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The Front Porch / Get Together
August 22, 2022, 08:34:36 PM
A while back, someone posted (I think it was Ed) about the possibility of getting together to watch a game--somewhere. It seemed to have been shelved, but why?

I had suggested an early game like Oct 2 vs the Bears. If this is still on the table, count me in. Other Sundays during the month of October have several Jewish Holidays, so I don't know if I could make it.

Come on guys, pick a date and a place and announce it to the membership and let's do it.

a long time ago in a different place, we used to have a get-together at Manny's, near Giants Stadium a great place for all Giants fans to watch a game. Bob and I used to do this for several years, along with Patti.

Again, even if we get a small group it's worth it.
The Front Porch / I'll be away
August 22, 2022, 12:55:39 PM

Just a heads up. I think I mentioned this a while ago, but, if not, we are off, traveling again starting Wednesday nite and going thru Sept 18. So no wordle for me during that time. In reality, I don't know when I might even be able to get online as we will be at sea for 3 weeks. I'll even miss our first game unless I can see it on the ship.
The Front Porch / Optical illusions
August 21, 2022, 05:57:35 PM
How is everyone on spotting some optical illusions?

I did rather poorly, in fact, I sucked at it. I get too frustrated and give up.

So did you find any?

If you click on the links under each picture, they will tell you where or how to view it.

Another pretty good list that was sent to me today.

On looking thru it I kind of agree with them all. It doesn't say 'greatest cops' just memorable

I might also add

Steve McGarrett--Hawaii Five-O
Hal Lindon--Barney Miller
Frank Drebin--Police Squad
Christine Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey: 'Cagney & Lacey'
Mike Stone and Steve Keller: 'The Streets of San Francisco'
Let me add a couple of cops for the comedy set
Murry on the Odd Couple
Toody and Muldoon--Car 54 Where Are You
The Front Porch / Aug 6, 1945
August 06, 2022, 01:05:29 PM

77 years ago today the world entered into the nuclear age with the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima.

A good topic for discussion as many condemned the USA for the wanton killing of over 100,000 innocent civilians and then did it again, at Nagasaki 3 days later.

In my very humble mind, the act by then-new president Truman was one of the biggest decisions an American President ever had to make and it was the right one. The US had prevailed upon Japan to surrender or face the worst ever consequences, and, as we know, they refused.
We were already preparing to invade Japan and they would have cost the USA untold deaths and casualties.

As I said, many condemned Truman and the US for this action, but it WAs the right decision.

I'm sure there are tons more, but really, no disputing any of these.

How about DB Cooper
Amelia Earhart
The Zodiac Killer
Alcatraz escapees
The death of JonBenét Ramsey

And from TV or the movies
 Is Deckard A Replicant? (From Blade Runner)
What was in the attache case in Pulp Fiction
In the spaghetti western, what was Clint Eastwood's character's name

Before you look at this it may well contain spoilers from movies or TV shows that you may want to watch and have not seen and then you might know a certain character has died.

I could also add a couple of characters from Breaking Bad to the list.

Many of the movies or TV shows I haven't seen, but this is not who should not have been killed off, just memorable characters who did, in fact, pass away on said show.
The Front Porch / Kill Bill III--------Maybe ???
July 09, 2022, 12:25:09 PM

Rumors are flying around about a possible Kill Bill III, or could this just be hopefully thinking?

Quentin Tarantino has said about it, never say never and things may be in the works

I am a huge fan of Kill Bill I and then Kill Bill II and would be overly joyful to see a Kill NIll III
The Front Porch / Dance compellation
July 05, 2022, 06:56:58 PM

A while back I posted several great dance compellations of old (and some new) clips from movies where the actors are dancing to some well-known song. Many times, it really feels as if they ARE dancing to that particular tune.

Here is another
The Front Porch / How is this humanly possible?
July 04, 2022, 05:36:08 PM
'Jaws' Wins Again'

Joey Chestnut once again blew away the competition in the annual Nathan's hot dog eating contest in Coney Island, New York, downing 63 franks (and buns) in just 10 minutes. Sounds impressive on paper, but remember that "Jaws" swallowed a staggering 76 dawgs last year in the same competition. Yes, that is the world record by a Brooklyn mile.

Geoffrey Esper came in second with a paltry 47.5 hot dogs.

I watched the video and still do not see how a person can do this--yet this guy does it every year and wins by a mile.
The Front Porch / The Three Stooges
July 04, 2022, 05:26:31 PM
I sure don't know who loved these guys or who hated them, but for me, cast me in the Loved them column. When I was a teen, they had a show in NY, on TV at about 4 PM or 4:30, with a fellow named Officer Joe Bolton, where they used to show the Three Stooges 2 reelers. I used to run home from school to watch these every day.

