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Messages - killarich

At this point the mission should be to inflict as much pain as possible to Hurts
What is happening right now
Quote from: TDToomer on January 07, 2024, 05:34:20 PMWell we know the Chargers aren't taking a QB and seem pretty deep at WR


Giants will be in probably the most awkward draft position they could be in
So chargers are passing us on the draft board... are we dropping down to 6th ?
I like how the announcers keep bringing up the Eagles injuries ... like Giants haven't been getting dinged up either
Robinson and Hyatt

We just need a WR1 ...and the future qb
Nice throw
Dane Belton ...the future
Obvious hold on Lawrence right in front of refs and they ignored it
Taylor has terrible hands
Good they wanna do that dumb qb sneak ... any contact you get hurts you are subject to what just happened
Wow a false start

So they really weren't going to call that delay of game huh smh
Somebody should just start wailing at Hurts when they do that push.... You wanna do that ish.... Then get ready to be hurt
Geezus are Hyatt AND Devito both limping ?