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Messages - Gmo11

How many posts did they hit? I think at least 3. They had a couple other glorious chances that were botched in that 3rd period too. Kakkos shot that bounced between the arm and pad but somehow doesn't go in? My goodness.

And that 2nd goal I cant really fault Igor on either because how is he supposed to anticipate Laffy being so frustrated trying and failing to score on one end that he decides to try and score on the other instead?

It sucks this game happened in game 1 at home because while Florida is a juggernaut of a team the Rangers withstood everything and had a number of terrific chances to tie/win it in the 3rd.

Game 2 just became a must win and I expect them to play with that type of intensity. I wasn't confident they'd take both MSG games but they gotta get one. Then steal one in Florida.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is Malik Nabers Qb Proof?
May 21, 2024, 10:24:39 AM
We're about to find out!
Quote from: MightyGiants on May 17, 2024, 09:36:41 AMThe Giants were apparently high on Maye.  However, he was a polarizing prospect with some NFL caliber evaluators predicting Maye will crash and burn.

I don't know how Maye will turn out.  I am mindful that fixing mechanical and consistency issues are more difficult to fix than Josh Allen made it look.

Maye scared the hell out of me and was the only QB of the top picks I actively hoped the Giants would avoid.  Was surprised to see they seemed to like him the most and were willing to trade up to get him so I'm very happy that deal fell through. 
Quote from: jgrangers2 on May 17, 2024, 09:39:32 AMSo do you we hang 20 in the rafters now or wait until his career is over?

It'll be there shortly upon his retirement and perhaps if he has a farewell season down the road they do it while he's still active.

I don't care what he does the rest of these playoffs, that 3rd period from Kreider is the stuff of legends.  No more slandering that man's name.  Trouba may be the captain in title, but Kreider has been the heart and soul of this team for going on a decade now. 

Pulling a hat trick in the 3rd period of THIS game where if not for that they're going into Game 7 having lost 3 in a row and on the brink of one of the great collapses in sports history.  Nobody needs that kind of pressure.  So he simply decided to end it right there instead. Looking out for his teammates blood pressure.  What a guy!

Either Boston or Florida will be tough.  Florida perhaps being a worse matchup.  But right now I feel like they can hang with anybody and they will certainly be fired up for Game 1 at the Garden after this emotional roller coaster.

One last thing.  PK Subban said this week it was almost a good thing the Rangers lost at least one or two games this series because had they swept the Caps and then dispatched of the Hurricanes in short order they'd have faced no adversity whatsoever going into what is sure to be a bloodbath of an ECF.  Now they've taken a few punches and know they can eat those shots and come back firing. 

8 more wins!
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Missing Person Report
May 15, 2024, 04:06:00 PM
Quote from: kingm56 on May 15, 2024, 01:34:21 PMI hear you, Tim, but the data simply doesn't support your sentiments; 6 of the top 10 most valuable franchise have stunk for 3 or more years...5 of the 6 have stunk for more than a decade; The Bill, Lions and Bengals are #30, 31 and 32. It's fairly clear winning has absolutely nothing to do with profitability. Concerning the PSL, the Giants could care less who buys thier tickets.  The NFL ticket exchange ensures they get a cut of ticket sales from all third party vendors. So, while some fans elected to forgo thier PSL(s), other fans have stepped in to purchase them, if solely for the purpose of reselling thier tickets via said exchange to make a profit.   

More to the point, the Giants marketing department does not care about throwing players a bone or winning games; their job is to sell tickets.  It really is that simple, my friend. I believe some fans conflate the entertainment side of the business with football operations; they're two separate things...

#2 Pats
#4 Giants
#5 Bears
#6 Raiders
#7 Jets
#8 Commanders

As somebody who has to sell most of his tickets every season because he just can't get to many games anymore...making a profit isn't generally in the cards.  At least not recently.  Now if the Giants pull themselves out of the dumpster and start becoming relevant that might be a different story.

In a related story...if you want tickets to a game this year let me know!   :yes:
It's a real chicken or the egg conundrum.  I think it's the QB.  For all the buffoonery of Gettleman...and lord knows there was a lot of THAT out of him during his despicable tenure... if he stumbles accidentally into Jones being any good he probably still has his job right now.  And we all know that guy is horrible at this job.

