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Messages - Philosophers

The Front Porch / Re: Where BBH Members reside
February 02, 2009, 11:04:12 PM
Marina Del Rey, CA - 2 blocks from the beach where every day is summer.
Thanks Retro for your kind words.  I like Mario as a 3rd round pick.  He has great skills but a head that has historically been up his a$$.  I am cautiously optimistic.  He is a good route runner with  very consistent soft hands so I believe we may be seeing the last of Sinorice.  Right now, Ohio State is the class of the Big 10 with Michigan a distant second.  I love the hiring of Rich Rod as he has that kick you in the a$$ mentality that Lloyd Carr seemed to have lost.  Actually I think Rich Rod will be good for the Big 10.  Generally he has a lot of speed at every position, particularly in the interior and I think that will force the Big 10 to get faster.  OSU and the rest have speed at DBs and WRs, but generally not at LB or DL.  I think that is one reason the Big 10 gets smacked by the SEC annually.  The best hiring of Rich Rod was his S&C coach, Mike Barwis.  He makes fast players faster whereas Gittleman made fast players slower.  Michigan players will be much leaner than in year's past.  It will take 3 years to get the kind of players Rich Rod needs so I think next season could be an ugly 4 loss season.
I live in Marina Del Rey, California about 2 blocks from the Pacific Ocean.  I have been a Giants fan since the late 1960s/early 1970s.  I grew up in the NYC area but moved out to California about 6 years ago.  I'm a University of Michigan graduate, both undergraduate and graduate school.  I bleed the maize and blue as well.

I've worked in investment banking my entire life, more specifically in fixed income structuring and trading structured mortgage derivative products, basically the exotic securities that are bringing down the world credit markets.  I love to golf, surf, ski and hike.  Living here is fantastic if you enjoys those hobbies.

I must say that I have found the tone on this board to be wonderfully more civil than on the previous BBWC board.  Many of the same folks migrated here, but I am not reading posts that rip other posters. 

Peace to all.