In case you weren't a fan and just want to know more about them, here is a great read, and if you were a huge fan, this will bring back some terrific memories.
The Front Porch / 25 best action movies of all time
June 29, 2022, 04:13:16 PM

I guess this is a very subjective subject as we all see action and thrills a bit differently. I can't argue with many of the movies here except I would change the order for a lot of them.

 I wouldn't put the Matrix on this list. When there was action it was superior to most, but it simply wasn't an action movie.

Also, when they named a particular movie I would assume it included the entire series, like Bourne, each of his movies were excellent, action-wise, so I assume it was a collection assignment.

Also, movies I feel should have been there, and one in particular, way up there--Star Wars
I also loved Speed
And add to that the James Bond series
Enter the Dragon (any of the Bruce Lee movies)
Also, all of the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns

Give me time, I'll think of others.

As I said, it is very subjective, but just because we like one particular movie, doesn't make it an all-time favorite.
The Front Porch / Tombstone, the movie
June 21, 2022, 01:04:23 PM

Seems I remember a few people who really liked the movie Tombstone.

Here is a quiz on the movie, I think 30 or so questions, see what you can do.

I got 7 wrong, but most were from questions  I would never know.
The Front Porch / 20 best instrumental songs
June 21, 2022, 11:05:57 AM

So we have done several lists and I saw these on a link and thought it might be interesting.

Nice list and many really good instrumentals. But one thing sure stands out, they just don't do many of these anymore. If you look at the dates, most are from the last decade and more from the earlier years of R&R.

Why has this genre not held up?

Alcatraz is infamous in the history of US prisons. Its location on a small island in the cold waters of San Francisco Bay made it impossible to escape – at least that was the idea. Any inmate brave enough to try would have to swim over a mile in frigid water with a strong current before they could make it to land.

Between its opening in 1934 and its closing in 1963, a total of 36 inmates tried to escape their incarcerated fate. The most famous case came in June of 1962. Since the prisoners were never captured and their bodies were never found, their fate was uncertain for a long time. However, decades later, new evidence came in that made authorities reopen their investigation. What did they learn?

John Anglin Writes a Letter
In 2013, a letter was sent to the San Francisco Police Department. "My name is John Anglin," the letter began, "I escaped from Alcatraz in June 1962 with my brother Clarence and Frank Morris."${CONTENT_ID}&ac=2

Was it really possible that these guys did escape and ended up living long lives as free men?

A good friend sent me this today and I found it just fascinating.

Here is a list of guys, most of who we have never heard of, who all won the Medal of Honor, many posthumously, who did what was expected of them and so much more. Not for fame or glory but because it was their duty.

These are the people who should be looked up to and their names should not be forgotten as soon as we finish the article. Anyway, I found it a great read, and be sure to read what each man did to deserve this honor.

On this list is Desmond Doss, the only conscientious objector to win the Medal Of Honor. If you have never seen the movie they made about him, 'Hacksaw Ridge', I would urge you to see it. A wonderful watch and I can guarantee you will never forget his name again.
Since someone thinks there are too many movie threads, I am scouring around looking for different content that might be befitting the Front Porch.

Saw this today and decided, hey we all like to eat and what is more American than a favorite sandwich.

Personally, I think most of these sandwiches won't be people's favorites, so what is your favorite sandwich? Is it YOUR creation or just something that you have always loved?

Myself, I would have to say my all-time favorite sandwich is something you can only get at a Jewish Deli--Hot Pastrami on fresh rye bread with some great deli mustard. My own take on this is I add a nice scoop of sauerkraut on top of the pastrami. My mouth waters for this. AND there is a huge difference between the pastrami one gets at a Jewish deli compared to any other deli or supermarket.  Don't know why but there is.

For my own creations, I am a HUGE fan of grill cheese sandwiches. I love to try assorted cheeses. Don't know why, but I think my favorite cheese is Havarti. My wife loves to make fresh bread and my favorite is a white/dill bread. When she makes this, I take two huge slices, and then the magic happens.
Instead of putting butter on the bread, I do this sort of spicy mayo on the outside. I also --sometimes- try and jazz up the sandwich with a nice slice of Bermuda onion or tomato on the inside and let it cook on a very low flame until the bread has that crispy look and the cheese is melted.

OK guys let's hear it.

I think we might have done this before, but since I'm old I don't remember, so let's try a new list

Most of the good ones are there, but some stinkers (for me anyway) are also there. I hated The Power of the Dog, and I would never put The Hateful 8 in with the greatest of all time.

Like any list, it is so subjective but personally, I think I would rate 'The Unforgiven' as one of the best ever, if not THE best ever.

