Big Blue Huddle

General Category => Big Blue Huddle => Topic started by: LennG on November 13, 2023, 12:34:03 PM

Title: Coordinators
Post by: LennG on November 13, 2023, 12:34:03 PM

 At the end of last season, most of us were so worried that our higher coaching staff would be raided and we would lose the guys who seemed to have had the biggest impact on our success last year. Well, as the leaves turn so do prospects of losing our coordinators. Last year we thought of losing them to a new team as a possible HC, now we really just want to lose them period.

I really wonder what has happened to Wink. Gosh, he really was the hot item last year. Even though our defense was middle of the road, he was daring and these guys played their asses off for him. Where has the magic gone?
What really has gone so asscue with the defense? On paper, we should be better, so why are we continually stinking up the joint? Is this on Wink? Have teams caught on to him and his strategies?

And Kafka, WTF has happened to him? We have been complaining and moaning about his play calls from day one. (Remember having Jones have a QB run, down 40 to 0)?
He is so unimaginative, so predictable, it is sickening. I fully understand we have a very weak OL, so there have to be plays in that large playbook to give them some help. Someone, please tell me why we continually run Barkley into 300+ pond behemoths, right up the middle, when our OL can't create openings. Where is the imagination, the daring, anything is better than this crap. We draft a guy like Hyatt who has amazing speed, yet he never touches the ball. Why not, at least, try and use his speed as the Cowgirls used their speed guy? Is Hyatt that bad, another bad draft by our scouts, or just not even being given a chance? Gosh, there has to be ways to incorporate his speed into the game plan. Give him some touches and see what he can do. Even Michael Strahan commented during halftime that what do the Giants have to lose at this point, 2-7 with a rookie QB, why not go for broke? The offense is pathetic and our once proud Giant tradition of stout defense is just a memory.

Those teams who might have considered hiring these two guys last year are probably laughing all the way down the road now. What a difference a year makes.

To me, that validates the theory of not hiring the hot coordinator, what may be hot one year can be as cold as ice the next.