Big Blue Huddle

General Category => The Front Porch => Topic started by: LennG on December 24, 2022, 12:11:33 PM

Title: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: LennG on December 24, 2022, 12:11:33 PM
Some one just sent me this and I am rolling down memory lane.

see how many you remember
Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: Jolly Blue Giant on December 24, 2022, 12:51:41 PM
I must be old because I remember all of them. My kids look at me like I'm from outa space when there's Fritos on the table and I sing, "Aye, yay, yay...I am the Frito Bandito"

I had a Cordoba and I had a Grenada. The Cordoba was a POS (of course, any typical 60's car with over a 100k miles was rusted out and a POS) and I never once felt like my Grenada was a Mercedes...not even close

I also remember saving my lunch money to buy Hai Karate thinking it would get me some girls. It didn't and my brothers and sister complained about the smell I left behind after I put it on :(

The oldest commercials I remember were the Shultz and Dooley steins (Dooley voiced over by Jonathan Winters where he got his first break into the showbiz). My favorite oldie was "Where's the Beef" (maybe not that old). Another, not so old (and I've tried to find it on Google/YouTube but can't) shows a football game where the defensive line is lined up with 6'5/300+ lb monsters against an offensive line of guys a foot shorter and barely eclipsing 100 lbs. When the ball was snapped, every defensive lineman picked the offensive lineman up a foot off the ground and threw them to the side the way we swat gnats away. Would laugh every time I saw that, and I don't even remember what the ad was selling. Another oldie I always liked was the Budweiser "Swamp Gang" starring Louie and Frankie lizards

I don't like many of the new commercials. I get a kick out of the mayhem commercials

It takes a lot of ingenuity from marketers to create a commercial I bother to watch
Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: LennG on December 24, 2022, 06:23:18 PM

Those were great Ric. Funny how we don't mind good commercials, at least, now we don't.

I go back to real early TV and remember years ago, most TV shows had one sponsor, Like Lassie was always Campbell's Soup, and each NY baseball team had their own beer sponsor.

I was a huge fan of early Saturday AM TV and one of my childhood favorites was Mighty Mouse

Here he is plugging Colgate with 'Gardoll'.

Don't know if you remember Bert and Harry Piels who did commercials for that beer for years. They were really voiced by the old Bob and Ray duo from the radio.

and check out this old DeSoto car commercial.

Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: Jolly Blue Giant on December 24, 2022, 06:43:37 PM
I don't remember any of them. I was born in '53 and we didn't have a TV until about '58, and it was a big console with about a 10" screen (rounded on the corners) and was more brown and white, than black and white. And, we got one 12, CBS out of Binghamton. Add to that I was raised on a dairy farm so there was very little time to watch TV. I had chores in the barn and fields by the time I was five years old. I think we had a pretty decent black and white TV around 1962 and in 1969, we got a color TV. We were allowed to watch cartoons for a couple of hours on Saturday mornings and Captain Kangaroo while waiting for the bus on weekdays

I remember Piels beer, don't remember the commercials. I'm not sure when Desoto cars went out of business, but there weren't many around that I remember as a kid. I knew all the brands of cars and their years as a kid as long as they were GM models, Ford, Chrysler models, Rambler, or Jeep. I remember we had a shiny navy blue '49 Ford coupe when I was born (actually, don't remember it, but I've seen pictures of my mother holding me as a baby in front of it and I know my father liked it). My mother wrecked in a snowstorm (so I've been told), then we had a Nash - that thing was ugly. In 1958, my father bought a brand new cherry red '58 Oldsmobile Super 88. After that, my dad always had Olds until they went out of business and then he went with Fords, except for pickups in which he was a Chevy guy for them

Everything changes over time and the introduction of Japanese cars removed a lot of American made cars right out of the market (Olds, Pontiac, Plymouth, AMC, Mercury, etc)
Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: LennG on December 24, 2022, 08:12:19 PM

I used to watch the old Groucho Marx show, 'You Bet Your Life' (still believe it was one of the funniest shows ever), and when we got the chance to rewatch them in repeats we did. For a couple of years, DeSoto was the sponsor and all the commercials were for their brand-new DeSoto with automatic transmission.

My Das always had Fords also and swore by them but since it was the family car, we had 4 door sedans. My oldest memory of our car was an old Hudson, and that was way back when. JimV probably had one as his first car.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:
Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: Fletch on December 25, 2022, 06:10:34 AM
Some of these might have ran into the 80s as I do not remember 70s tv as I was too young. But I do remember Coke singing commercials ; the 7up guy ; Mikey liking it; and the native American guy crying.

However, I wonder if they were in fact different commercials but use the same themes and songs.

Interesting that BK is still singing about having it your way. I don't remember what they were like in the 90s.
Title: Re: Great commercials from the 60s and 70s
Post by: LennG on December 25, 2022, 11:44:26 AM

There have been Great commercials over the ages, some that just defy time and will always live with those that saw them.

Where's the Beef, was maybe the best of the best and defined Wendys for generations
The Alka Seltzer commercials were something new and different, funny and again, will live on maybe forever. The same can be said for some of the old VW commercials, they, like Alka Seltzer, took commercials to a new level.
I guess the same can be said for the Miller Light Beer commercials, each one was amusing and done excellently.

And as for that Coke singing on the mountain, I'd like to teach the world to sing, we can thank Don Draper for that.  :what:  :what:  :what:  :what:  :what:  :what: