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Messages - andrew_nyGiants

Quote from: BluesCruz on January 08, 2024, 03:22:38 PMThis is incredibly sad.  Mara needs to step in

Its obvious Daboll wants to get rid of a Coach who make Daboll and his offense look bad

On the 85 Bears Ditka and Buddy Ryan did not speak to one another but together they produced the most feared team of all time

If Wink leaves all bets are off....we will once again circle the drain
Did you just say "Mara needs to step in"?!!


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Bummer, I really liked the identity he was bringing to this defense.

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Big Blue Huddle / Re: More assistant coach firings
January 08, 2024, 02:26:37 PM
Does it specify if maybe Wink himself fired them?

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Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is Bill Belichick the GOAT?
January 07, 2024, 10:49:09 AM
He's definitely my GOAT for Super Bowls 21,25,42,& 46

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We have a HC who is "allegedly" an offensive mind and a QB whisperer. (Not saying that he's not, just not this year).

I think we can all agree that we all anticipated that the offense would take the next step (particularly in the passing game and solidifying the offensive line). We have been suffering through stagnant offenses for years and 2022 gave us all a glimmer of hope for this season.

The defense and special teams were supposed to complement a high powered offense.

None of this materialized, but I think it's fair to say that the biggest disappointment has been the offense because that is the way the expectations were set.

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Quote from: Doc16LT56 on January 07, 2024, 10:27:05 AMSo how do you explain how the Panthers, Jets and Patriots are as bad as the Giants on offense, but all three are in the top-6 defenses?
Because those teams have a better defense than the Giants.

I'm not saying this defense is supposed to be great or that they are really good except for the offense.

I'm simply saying that the defense isn't THAT far off of being good.

Apologies if I'm not making my point clear.

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Quote from: DaveBrown74 on January 07, 2024, 08:18:26 AMThat precisely defines this year's Eagles team, so to say it's the offense's fault the defense is so bad is not an automatically valid excuse to me.
I'm not saying it's that the offense is solely at fault, I'm saying that it's all about complimentary football and that offense' ineptitude contributes to the poor statistics of the defense.

If we were the'86 Giants or '85 Bears the offense ineptitude would not impact the game the way it does today.

Let's face it, the NFL leans its favor heavily into offensive football. Our offense is offensive.

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Quote from: DaveBrown74 on January 06, 2024, 05:01:48 PMAs a team they are near rock bottom in the league in both points allowed per game and total yards allowed per game.

What about that is "solid" from an "overall performance" perspective?
Do you believe that if the offense was average or above average in scoring and TOP that the defense would statistically be ranked near the bottom of the league?

The defense is solid...not great, not a finished product...but solid given a poor offense and poor special teams. This is about complimentary football.

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Quote from: Doc16LT56 on January 06, 2024, 05:01:05 PMIt's not just a weakness, it's a fatal flaw. You can't win with a defense that consistently allows the average RB to perform like an elite RB.

I'm not a fan of the magical thinking around here over the last decade that things will somehow get better if we believe hard enough. They need to address the front seven beyond Dex and Ekereke.
I never claimed the defense was a finished product, truth be told they need some upgrades for sure.

I'm talking about complimentary football and when 2 of the 3 units are CONSISTENTLY UNDERPERFORMING it's going to have a negative impact on the performance of the this case the defense.

So yes, the defense can use some reinforcement...but not just the roster on their side of the ball, but the ability to trust that offense and specials don't consistently hang them out to dry.

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Big Blue Huddle / Interesting comment by Jordon Raanan
January 06, 2024, 04:53:27 PM
Quote from: Doc16LT56 on January 06, 2024, 04:47:09 PMThey're giving up 4.9 yards per carry on the road. How can that possibly be justified or excused? This defense is a problem.
In a vacuum that appears to be a defensive weakness. But the overall performance of this defense given the obstacles that they're dealing with has been solid.

4.9 avg is similar to a RB who averages 3 YPC in the 1st 3 QTRS and in the 4th rips off a couple of runs for 40 yards and suddenly their overall average is 5 YPC for the game.

You put an offense together that can sustain drives and average 20 points per better per game and I promise you, the same defense presently on the field will be statistically far superior than what the books show now.

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Big Blue Huddle / Interesting comment by Jordon Raanan
January 06, 2024, 02:28:02 PM
Quote from: kingm56 on January 05, 2024, 06:56:24 AMWhy do you want to retain a DC responsible for producing the NFL's 28th ranked Defense?  For goodness sake, the Giants have allowed 47 TDs, 24.8 PPG and 366 YPG.  Every single defensive metric points to the Giants being a bottom 5 defensive team.   While the Giants Offense hasn't produced any better results with a 30th overall ranking, it shouldn't be lost on anyone that side of the ball was hit with far more injuries, having lost 2x QBs, AP RB, TE, and AP LT for significant portions of the season.  In short, it seems many are holding Kafka to a different standard than Wink.  The latter is getting a pass for producing similar results, while the former is viewed as the impetus of our offensive foibles.  Kafka is far from a primary reason for the Giants offensive struggles, just like the 4 OCs who proceeded him over the last 6 years.  The Giants don't have a single dynamic player on offense, a QB who's never been a prolific pass, at any level, and one of the worst Olines in the league.  There's not a single OC in the league that would produce tangible improvement with the same talent.  I am far more critical of Wink, who produced the same results with better talent.
That ranking is deceptive for a few reasons:

1st and most importantly, this team is inept on special teams as well as on offense. Which means that the defense has often dealt with short fields as well as fatigue from all of the three and outs.
Sooner or later you're going to burn out as a defender playing under those circumstances. Credit to Wink and the defense for continuing to fight.

2nd like the offense, they have had to fight through injuries as well as developing young talent. I don't think it's a stretch to say that he's handled it better than the offense and special teams.

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1st point: I love the way Pennix throws the ball, but even more than that, the way he competes. He's persevered through a lot of adversity and is now on the verge of a National Championship.

A lot to like here!

2nd point: addressing the OL conversation.

Just as a team must build a culture to grow into a consistent winner....the same applies to position groups. It is my opinion that we have drafted and even signed some very good talent to begin building an offensive line.

But like the team, you put a solid player who needs to develop next to a player with bad habits...then the OL Coach is either not holding everyone accountable and/or not developing the player's going to appear that this is a talentless group when in reality it just needs a better culture and another piece or two.

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As far as inside info on a potential Daboll departure, unless the Chargers have been up to some serious tampering, I don't see a 2nd yr HC who has never been an NFL HC prior to this opportunity, simply walking away.

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Big Blue Huddle / Re: Giants can move to #2 overall....
January 01, 2024, 01:14:59 PM
What if...the Bears really want Williams.

We could offer our 2nd round pick along with a 5th for Fields and may still be in a position to snatch Maserati Marv.

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I don't disagree that Johnson should be gone.

However I believe there are several changes that need to be made and anyone in the position of hiring/firing knows that you don't make these moves lightly.

This is an ongoing discussion with your GM which includes a short list of qualified candidates you know would seriously consider the opportunity while at the same time avoiding any potential tampering violations.

If this is done right, it's a process.

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