalama Brian
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueGiant Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Torrey Paul
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AP44 Dale
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
bamagiantfan Mitch
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Bob In PA Bob
bighitterdalama Brian
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
Dave Brown Jeff
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueGiant Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
spiderblue43 Christopher
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Where's Dayne Joe
Torrey Paul
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
Hard to believe but i'm the only Joe soon to be currently on the list. :what:
Quote from: WheresDayne on June 26, 2024, 09:49:32 AMHard to believe but i'm the only Joe soon to be currently on the list. :what:
You missed
Ok, I'll formally introduce myself by my first name, finally:
Updated 8/22/2024
My first name is Sharam. My family escaped the "revolution" in Iran in 1978, when we moved to NY. Exposure to American football made soccer an afterthought.
Quote from: GloryDays on August 26, 2024, 06:34:28 PMMy first name is Sharam. My family escaped the "revolution" in Iran in 1978, when we moved to NY. Exposure to American football made soccer an afterthought.
Welcome, Sharam. I'm Ed. I'm from England.
Thank you ED... London was one of my favorite cities, HK also.
Quote from: GloryDays on August 27, 2024, 09:06:23 PMThank you ED... London was one of my favorite cities, HK also.
Yeah, I loved Hong Kong. I did a couple of months lecturing at the University of Hong Kong earlier this year. Will certainly go back.
Sorry, thought I had already answered this... have been offline for awhile, and just catching up.
I'm Don!
afan56 Bob
andrew_nyGiants Andrew
AP44 Dale
AZGiantsFan Rich
babywhales Chris
bamagiantfan Mitch
Beaugestus John
Beaverchops Andrew
Blue Since '62 Paul
Bob In PA Bob
bighitterdalama Brian
bobalobabingbong Dano
brownelvis54 Robert
chiller99 Sean
CVA14 Frank
Dave Brown Jeff
dflogan Don
drakew dr drake
Dumpster Dan Dan
Ed Vette Ed
EDjohnst Ed
expatriot Chris
files58 Allan
Flipper. Rich
From The B Side Peter
Giant Jim Jim
Giant Obsession Mike
giantd86 Rich
GloryDays Sharam
Gman329 Gary
Gmanfansince Fred
Gordon Gekko80 Dom
Grime Time Tim
H-Town G-Fan Kyle
Jaime Jaime
JClayton Jess
JollyBlueGiant Ric
justinddelfosse Justin
kartanoman Chris
kingm56 Matt
LennG Len
Londonblue Neil
MagicRat Ken
MightyGiants Richard
Miss86 - Christina (Chris)
Moose135 John
MP21Ways Mark
Ozzie Lou
Painter Larry
Philosophers Joseph
PresidentRick Rick
PSU Beirut Steve
Sem Steve
Shoelessjoe Frank
Slugsy-Narrows Paul
Sooners Dale
squibber Lou
state_property Kerry
T200 Tim
TDToomer Donny
Thegratefulhead George
theNorwegian Marcus
tomeee E
topshelf Ant
Torrey Paul
Uconnjack8 Matt
Woody Tom bka Woody
Zephirus Lee
Thought I did this, though it may have been years ago now ...
Name is Kyle.
List has been updated to include Don and Kyle.
The name is Peter. From The B Side is what I call my hometown, Brooklyn, NY. Graduated from Brooklyn Tech and Brooklyn College.
Gotcha Peter. However, it does occur to me that The B Side could also mean Da Bronx.