I grew up about 12 miles from where Ronnie Dio grew up. The small street that he lived in has been renamed "Dio Way", which is all of a single block long. When I was a teen, I had the good fortune to watch him and his band play for a couple of hours in a gymnasium at a high school dance in Cortland. Didn't think much of it at the time, as I was far more interested in a whole new group of girls to get to know. I thought he was really loud for such a small guy, and the band played "tight" for a typical band that plays in high schools. His band was called the "Electric Elves" at the time, and he was making a name for himself on the national scene. He only played this gig because he was in town at the time and kind of payback for the city that raised him. I had not a clue that he'd become a world-wide legend
He started out as a trumpet player and got a standing ovation in sixth grade with a performance of "The Toy Trumpet" at the New York State Music Festival. As far as I know, he never played trumpet once he became a famous rock star :-??
(https://i.postimg.cc/0NbTH8ft/Dio.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Regardless, for those interested, the show is going to be on
Showtime, Thursday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. ET.
Link to an article: https://www.syracuse.com/entertainment/2022/11/ronnie-james-dio-new-film-about-metal-icon-from-central-new-york-coming-to-tv.html
Here's another link that points out that he was a Giants' fan :ok:
Thanks had no clue about this!
Dio had a voice that was just unique and amazing! From Elves to Rainbow to Sabbath and his solo stuff Dio's voice and distinct sound was icon in the Metal and Hard Rock Genre!
Will always be one of my fav signers!
Never knew he was a Giants fan! Like him even more now!
He is also rumored to be the one who made

horns up (a metal sign at now all metal concerts) a thing!
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He said the horn signs was something his mother did. It was to ward off a evil spell shot off by somebody else, then you "devil horn" them right back to reverse the bad thing they sent at you.
What was the name of his Upsate New York band? I can go as far back as "Otis and the All Night Workers". Spent my first 35 years in Syracuse.
Quote from: weeze on November 23, 2022, 06:28:48 PMHe said the horn signs was something his mother did. It was to ward off a evil spell shot off by somebody else, then you "devil horn" them right back to reverse the bad thing they sent at you.
What was the name of his Upsate New York band? I can go as far back as "Otis and the All Night Workers". Spent my first 35 years in Syracuse.
Dio and the Profits
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As far as I know, just the Elves. They were called the Electric Elves when I saw him as a kid. Had no idea he'd become a superstar. He started out as the Vegas Kings, then Ronnie and the Rumblers, then Ronnie and the Red Caps. Once they got a keyboard player, the band became "The Electic Elves"...which is how I remember him
and they played the Syracuse area? I'm pretty sure , no, no I would've been living in Syracuse at the time. Definitely does not ring a bell. Like I said "Otis and the all night workers" , that was the 60s .oh Carmen and the Vikings, also late 60s possibly the guys in it may have been in later bands.
I knoew "Skip" Murphy from his early days before the "CROSS CREEK BAND" but thats 70s. He went to FM , I attended JD high schoill for awhile until they asked me to find alternate education I guess you could say.
Long time ago.
Love me sone RJD. The stuff he did with Rainbow is untouchable.
Dio: Dreamers Never Die
The show/documentary is on tonight at 8:00 for those interested. It is only on Showtime as far as I've been able to tell. Can probably get it free for 10 days on one of the pay sites you are already on, just don't forget to cancel within those 10 days. Unless, of course, you already have Showtime
If you miss it tonight, there are a few more showings, all on Showtime
(https://i.postimg.cc/pTmGp6rx/dio.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
I don't have Showtime but will figure out how to watch this eventually. One of the best things about Dio is that he was just an overall nice guy in an industry filled with jerks. Back in 1985 after seeing what pop artists did for starving kids in Africa with Band Aid and USA for Africa he put together an all-star heavy metal band called Hearin' Aid to raise money to fight famine. He and his band wrote the single Stars with multiple singles trading verses and in true metal fashion included about 15 different guitar solos. His quote at time was something along the lines of "If we are all a bunch a devil worshipers then why are we here trying to help starving kids eat?".