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Messages - Giant Jim

This one's easy, Perry Williams, the most under rated player of all time!
Giants History / Re: "The League"
February 24, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: jimv on February 24, 2019, 11:52:01 AM
Jim, the book you have sounds like it's a history of the NFLPA.  The book this thread is about is By John Eisenberg titled "The League" & subtitled "How Five Rivals Created the NFL and Launched a Sports Empire."
Yes, I see it's different now. But it's much more than the NFLPA history. I'm only about a quarter of the way thru, so I can't give a complete review. So far, the book centers around Pete Roselle and 1974. I compares how he did things much differently than Bert Bell and how he tried to structure the league. It's included the AFL merger, how people like Al Davis took control of the Raiders, how Billy Sullivan brought pro football to Ma, how the Rooney's started the Steelers, etc. The point I'm up to is about expansion, NFLPA and the WFL. I'm hoping it goes thru every team's ownership history as it's done a good job with the dozen or so I've already read.  I'll get the book you started this thread about now that I know the right one. This one seems like it should be read after the one you read, so you might want to check it out.
Giants History / Re: "The League"
February 24, 2019, 08:27:56 AM
Quote from: Ed Vette on January 01, 2019, 09:31:39 AM

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Looks like I bought the wrong book. Can't complain, this covers most of the histories of the ownership's of the first 26 teams and Pete Roselle's rise to power. Not much about the Mara's, but I'm not even half way thru. Just starting to read about the rise of the NFLPA and hints about up coming battles with Al Davis. I expect it to cover the Giants winter of '78-'79.
This last Super Bowl cemented Belichick as tops. Lombardi inherited a nucleus which stayed intact in the days before free agency.He won with the same team. Paul Brown, Shula & Landry were consistent winners with totally different teams due to their longevity. Besides Brady, who's left from their first super bowl, the kicker? They lost their left tackle last year and still won. How long have we been blaming Manning' and the running game problems on the left tackle?
Giants History / Re: "The League"
December 31, 2018, 04:15:13 PM
Should there be a link?
Quote from: MightyGiants on July 15, 2018, 02:33:14 PM
Head coach, Perkins
I just realized I missed this. Perkins was hired by George Young, the first acquisition not eligible.
This  thread never really took off, but since there's not much going on right now, I thought we could get it going again. So far, we have:


LT-Brad Benson
LG -Doug Van Horn
C-Greg Larson
TE-Bob Tucker
QB-Fran Tarkenton
HB-Doug Kotar, Ron Johnson
FB-Larry Csonka (We'll go with Csonka for now until we see who the coaches are.) Tucker Frederickson
WR-Homer Jones


DE-Jack Gregory
DT-John Mendenhall
DT-Troy Archer
DE-Fred Dryer
LB-Brian Kelley
MLB-Harry Carson
LB-Brad Van Pelt
CB-Willie Williams
FS-Spider Lockhart


PUNTER-Dave Jennings
KICKERPete Gogolak

So far, the only one I disagree with is Doug Kotar, Ron Johnson would be my choice. I'll add Dave Jennings to get this going again. How about the offensive line, was it really that bad for all those years?
NFL Draft, NY Giants style / Re: Trading draft picks
March 14, 2017, 05:17:42 PM
If they keep their defense in tact, feel Eli still has it, and a left tackle and TE would push them deep into the playoffs, why not trade some future to fill 2 gaps? The salary cap would make it difficult for any team to trade too many picks.

Bill Parcells signed Curtis Martin to the Jets, but sent a #1 to New England. He said, "think of Martin as our 1st round pick. That worked out well for the Jets.

Well Mara traded picks & youth in 1961 to boost their aging team. It got them to 3 championship games before most of those players ran out of gas. Was it worth it? Most people think so. The team started sinking to all time lows in 1964, but could've dug themselves out in a few years if they drafted right the years following the trades. No matter what, they would've sunk some after having so many starters retire in a 2 or 3 year span.
When talk of the bad drafts of recent years comes up, those of us that have been around awhile remember over  20 years of bad drafts in the 60's and 70's. The bad drafts started before Allie Sherman became head coach and lasted until George Young took over the draft.

When we lose a player from that era, like Willie Williams last year, it brings back great memories of some really good players from those bad teams we've forgotten or were too young to see. Whenever talk of the greatest Giants of all time comes up, names from the glory years like Gifford and Huff are mentioned then the names jump to Simms, Taylor and Banks. Barely a name or 2 from the '64-'79 teams. 

I'd like to put together a "Wilderness All Star Team". Each name should include how he was acquired (i.e. 3rd rd draft pick, free agent, trade). I want to see if we can can put together a Super Bowl contender from players acquired during this period or just how bad the teams drafting was back then.

To be eligible, players had to be acquired before 1979. Harry Carson is eligible because he was drafted during this time. Players should be measured by their level of play after 1964. For example, Del Shofner was one of the best receivers in the NFL during the glory years, but after 1963 he didn't really do much. He wouldn't make my wilderness team. Let's see if we can come up with a Super Bowl contender from a group of players that were acquired between 1960 & 1979 and played here between 1964 & 1983.

I'll start with a couple, then others can add to it.

QB-Fran Tarkenton- 1967 trade for 2 first, 2 second and 1 third round picks. Played at HOF level his first 4 years here.

DT- John Mendenhall- 1972 third round draft pick. I don't think he ever made the Pro Bowl, but he played at close to pro bowl level.

OK, we need 20 more starters for our offense and 4-3 defense plus kickers, return men, Head Coach and if you disagree with my first 2 choices, a couple more starters.
Giants History / Re: Nice Homer Jones piece in S.I.
December 05, 2015, 08:14:36 AM