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Messages - B1GBLUE

Quote from: brownelvis54 on November 10, 2023, 03:38:00 PMWatch: USC QB Caleb Williams fumbles the football while trying to evade a sack, resulting in his 30th career fumble

That was the 30th fumble committed by the Trojans quarterback in his CFB career so far, the most in FBS since 2021. Nonetheless, the Huskies took advantage of the turnover and registered a touchdown to take a 7-point lead just before the end of the 1st half. The Huskies had a great second quarter as they completely outplayed the Trojans and scored 28 points in one quarter.

this is one of my bigger concerns about him. these fumbles happen to him when hes dancing around like a backup michael jackson dancer. if its that bad in college football, against teams who 99% of guys wont make the nfl, you can rest assured it will be WAY worse in the NFL. We all hated jones for his fumbling problem early in his career right? why on earth would you salivate over the guy with the MOST fumbles in college football. I just dont get that.
Quote from: brownelvis54 on November 10, 2023, 02:10:41 PMFair or not? Does this effect his draft position? What is your thoughts? Is he strong enough to handle the media in Gotham?
Out of all of my years watching college and professional football, I've never seen a starting QB, let alone a HEISMAN winner, run off to the stands, jump the wall to cry on his mother's shoulders.

i dont think its a good look. he SCREAMS entitled spoiled attention seeking millenial. the nails, the crying, the ignorance of either wanting ownership of a team and or not knowing thats not allowed... idk man. it doesnt scream leader to me. it doesnt scream strong enough to handle the most intense media market in the league. i have other concerns too, like his size, his proneness to turnovers, his dancing in the pocket like a member of nsync.. i just dont think thatll work in the nfl like it does in college. maybe it works for mahomes, but mahomes is a big solid dude. caleb cant take the hits our oline will subject him to. he might wind up being a great one, and if somehow falls to us, fine. but if we mortgage our future on this guy i cant say i'll love it.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Daniel Jones’ future.
November 10, 2023, 02:09:25 PM
Quote from: Torus34 on November 09, 2023, 08:14:35 AMThe New Jersey Giants run through quarterbacks for a reason. That reason's the offensive front five. Combined, they give a good imitation of NYC subway turnstiles during rush hour.

Fix that before wasting yet another QB.

Go, Big Blue!

this is the number one reason im not all in one tanking and getting a qb #1 overall. how does it help us? i asked a question on one of the facebook groups earlier. lets say theoretically caleb had come out same year as jones. we picked caleb. EVERY other scenario over the last 5 years is exactly the same. how many more games would we have won?

and thats why i personally feel picking a qb right now that high, doesnt really help us much. too many other holes. could it be great for the future? sure. but with how much we'd have to give up to get that high most likely, we could fill a lot of other holes.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Daniel Jones’ future.
November 10, 2023, 02:05:25 PM
Quote from: babywhales on November 08, 2023, 03:21:27 PMRodgers is dropping back and throwing passes already

Get the surgery

Draft a qb

Get a new RT,  guard and start developing the line .

Next year jones is QB1 , while draft pick gets acclimated .

More importantly while line develops .

Raise jones value and trade him for anything or release him at end of 2024 season and eat 20 mill in dead cap for 2025.

Start new qb in year 2 (2025 season)

This is the most likely scenario unless he puts up a pro bowl year next year.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Daniel Jones’ future.
November 10, 2023, 02:04:54 PM
Quote from: andrew_nyGiants on November 08, 2023, 02:54:17 PMWhere do you see him by next years' trading deadline? Is he movable at that point? Or is it necessary to keep him through the end of next season due to cap implications.

I remember reading that Washington wanted him bad in the draft. Is the word out across the league that he's not a starting NFL QB? Or is there a Washington out there?

A lot of sentiment that he will start opening day for us with his newly drafted successor waiting in the wings.

We've never seen DJ compete for his job at this level. Does that even make a difference at this point?

Interested in when and how this chapter ends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

at this point, we need to at least have a serious contingency plan in place. he will 90% likely be the starter next year, even if we take a qb high in the draft. but his leash will probably be much shorter. between the injuries and his ineffective play (how much of that is his fault remains up for debate, but its the truth nonetheless), its unlikely it will just "click" in year 6. i'm not 100% convinced we will take a qb round one, passing on a guy like marvin harrison could be a huge mistake. but we cant go into next year with guys like devito, or an injury prone 35 year old journeyman like tyrod. its time jones faced some serious competition, and god forbid he gets hurt again, someone that can get in there and really make some noise. it sucks, but the clock is truly running out, and as much as i've defended him and pulled for him, he just isnt getting it done.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Get Well Soon, Daniel Jones
November 06, 2023, 02:38:23 PM
obviously his time here wont exactly be looked back on with appreciation. i for one, will always remember him as being one of the toughest guys i've ever seen. i've never seen another player take the absolute beating he's taken during his time here, gotten up every time, never blamed anyone else, and fought through it best he could. dude went out there with a torn acl, and gave it eveything he had until he physically couldnt stand anymore. maybe he wasnt the best. maybe he cost us some games. maybe he could have and should have done better. but at the end of the day, i will always appreciate the sacrifices he made for us. i hope he comes back and continues to compete. probably for a different team. probably best for both parties to part ways.
Quote from: Sem on November 06, 2023, 02:27:11 PMWhether pain or rust it was maddening to see NY come out with three straight pass plays to start the game against a Raiders team that's near the bottom of the league in run defense. That's just inexcusable.