Some that I would put on MY list that weren't listed

High Noon-- This should be in the top 5 of any list of greatest westerns
Tombstone--another bad omission
3:10 To Yuma ( The original)
The Magnificent 7 (original)
The Gunfighter

And, since many people consider this a western (which I really don't) The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Front Porch / Funniest characters ever on TV
May 29, 2022, 12:48:22 PM

I was thinking about this last night so I took to the internet to see what others think. To my surprise, most of the characters listed were from the sort of 'modern day' shows, which, to me, most aren't near as funny as some characters from years ago.
As with any list, it is so subjective, especially as to your age, what you deem as funny, and types of humor (slapstick, racy, dark, etc). Myself, I feel I am a fan of all humor, except humor that is done by just saying dirty words. I find ensemble casts funny mostly because of the writing and shows like MASH which I loved, the characters were serious as much as really funny.

So, this is my own list and it is only from TV characters, not from stand-up comediennes.

To me, maybe the funniest TV character EVER was Jim Ignatowski from Taxi. I was a huge fan of this show and really everyone on it was funny.
I would also add Louie DePalma as another I would put in my top ten.  And I would put Taxi in my list of top 5 comedy shows ever on TV.

After that my list would be

Archie Bunker
Larry David
Tim Conway
Laverne and Shirley
Niles Crane
Norm and Cliff (Cheers) (Just another great cast and would also be in my top 5  comedies ever)
Barney Fife
AND, believe it or not--Kermit the Frog (I was and still am, a HUGE fan of the old The Muppett Show and just loved the Swedish Chef and Sam the Eagle)

Give me more time and I will think of others

The Front Porch / HULU
May 24, 2022, 04:22:06 PM

I don't know if anyone has this or watches shows on it, but they are running a promo, $1 a month for 3 months as a trial thing. We do this every year on the day after Thanksgiving, they run a full-year promo for $1 a month for 12 months.
With his promo, there are ads but if there is anything you want to watch on HULU here's the chance
The Front Porch / Cell phone problem
May 24, 2022, 11:05:18 AM

I am having a problem with my cell phone.

First, I have to say, I am NOT a tech guy and have a pretty old phone with a basic Mint Mobile plan. I have an old LG phone that was once used for Metro and probably cleaned and I bought it thru this Mint Mobil. I really just use it for phone calls and a few other things.

So, the other day, for whatever reason, it just would not go on. I took the battery out, replaced it, and then charged it. It goes on but every few seconds I get a message
"Unfortunately. LG IMS has stopped'. The phone seems to work but this message comes up non-stop every few seconds and I have no idea what to do about it.

Do I need a new phone or can any suggest something to try?

What the heck is IMS?

Got this today in an email from a good friend who also cherishes movies.

Can't argue with most of them and I'm sure there are several other great ones

EG Robinson--Little Caesar
Cagney-- White Heat
Henry Fonda--Once Upon a Time In the West
Bogart (Take you pick--he was always being killed off in his early flix) High Sierra
James Caan--The Godfather
Maybe the best ever was King Kong
Old Yeller
Appollo Creed--Rocky something

The Front Porch / Movie trivia
May 02, 2022, 11:31:15 AM

I just came across this site that gives some known or unknown trivia from several well-known movies.

Some I already knew, others not so, but always interesting.

Any others out there?
The Front Porch / Great compellation of singers
May 01, 2022, 04:26:32 PM

See how many singers you can recognize today as they aged thru the years

(Great song also)
The Front Porch / Interesting question
April 19, 2022, 11:57:00 AM

Nice location, and a wonderful question.

So If you could have a seat on this bench and the chance to talk to anyone for an hour while sitting there, who would it be?
The Front Porch / Films of Ridley Scott ranked
March 07, 2022, 02:12:58 PM

So we've done Quentin Tarintino and Hitchcock so now let's try Ridley Scott.

To be honest, there are a few films, especially at the lower end of the list that I had never even heard of, but once we get going, especially the ones in the top ten, all great movies.

Films like Exodus-Gods and Kings was one of the worst movies ever. A complete waste of time and money and just with a ridiculous premise.
Also his version of Robin Hood was a sham especially when there have been some excellent other versions.
Should have also stayed away from Alien: Covenant

That said, films like Aliens, Black Hawk Down, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian are truly outstanding movies. One of my true favorites was the Kingdom of Heaven just a terrific movie about the siege of Jerusalem.

Many favorites to chose from.

The list isn't in any sort of order, just who the writer thought were his 20 greatest movies.

Hitch has always been probably my favorite director and I basically love all his movies, some a lot more than others and I believe I have seen them all. (several times).

Just my own list

#1---Dial M For Murder
#3-- Vertigo
#4--Strangers On A Train
#5--The 39 Steps

A few really good ones that weren't on the list were Rope, the newer Man Who Knew Too Much, and The Paradine Case

If you are not a fan of Quentin Tarintino then just skip over this thread.

If you ARE a fan, as I am, then take a look at some of his memorable characters and, I'm sure, there are several more not mentioned.
The Front Porch / 50 famous firsts from TV history
February 24, 2022, 06:54:26 PM

See how many you remember?

From the mid 50's on, I can remember most of them.

Any other '1 sts' that you can recall?