So to me you can have a bad GM and think he's good provided the QB he gets masks the stench.  You can't really mask a bad QB with a good GM.  No matter the pieces you surround him with, if he's bad he's gonna be bad.  And he's going to take the team with him.
Quote from: H-Town G-Fan on May 15, 2024, 10:24:45 AMWas Daboll's approach to training camp an issue in 2022 when the Giants started 6-1? I don't recall criticism at that time. I'm not a fan of the way the Giants started 2023, but I also don't know its the result of the training camp approach... and I don't think teams in 2023 were taking the Giants for granted like they were in 2022.

As with most things the results are all that matters. Go take a look at McVey's training camp routine.  And some others as well.  Daboll looks like Parcells by comparison to that.  The #1 priority at camp these days for most of the roster is to not get anybody hurt before week 1.  Rookies and new additions will need some time to learn their teammates and playbook and things like that but the guys coming back just don't get hurt please.  They'll be plenty of time for injuries later.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: NGT: Goff’s New Deal
May 14, 2024, 10:14:26 AM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 13, 2024, 05:24:22 PMMixed feelings about this deal.

On the one hand, it's hard to fault the Lions in any way for wanting to keep what they have built going. This is basically the worst or second worst franchise of all time that is still in existence today, and all of a sudden they're one of the best teams in the league. Goff is at least top 10 (if not top 5) in all the key statistics except QBR, where he is 11th. The guy is very clear a top 10 QB on paper.

On the other hand, one can reasonably question whether Goff is legitimately a top 10 QB in a vacuum. The Lions have one of the best if not the best situations for a QB in the league (elite O line and premium weapons all over the place plus a very good playcaller last year). The Rams have also been down this road with Goff, paying him very well, and they then wanted out of that very quickly to bring in Stafford, with whom they immediately won a SB after coming up a bit short with Goff. I think it is fair to say that the Rams are a very smart franchise. Did the Lions pay elite QB money to a good but not elite QB? I think that's very possible.

Tough one. I'm curious what others think. I can't fault them for doing what they have done, but I can't say for sure if it was a great move. I just don't view Goff the way I do Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, etc talent-wise. That said I can't really argue too much with the decision either, all things considered.

I think they did the right thing.  That team is very good so they're not going to be in position to draft a franchise QB any time soon.  Goff is young enough, and has shown enough, that he is probably the best option they're going to have at that position for quite some time. 

If you think of Goff as a journeyman QB I don't think you've been paying attention to what he's done since joining the Lions.  If Jones put up numbers like Goff has we'd be collectively pooping our pants with excitement and throwing all of the money in the world at him.  Goff is pretty good.  He's not in the Mahomes/Jackson/Burrow/Allen tier but he's probably in the next one down.  And that is plenty good enough to win a Super Bowl with in the right situation.  He's in the right situation.
Quote from: jgrangers2 on May 14, 2024, 09:41:35 AMThat third period was probably the worst period of hockey they've played all year. Just completely outplayed top to bottom. Carolina was everywhere and it's clear the Rangers got very panicky at times just kind of flinging pucks all over the place. Fox looks like he's very clearly not at 100% which is hugely problematic.

Hopefully they come out tomorrow looking more like the team from game 4 and can finally put this series away.

Fox is absolutely playing hurt which is why taking care of business in Game 4 or 5 was so damn important.  What a time to play the worst period of hockey in a calendar year.  Good GOD were they bad.  The only guy that looked even remotely interested in playing hockey last night was Laffy as far as I could tell.  That Lingren penalty at the end of Game 4 could end up going down as one of the darkest moments in this franchise's history because after fighting all the way back I believe they win that game if it goes to OT and now I'm fairly certain they're gonna get blown out of Game 6 and need a miracle Game 7 in order to save face. 
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Better or Worse
May 12, 2024, 08:43:46 PM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 12, 2024, 10:59:04 AMPrecisely my point. The failures (to this point) go well beyond the Neal pick.