and barkley was absolutely gashing them almost every play. again, fire kafka. i will not budge on this.
Quote from: MightyGiants on November 06, 2023, 08:26:10 AMDJ tore his ACL during the last play of the first quarter.  The team examined his knee during the break.  So why on God's green earth was he taking a snap to start the second quarter with a torn ACL???

totally agree. another ridiculous blunder by this coaching and medical staff. playing through pain is one thing. playing on an unstable ligament is something totally different. props to DJ for being a tough SOB. dude gutted it out through a torn ACL until it physically couldnt handle any more. I'll remember him for his toughness more than anything else.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Somebody/Anybody
November 06, 2023, 12:37:45 PM
Quote from: Giant Obsession on November 06, 2023, 12:21:29 PM(with apologies to Todd Rungren) explain to me WHY Josh Dobbs was not acquired by the New York Giants last week  ??

A 6th round draft choice too expensive ??

His salary ??  Cut some dead wood if you have to.

This once again dysfunctional organization has driven me to eggnog addiction a month ahead of time.  AGAIN.

Our ability to judge football talent is off the charts (the bottom)

Can you say 2 - 15 Mr. Mara ??

Maybe we need more captains.  10 is obviously not enough.  Everyone knows the more captains you have the better your team must be.

Please I am begging to be enlightened.   Are we hoping for another Duke QB savior ??

In my opinion, they expected jones to hold it down through the end of the year. no one saw a torn acl coming. we got barkley who will be elevated this week most likely. and tyrod is back in 3 weeks if healthy. no need to waste precious draft capital for a guy who may or may not play.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Farewell DJ
November 06, 2023, 08:17:43 AM
Quote from: Bob In PA on November 06, 2023, 08:13:16 AMH-T: Which was worse - the handling of Jones by the Giants or the case of David Carr in Houston? Bob

i think the giants. houston was an expansion team. you can only do so much with that. the giants are a cornerstone franchise. its like comparing a bad steak from chili's against a bad steak from peter lugers.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Could Daboll be on the hot seat?!
November 06, 2023, 08:16:33 AM
i dont think so. as some have stated here, we really have to stop firing coaches after 2 years. you hate to blame injuries, but man, we were DEVESTATED by injuries this year. the whole oline at some point or other. waller. jones. barkley. its just brutal.

i will def say his seat is warming up. coaches are supposed to weather the storm no matter how rough. you can only do so much, but a lot of these games havent been hard fought losses. they've been complete embarrasments. thats the type of thing that gets coaches fired. he's gonna get a pass this year. but if we look like this again next year, this far into the season, i could see him getting put down.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Farewell DJ
November 06, 2023, 07:59:12 AM
Quote from: H-Town G-Fan on November 06, 2023, 07:54:47 AMThe owner has an agenda and palpable biases. But the Giants didn't "ruin" Daniel Jones--at worst they failed to develop an overdrafted project QB into something he had never been previously.

thats fair.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Farewell DJ
November 06, 2023, 07:58:06 AM
Quote from: MagicRat on November 06, 2023, 06:38:15 AMThere's plenty blame to go round in the whole DJ story.
He was overdrafted.
Had he been taken mid second or thereby, and gone to a functioning ball club, there's a fair chance DJ might've morphed into a decent standard NFL QB, maybe even an elite one.
Maybe not, maybe the "locking on" and inability to read the field was already ingrained.
We'll never know.
But he was drafted 6 overall into an organisation whose dysfunctionality had squandered the latter, possibly peak, years of an elite QB.

I fear our team is destined for many more years as a "banter club".
After last season I thought we were finally on the right road. Were we the finished article?
Not even close, but I felt we were a well coached, well organised club....finally.
But this season we have been so obviously and hopelessly unprepared, for both the season as a whole and individual games.
On top of that, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.

So where do we go?
We build, we evaluate, we raise draft capital, we scout.
Schoen has a helluva job on his hands.
Every coach's job is on the line.
Every player's job is on the line.
Harsh, honest, realistic, unemotional evaluation of every single employee of the New York Football Giants is Schoen's job...including self scouting and self evaluation.
If he's not up to the job......

totally agree. everyone should be on notice. mainly the coaches. the way we have been outclassed 90% of the season is completely unacceptable. i remember lots of bad giants teams that we fought hard and just couldnt get the lucky bounce. but this is a new level of pathetic.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Farewell DJ
November 06, 2023, 07:56:20 AM
Quote from: MightyGiants on November 06, 2023, 06:07:35 AMAs opposed to making excuses for the terrible environment that caused 3 major injuries to starting QBs in just half a season?

not to change the subject, but this is the main reason im not super keen on caleb williams. i watched the game against washington sat. this dude thinks hes michael jackson out there dancing and spinning around in the pocket. yeah it looks great when it works, but i dont think he'll be able to pull that off in the nfl. the dude fumbles ALOT, which is one of the main things people bring up as one of DJ's weaknesses, even though hes gotten much better with it. I want a traditional qb that has good enough mobility. maybe caleb is the next maholmes. but keep in mind maholmes is WAY bigger than caleb. DJ's injuries generally happened in the pocket, but TT's injury happened on the run. so i guess its tough to say either way. maybe we just need a better oline
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Farewell DJ
November 06, 2023, 07:52:04 AM
Quote from: kingm56 on November 06, 2023, 01:17:54 AMI thought we would be over blaming others at this point...

when the owner comes out and says as much, its undeniable. he DOES have his own faults. but a lot of them were born of the situation he was put into.