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Messages - LennG

Wordle 388 5/6


I spent more than 5 minuted trying to figure out a combo to no avail. Then i tried the right first letter ang it all fell into place. Definately sn easy but ultra tricky word.

Sorry about the streak Bill.
I am away so I can only play on my phone. Took me 5 today. For me very tricky word and I am happy to get it.
Wordle 387 5/6


Don't know if you read the article, but they weren't saying a return of Bill per se,

QuoteHowever, there is some indication for a possible third installment in the sword-wielding Bride's deadly vengeance story, commencing with the rumor's original source. The Bride murders Vernita Green (Vivica A. Fox) in front of her daughter (Ambrosia Kelley) in Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and welcomes her to pursue revenge, which screams for loose ends to be closed up. "It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it. Your mother had it comin'. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting," the Bride says.

Hey if they can bring dead people back, a la Forrest Gump, and Elvis, they surely can bring Bill back for an encore.
The Front Porch / Kill Bill III--------Maybe ???
July 09, 2022, 12:25:09 PM

Rumors are flying around about a possible Kill Bill III, or could this just be hopefully thinking?

Quentin Tarantino has said about it, never say never and things may be in the works

I am a huge fan of Kill Bill I and then Kill Bill II and would be overly joyful to see a Kill NIll III

Once again, 3 for me. I had all the letters in my first two words and it was very easy to reassemble them for the correct word

Wordle 385 3/6


We make 2 stops in Iceland and 2 in Greenland, but we do not go directly over the Arctic Circle, it is just called that in the brochure. To be honest, from what we hear, temps around the beginning of Sept, when we will be there, are like out temps in mid Oct, cool (and could be colder) but not below freezing, (which IS my kind of weather).

You and I are similar in that we respect things. My wife would kill me if I ever left even a candy wrapper out and not thrown in the garbage. As I said, we travel extensively (going to Colonial Williamsburg/Virginia Beach tomorrow). Thru most of our travels, away from metropolitan areas, the county is clean. Sure we always see a discarded bottle, or a few beer cans left somewhere but not as much litter on the road. Too bad one can't say the same for NY and probably other metropolitan areas. Your description of Japan makes me want to go there even more. Thanks

Thanks for mentioning all those beaches, too bad we would never go to them. As you know as I have mentioned quite a few times, I had had several cases of melanoma and try and avoid the sun as much as possible. Probably because I grew up on the beaches of the Rockaways in NY, and since a young adult, I pretty much despise the beach. I have been to maybe some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, from Hawaii to St Thomas to Aruba and more and we only visit them to stroll along for a bit and then head for the nearest palm tree and shade. The ocean holds nothing for me anymore.

I have posted some nice pics of Monument Valley in the photography thread if you want to see what this place really looks like.
Funny story, (well not so funny) if you don't mind. About 5 years ago, we did another road trip out west to see my brother who lives outside Durango Colorado. We have been to Monument Valley 2 other times before but never stayed right in the Valley itself. We made a reservation in the one establishment ther e and being an avid photographer, I wanted to go out at night and view the sky, takes some pix in a place where there is basically no real light. Wouldn't you know it, it rained that night. The first rain they had had in months and the people were celebrating it while I was kicking the furniture. Alas, we'll have to go back.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

We have traveled extensively but unlike Ric, we will never tire of it. There are so many places we would love to visit and see.
One such place, if all things go right, we are scheduled to do in September as we have an Arctic Circle cruise booked and we will be visiting Iceland and Greenland. Iceland has always been on our list so again, hopefully, we will get to do that very soon.

Funny Tim mentioned the Great Wall. We also had a trip to China booked and an excursion to the Great Wall, but then the Pandemic hit, and all was canceled. With things being the way they are now, who knows if we will ever make that, but we will try.

Another place we always wanted to visit and made it there several years ago was St Petersburg Russia. Russia was always the enemy but when we went, relations were pretty good and many cruise ships went there. It was a dream come true to visit this place that for so many years, the thought of doing it was impossible.

As I mentioned in the other thread, we have never really spent time in California. One of my dreams and maybe #1 on the bucket list was to drive the Pacific Coast Highway. This is a good possibility to happen, but not this year.

We also would love to visit Japan. We have never been to this part of the world, the Far East. Many people have said places like Viet Nam are the 'in'-thing now, but frankly, I have no desire to go there.
Another place we need to get to and almost did except for the pandemic in South Africa. My wife has a distant family in Capetown and we had a cruise booked from there for this past January, but circumstances killed that, but that is also high on the list and you can throw in a short safari with that.

As the other thread showed, there are so many places in the USA that are magnificent and people should try and do that first. If I had to name a place people should visit here, besides the regular Grand Canyon, etc, is Monument Valley Arizona. Trulu one of the most remarkable places you will ever see.

 You are right Ed, 3 for me. I guess it all depends on what letters are revealed and I had the O,I, and C in 2 and it was pretty easy to find a word from that.

Wordle 384 3/6

The Front Porch / Re: How many have you visited
July 07, 2022, 10:03:45 PM

25 for me.

Our one true regret is that we have never visited California and it is on the Bucket List. I truly want to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz.

We did a road trip when my kids were teens, about 3 1/2 weeks touring some of the
Western states, We hit most of the National Parks and monuments along the way, so a lot of what was mentioned we did on that trip. I would also add to that list Devil's Tower (where Close Encounters was filmed) in Wyoming.
The Alamo I visited when I was in basic training at Lackland AFB.
Don't know how many even know what the Road To Hana is, but it is in Maui and is about a 50-mile road that takes about 5 hours to drive as it is a constant narrow, 2-lane road that has more curves than any other road in the USA. In fact, my wife got car sick on this road and we were in a convertible. Truly one majestic road with just awesome things to see.

I seriously doubt I will get to the Mall of America, or the Gateway Arch, but if we ever get to California, I will check off several other things on that list.

The Front Porch / Re: Recipes
July 07, 2022, 09:53:16 PM

 You can definitely eliminate the onion, which is more for flavoring than texture. Try some onion powder.
Myself, I LOVE to cook with Dill. I could add that to almost anything I cook. I tried Dill in my Latkes one time and my family complained. I thought they tasted great but the complaint was--as we say in the Jewish way of life--TRADITION. No changing solid recipes top experiment. I hope, that when we are gone, others in my family will make certain dishes and consider them tradition, so they never can change.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
July 07, 2022, 12:25:37 PM
And still more funnies
The Front Porch / Re: Dance compellation
July 07, 2022, 12:20:57 PM

And another great one to Crocodile Rock
The Front Porch / Re: The Wilhelm Scream
July 07, 2022, 12:20:13 PM

For many years the ultimate scream was Fay Wray in the original King Kong movie. For whatever she did as an actress she was always remembered for those screams.
Wordle 383 5/6


5 for me. Unusual word though.
The Front Porch / Re: Dance compellation
July 06, 2022, 04:06:59 PM
Here's another, most from a bit more recent movies