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Messages - StompYouOT

Big Blue Huddle / Re: I Believe This
April 15, 2024, 10:02:25 PM
I wouldn't worry about it, everything I've heard points to The Giants being done with Jones.  Can they draft his replacement??  That is the tricky part, but I don't think anyone in that organization think Jones is the answer let alone a top tier QB.  And that's even before injuries.

I just don't know if there's a way forward right now since picking at 6 won't solve the problem and neither will 2025 from everything I heard.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on April 03, 2024, 05:02:59 PMI don't mind this trade for the Bills at all. Diggs turns 31 during this upcoming season, which is up there for a receiver. He showed signs of decline last year, and he was also a pain in the neck during the season.

This draft is loaded for receivers. There will be good ones throughout the second round.

As for whether the Bills' SB window is closed, my answer to that would be no. They wouldn't be one of my top three picks to win it this year, but when you have a QB like Allen you're never out of the picture completely. I am not saying Allen is as good as Mahomes, because he's not, but people acted like the Chiefs were screwed when they traded Hill (who is a lot better than Diggs), and it didn't matter. The only one the subsequent two Super Bowls. I'm not saying the two situations are the same, but I think having a top 3 or 4 QB in the league in the teeth of his prime is gold, so the Bills will remain a contender IMO.

I live in Buffalo and think the same - it's a good move.  Allen is the franchise and there will be a revolving door of a supporting cast over his 15 years or so tenure.  Diggs was no longer part of the future, I will keep replaying the KC drop in my mind.  After complaining about not getting the ball.  We will get a more physical and versatile WR this draft and on a rookie contract.  It's just the dead cap that hurts, but next spring that's gone.

Thanks to Diggs for an awesome run and he was great with the fans, kids especially.  Just the reality of the business.  I don't think 2024 is The Bills' year, but the next chapter in the Allen saga begins.  I think a trade-up could happen and did think about The Giants.
killarich right after I posted I was thinking about The Niners too.  I find Brock Purdy a nice guy to cheer for, but also their weakness.   Certainly not a QB I would build around. I definitely could see Jones being interesting on a stacked team like that and for his sake, maybe that happens.  By the time Schoen constructs a roster like that, even it's even possible, it will be too late for Jones if it isn't already now.
The responder on REDDIT interpreted percentiles backwards.  67th percentile means he's in the top third of QBs which he most definitely is not.  I would agree with the 35th percentile or so which puts him atop the bottom third.  He has won a playoff game and played well in it.  Certainly he can run and I did feel he was more or less tough until recent injuries likely broke him.  He was able to protect the ball in his good year.  He belongs in the league.

However I never thought he was a good passer, average maybe.  He isn't terribly accurate and I don't think he reads defenses or routes well, has little pocket awareness.  While the offensive line didn't do him favors, I saw these problems even with protection much like I saw other QBs manage the offense more competently.  He never should have gotten that contract.  I would also add I don't think JJ is the guy either.  The scouting reports are pretty consistent on him being a reach even if he has a strong arm.  I think going that route is another mistake, but would be glad to be proven wrong.
I guess there could be some gamesmanship, but it doesn't take great espionage skill to hypothesize The Giants are done with Jones.  They should be.  I don't have insider knowledge but know winter is cold and summer is hot.  I would have liked Jones to work out, but I could tell early on he wasn't it.  I was biased a bit because I thought he was a reach, but he's just not a franchise QB and that's all this organization should want.  They should have walked and signed Baker a year ago.

But he's on the roster for 2024 and I have no idea what the plan is. Is Lock the starter?  Probably....but he better be mobile.  I don't see a trade up since he traded for a DE last week.  I am good with a WR, but if they use pick 6 for McCarthy, well that would be almost as bad as 2019.
I don't know but I can't imagine anyone liking him as much as the Giants organization.  There are still people wanting to build an offensive line for him as if it's all their fault.  I'm glad it sounds like they're planning on moving on if the rumors are actually true.

Who is to blame??  Eli endorsed him and still does.  Which means Mara does too I guess. Gettleman drafted him although maybe his hand was forced by the situation.  Then Schoen gives him this joke of a contract.  I think I blame Schoen most unless there's something we don't know.  I thought last year was the perfect opportunity to walk away.  Go sign Baker I said.  That would have been perfectly fine.  Jones couldn't even stay healthy enough to get a higher pick in the draft.

I knew our season was cooked the opening drive of the season.  All runs, no passing threat then we go backwards and miss a FG or have it blocked, it's a blur now.  Nevermind the Philly playoff blowout.  I don't know what people see in this guy.

Quote from: MightyGiants on February 15, 2024, 09:59:28 AMJones and Tyrod did not face the same offensive line issues

Jones was pressured 52% of the time, and the pressure got there (on average) in just 2.31 seconds

Taylor was pressured 36% of the time, with the pressure taking 2.58 seconds to get there.

Those are not the same conditions.

Edit to add-   Devito faced pressure 32% of the time taking 2.9 seconds to develop

Because Tyrod actually got rid of the ball faster. Jones is at least partially at fault for the sacks. He is not it..never was. We would be picking higher had he stayed healthy but as someone else mentioned he gets a Stay of execution because of injury.

One more year of this...
You can't pass up on a franchise QB when you have a chance.  It's the only way to win a championship.  Watch what happens Sunday as I will bet that KC, despite being a weaker overall roster, will win by 10.  (And I will eat crow if wrong).  If Schoen doesn't think he can get that guy then move forward elsewhere.

The problem as I've seen it is we do compete with Tyrod.  I think Jones is a certainly part of the problem and not the solution.  If the defense forces turnovers and our offense moves like it did later in the season then adding a franchise guy would vault us ahead. 

I could be into JJ, but with our 2nd pick. I did a little internet searching last week and he's a 2-3 Rounder.  But there's always a rush on QBs and someone flies up the board.  He seems like a likely candidate, just NOT at 6.

Wait or trade back into the first I guess.  I wouldn't feel bad about him being on the roster, not like it can be much worse.  He has more evidence on his side than Jones, so to me it's not the same thing at all.  Not saying he will be a better pro than DJ, but I like the idea more.
Giants History / Re: Eli Manning appreciation thread
September 17, 2019, 04:27:35 PM
I love Eli and think he's irreplaceable basically.  I wish Jones success, but have my doubts.  However he is the right choice NOW to see if he can do it in the future.  I also can't pin this on Eli. 

But I will say THANK YOU for my best ever football memories by far - I never thought it would be so fun to be a Giants fan.  And remember, 2 of the greatest catches in NFL history came from Eli.

Thank you for making us bELIeve.  Enjoy your family.