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Messages - EliWasrobbed

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Barkley to the Iggles
March 11, 2024, 04:02:40 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on March 11, 2024, 03:21:34 PMInteresting and more damning for Schoen (who should have traded him last season if this was his intention)

Schoen may be a worse GM than Gettleman. At least Gettleman found and drafted actual talent, Schoen is doing everything wrong
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Barkley to the Iggles
March 11, 2024, 04:00:37 PM
Quote from: Trench on March 11, 2024, 03:09:43 PMI'm not happy for him at all. He was a Captain. Was never gonna have to worry about $ regardless after this contract. In NY if he did well he also had more endorsements coming. Show some class and give Giants a chance to make a better offer at least.

He is in our stadium I will boo. No ovations for the RB touched by the hand of God or whatever he was supposed to be.

"show some class" after the Giants didn't give him a fair deal AND instead gave it to the worst starting QB in the NFL?

You should show some class to Saquon.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: John Runyan G signed
March 11, 2024, 03:58:47 PM
Another overpay by dumb Schoen. Packer fans on twitter say he's average, almost got replaced, but for the Giants he's better than what they have.

Schoen could not be a worse GM if he tried. fully expect him to trade up for JJ McCarthy given his stupid moves so far.
Quote from: JT39 on March 11, 2024, 08:25:03 AMJust another bash Jones thread. Yawn...

Quote from: Philosophers on March 11, 2024, 09:27:53 AMEliwasRobbed has to be a new name for BluesCruz or someone else like him.  The similarities of hysteria, no facts just ridiculous opinions and posts matches up perfectly.

"ridiculous opinions". just because you disagree with me doesn't call for insults. immature.
Quote from: JT39 on March 11, 2024, 05:39:39 AMThis title seems a little unnecessary.

No, we desperately need a QB. great title OP

Nine-time Pro-Bowl QB and former Super-Bowl champ Russell Wilson plans to sign with the Pittsburgh Steelers, per league sources. Wilson will sign a team-friendly, one-year deal in which the Broncos will wind up paying $38 million of his salary while Wilson wears the black and yellow.


This confirms to me we will be trading up for a QB or *sigh taking JJ At 6.
part of me wonders if the JJ rumors are all hype when they actually hope Daniels or Drake falls to them instead.

if he's still there, I think Giants take WR and then take a QB in 2nd or trade up for JJ if he's still there in the 15's or so.
Quote from: StompYouOT on March 08, 2024, 11:17:57 PMWho is to blame??  Eli endorsed him and still does.  Which means Mara does too I guess. Gettleman drafted him although maybe his hand was forced by the situation.  Then Schoen gives him this joke of a contract.  I think I blame Schoen most unless there's something we don't know.  I thought last year was the perfect opportunity to walk away.  Go sign Baker I said.  That would have been perfectly fine.  Jones couldn't even stay healthy enough to get a higher pick in the draft.

I knew our season was cooked the opening drive of the season.  All runs, no passing threat then we go backwards and miss a FG or have it blocked, it's a blur now.  Nevermind the Philly playoff blowout.  I don't know what people see in this guy.

Eli would endorse anyone who became the Giants QB, I doubt he ever says he does not like someone. I blame Schoen the most too. And I agree on Baker!! Even Gardner would have worked.

Quote from: Jclayton92 on March 08, 2024, 08:08:04 PMDaniel jones is not getting cut this year period. He can hang on the bench, but the last place he's going is the unemployment line.

The reason being is that we would have 47 million dollars In dead money which would put us in the negative on the cap. Great to realize they made a bad decision, but you don't follow that up with another bad decision.

Wait until 2025 and it's a 11 million dead cap with 30 in savings.

I want a new Qb more than anyone but cutting Jones this year does not benefit this team.

ok not cut, but I mean "not playing at all" so he avoids injury and the cap issues with that
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Wilson
March 09, 2024, 02:22:13 AM
Quote from: Painter on March 08, 2024, 08:46:13 PM Sorry, but yeah, and so what? It's a meaningless comparison. Are you assuming that someone the Broncos couldn't wait to get rid of despite the enormous cost to allow them to begin looking for their potential QB of the future is going to make it easier for the Giants to do likewise?

Wilson, whether or not he has a year or two left, is not the Giants QB of the future. Moreover, any degree of success he might have, such as that of Jones in 2022, would only make it more difficult to find a promising successor in the Draft. Unless, not having added a decent or better QB prospect this year, they see Wilson as a stopgap in 2025, he makes no sense to me.


the only reason to take Wilson is assuming we DO draft a QB prsopect who NEEDS TIME to develop and learn behind an all time great QB, and we can then cut DJ.

If we don't draft a rookie Qb, no point to getting Russ.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Wilson
March 08, 2024, 07:43:49 PM
Quote from: y_so_blu on March 08, 2024, 07:30:06 PMOops, I clicked on the Brady/Belichick thread. Guess I should have read the title more closely.

Anyway, does this move really help us? We already have Daniel Jones to hold down the fort while we draft and develop a quarterback. Wilson is basically an older, slower, weirder version of Jones with more baggage. I don't see the upside.

in an awful year AND getting benched, Wilson still had more TD's than Jones has ever had in his entire career. He is a huge upgrade short term over Jones.
I am not referring to the players, just the situation itself.

From the reporting we are actively looking to trade up and/or sign Russell Wilson too meaning Jones would be CUT before the season starts after JUST signing him to a long term deal where he is one of highest paid players in the NFL.

Pretty much everyone knew outside of some Giant fans this was a huge mistake, but who is to blame?

has it been reported how much influence Mara had on this? Or was this a purely Schoen decision? I have to think Daboll who has begrudgingly talked about Jones was not a major driving force behind the decision.

People say if the Giants have a poor year to fire Daboll and not Schoen.. whereas I see it the opposite. Daboll can only do so much with limited resources,
Quote from: kingm56 on March 05, 2024, 07:01:48 PMNo way this team was playoff bound with Taylor.  While DJ has hindered the offense for 4+ seasons, he's hardly to sole problem.   Fundamentally, the Giants lack difference-makers at all levels.  I don't understand how Taylor would overcome a bottom 5 def that couldn't stop the run, or an anemic running game.  BL, the Giants are at best the 3rd most talented team in their division.  2022 was a house-of-cards and anyone who can separate emotions from their analysis could plainly see this was a sub 500 team, whether DJ, Tommy or Taylor was the QB. In short, they stink across the board. 
how many games were like 1-2 possessions from a win-loss?

i agree the offense in general needs a rehaul bc tyrod's ceiling is low.
Quote from: B1GBLUE on March 05, 2024, 04:33:02 PMthis is an awful take. so he made a few big throws downfield and all was forgotten? sorry.. but they were just as bad with taylor. he was just a littel gutsier and made quicker decisions. the oline was still rotten with him.
read the stats bud. Tyrod was about 15th in the league acccording to PFF in terms of responsibility for sacks that were his fault. Meanwhile Jones and Tommy were ranked last and 2nd to last.

Bottom line is if we had Tyrod all of last season, we would have made the playoffs.