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Messages - uconnjack8

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
February 06, 2015, 04:33:21 PM
This is sort of an old one...Well to me it is, and it is also pretty long.  I am sure some of you may have heard it:


A priest wanted to make some extra money for his church and thought it would be a great idea to purchase a horse at an auction and race him at a local track.  The priest went to the auction and realized he did not have enough money for a horse and decided to purchase a donkey and to still try and enter him in horse races.

A local news paper that covered the track heard about it and took thought it would make it a good story.  In the first race the donkey came in 3rd, the headline the next day:


A few weeks later he won race and the headline was:


The Cardinal heard about it and felt the church should not be involved in gambling and ordered the priest to stop entering the donkey in races.  Next day's headline:


This infuriated the cardinal who ordered the priest to just get rid of the animal.  He gave it to a nun from the church.  Headline next day:


The Cardinal hit the roof when he saw that and told the nun he wanted it gone and not associated with the church in anyway.  The nun sold it to a local farmer.  Next day's headline:


The cardinal saw that and got so angry he had a heart attack and died.  Next day the headline read:

Did not know he had those concussions.  Sounds like he could be the next Bob Sanders, great when healthy, but rarely healthy.
What is your take on Shamarko Thomas?  I liked what I saw of him in games, but lets face it, the Big East has not been a football juggernaut.  And I am saying that as a Uconn alum. 
Thanks again for these breakdowns.  I definitely a 2nd or 3rd rounder goes into this position if only because the talent that is there.
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 13, 2013, 10:28:58 AM
Assuming the Giants have given up on Austin, I would love to see a guy like Josh Boyd picked up in the 4th or 5th round

Do you think they would give up on a 2nd rounder after 2 years?  Although he has not showed any sign of stepping up it seems too soon for them to give up.
If Cooper or Warmack fall that far it will certainly be interesting from a fan perspective.  We would gain a lot of insight on how JR and company value positions (assuming he has those two guys rated as high as others). 

I think Brandt's comments bring out the reason both these guys could fall.  We regularly see teams reach at the LT position in the 1st round but not at guard.  If you believe either of those guys are going to be a dominant perennial pro-bowl type player I think you take them at 19.  Having an elite player at any position in the NFL gives you unique advantages.  In this case I cannot help but think of Wilson having holes to run through like the 2008 line gave Bradshaw and Jacobs. 

Of course the question is will they really be that good?

1)  I grew up in Jersey and live in Connecticut now....I lived up in Maine for a few years and lets just say that after the Super Bowl in 08 I was not a popular guy. 

2)  I am 36 and have been a Giants fan my whole life....Started watching football in the early to mid 80's, it was a great time to be introduced to Giants football.

3)  In the process of opening a restaurant right now.

4)I am thrilled to have found this page.  I don't watch much of other sports so it is great to find a place where people are 365 Giants Football

I think Stephen Hill will be taken before the Giants pick at 32 but not definitely.  I will be very interested to see what they do if he is there.  Reese has been known to go after pure talent (i.e. JPP and Osi).