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Messages - LennG

Wordle 382 5/6


 I was scared when my first 2 words turned up nothing.

Got two with the next word and it made it a bit easier having the L as the second letter which automatically eliminated many of my unused letters for the first letter. Once I got the first letter with my 4th guess, it was unusual, but then there was nothing else.
The Front Porch / Re: Recipes
July 05, 2022, 07:29:32 PM

 I promised the OP that I would include my recipe for the old standard of Jewish cuisine, the Potato Latke.

My recipe is different from many in that I personally do not like the potatoes grated as many recipes call for. I find this makes the Latke very crisp and if not cooked perfectly, a bit hard to chew. I prefer to fine-mince the potato in a food processor, not to the point of being a sort of puree, but just more chopped potato instead of grated.

Second, the type of potato you use makes a huge difference. Again, most recipes call for Russett potatoes as they are a bit drier, but my personal choice are Yukon Gold, the best potato for anything. There is a bit more water when the potatoes are ground up, but I drain some of that out before and when the uncooked potatoes are in the bowl, if water forms, I again try and drain it out as best as one can.

So, depending on how many people you are cooking for (when I make these, the entire block could eat and we would still have leftovers). But most recipes call for

4-5 nice size potatoes--peeled
1 average size onion
I add about 1/4 cup of flour
3 large eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Cut the potatoes into cubes and sort of mince or chop them in a food processor. It is good to have a lot of bits and pieces
Empty in a bowl and then do the same for the onion but a bit finer chop.
Mix together, add the eggs, flour, and flavorings and mix well with a large spoon.

Get yourself a nice size frying pan (I use a 12 incher), coat generously with oil (we prefer Canola)
Drop by large heaping spoonfuls into the pan. Again this is a preference as to how large or small you want them to be.
I make mine sort of oval shape about 3 inches long and about 2 inches wide.
Fry well on one side and they flip and do the other side. A panful is usually about 5 latkes and it will take about 10-15 minutes to get that crisp outer coating and nice soft inside.
Put them on a paper towel to drain a bit and then dig in.
With all potato latke recipes, they are their best right out of the pan. If you have to store and then reheat them, they lose something, like the original crispness.
Most people eat these with sour cream or apple sauce and after you do enjoy a few, you will have to diet for a week.

The Front Porch / Dance compellation
July 05, 2022, 06:56:58 PM

A while back I posted several great dance compellations of old (and some new) clips from movies where the actors are dancing to some well-known song. Many times, it really feels as if they ARE dancing to that particular tune.

Here is another
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on July 05, 2022, 11:41:48 AMJudging by your pattern, your 5th choice of words was the same as mine and used the "Y"

 No, I usually use the Y in my second word READY. In fact, on my 5th try, I had WIELD. and from that, I was able to scan my unused letters and the F was the logical choice on 6.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
July 05, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
And one more, for good measure

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
July 05, 2022, 04:06:35 PM
A few new ones
The Front Porch / Re: Avatars
July 05, 2022, 11:32:15 AM

As I said in my original pic, it did take 15 years off my face.

Way to go.   :ok:  :ok:  :ok:  :ok:
Wordle 381 6/6


You know, when I finally got the word, I couldn't believe it took me 6 tries to get it as I thought
WOW, most will get this in 3-4, but on reading I see it WAS tougher than I really thought.

My problem with words like these is I rarely get the first letter and that sort of makes it a bit more difficult. But, as was originally intended, it's meant to get the brain working and today's word sure did.

We had to learn and recite the Gettysburg Address. I knew it by heart for many years afterward, now I would need a refresher for some of it.
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on July 04, 2022, 05:51:09 PM"The Terminal List" looks like something I would like. I'll check it out. Been watching "The Old Man". A little slow with spurts of extreme action. It's a good show. Not as good as "Banshee", but good

I have that show on my watch list, I'm just waiting for all the episodes to drop, and then I'll take a hack at it.
The Front Porch / Re: How is this humanly possible?
July 04, 2022, 08:20:13 PM

I would puke if I are 5 of them, in a 1/2 an hour.

It is truly minded boggling that he can get them down basically without even chewing them, 60+ in 10 minutes.
If someone wanted to bet me it could be done I would take that bet----------and lose.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:
The Front Porch / Re: Big Guns!
July 04, 2022, 08:17:27 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on July 04, 2022, 07:20:46 PMAs a student of military history, I can tell you those big guns are impressive and all that, but in reality, none of them ever amounted to anything successful militarily speaking.   They took huge amounts of resources and all produced no limited results.  The two 18" Japanese battleships never scored a military victory or helped the war effort.  The resources spent on them could have really helped the Japanese in the form of 3 more aircraft carriers.   The huge rail guns were never really worth the resources and manpower spent on them.

 You are correct about those Japanese battleships. They were impressive but really didn't do squat once the shelling started.

The Bismark, on the other hand, did some significant damage before they finally cornered her and sunk her.
The Front Porch / How is this humanly possible?
July 04, 2022, 05:36:08 PM
'Jaws' Wins Again'

Joey Chestnut once again blew away the competition in the annual Nathan's hot dog eating contest in Coney Island, New York, downing 63 franks (and buns) in just 10 minutes. Sounds impressive on paper, but remember that "Jaws" swallowed a staggering 76 dawgs last year in the same competition. Yes, that is the world record by a Brooklyn mile.

Geoffrey Esper came in second with a paltry 47.5 hot dogs.

I watched the video and still do not see how a person can do this--yet this guy does it every year and wins by a mile.
The Front Porch / The Three Stooges
July 04, 2022, 05:26:31 PM
I sure don't know who loved these guys or who hated them, but for me, cast me in the Loved them column. When I was a teen, they had a show in NY, on TV at about 4 PM or 4:30, with a fellow named Officer Joe Bolton, where they used to show the Three Stooges 2 reelers. I used to run home from school to watch these every day.

In case you weren't a fan and just want to know more about them, here is a great read, and if you were a huge fan, this will bring back some terrific memories.
The Front Porch / Re: Big Guns!
July 04, 2022, 05:20:35 PM


 I just watched a show on TV about a Japanese Battleship, Yamato which also had superior guns against our best. Interesting show and here is a great article about these 'super' ships.

They were involved in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, which was the biggest naval battle of WWII (Funny, we always hear about Midway, but this was more important and I never really heard of it).