To be clear I'm not absolving him of anything. I was only saying that despite the other things he's tried if Neal had been as advertised it helps an awful lot. And on that one pick I don't really blame him. Busts are gonna happen to everyone in that position but you can either do your best to minimize the risk or do the opposite like Gettleman. I prefer schoens approach.

I'm also not ready to write off JMS who I really did like as a prospect. I think he's got a leap in him perhaps with a proper OL coach now he'll make it. 
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 11, 2024, 07:33:29 PMThey could have taken Ekwonu 5th overall but they prioritized Thibodeaux. There was an active debate as to who was better between Neal and Ekwonu. So far Ekwonu has been the materially better player (mainly due to Neal being so awful).

But even despite the Neal conundrum, Schoen has done a very poor job overall dealing with the O line mess since taking over prior to this offseason. Every free agent he has brought in has been brutal and every draft pick, so far at least, has either looked awful, gotten hurt quickly, or both. The O line coach left a lot to be desired until this offseason as well, and while that may have been Daboll's hire, Daboll is Schoen's hire so ultimately Schoen is responsible.

By the way, I've been a pretty steady Schoen supporter and still am, but I'm not going to gloss over areas where I don't think he has done a good job to this point. Let's hope the decisions made in this most recent offseason lead to better O line play in 2024 and beyond.

But that's the thing. He played it exactly right because he wanted an OL and Thibs. I imagine their grades on both OL were basically the same. But Thibs was the best pass rusher they were going to find. So he got both. Nobody not a single solitary soul questioned that pick on draft day because it made all the sense in the world. We were told Neal was the most pro ready OL in the draft. He clearly was and is not but at the time the pick was a no brainer. And if it goes the other way and suddenly the Giants have bookend tackles for the next decade that makes the whole thing look a lot better.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 11, 2024, 03:53:13 PMIs it better? I would say yes. O line is better, D is better, we have a star receiver, and our special teams are better.

Is it as improved as it should be after three offseasons since Schoen's hiring? I would have to say no.

I would agree with that. But I'd add that Neal was a no brainer pick that any GM in the league (save Gettleman) would have taken in that spot and if he had turned out to be even serviceable that changes things in my opinion. If Neal was good the team would be much better off overall, although they'd still have a QB problem I suppose.
Quote from: kartanoman on May 08, 2024, 09:36:16 AMThe Avs came back to steal Game One in overtime over Dallas. I can't describe what a magnificent night of playoff hockey we were treated to last night.

Before going overboard on Carolina being so much "better" than the Rangers, are you talking shots on goal differential or time in zone differential? Ray Ferraro correctly pointed out that these two stats are a staple in the Canes' play throughout their season, and what we witnessed last night was consistent with that plus padded numbers due to the extra time. Carolina had some nice chances to win it but hot goalie beats hot shots, at least for now (NOTE: and hopefully for the long haul, as far as the Rangers are concerned). The defense really did about as good a job as possible in keeping the lanes clear in the overtime. But where I respectfully disagree Carolina is better is that the Rangers big three, i.e. Breadman, Z-man and Vinny T., are the difference makers they cannot account for. That proved the difference in the end last night when both teams let it all hang out in overtime.


I do think last night Carolina was better.  Though the teams are mostly pretty equal on paper.  The Hurricanes played as though their lives were on the line last night and turned in maybe their best game of the playoffs only to have Igor shove it right back in their faces with a masterful performance. 

They said that teams that go up 2-0 win 85% of the time so Carolina really played as though it was a do or die game for them even if they still have a great chance to go home and tie this thing back up at 2. 

Rangers are now in position to where they have two games to get one.  If they can split the next two games in Carolina I think they're moving on.  I don't think the Hurricanes can beat Shesty 3 straight times when he's playing at this level. Hell they may not be able to beat him once. 
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on May 03, 2024, 07:46:03 PMIt's not even entirely clear to me why he should start at RT in week one over Eleumenor. You have two players who have played RT in this league. One has always been terrible. The other played at a solid level last year. Why would you go with the first guy in that situation?

I'm with you. Let Neal start playing guard from day 1 of mini-camp. Give him as many reps as possible. Play him the majority of the snaps in the preseason games. If he can't figure it out there's a nice spot on the bench for him. I don't need to see him whiffing at RT anymore.