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Messages - killarich

Somebody should just start wailing at Hurts when they do that push.... You wanna do that ish.... Then get ready to be hurt
Geezus are Hyatt AND Devito both limping ?
Lol god Taylor is the Ben Simmons of the NFL
Where was this playcalling all season ?
So what's the highest draft spot we can get ? 4th ?

We need Washington and Arizona to win ?
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on January 05, 2024, 06:28:14 AMI do think the Giants would look bad (Daboll in particular) if they sacked Wink after just two seasons here. He is very well respected around the league.

Yeaaa ... and defense is far from perect but it has kept us in many games
Wink needs to stay , I hope whatver beef he has with Daboll can get fixed

Kafka can go.... go far away
Quote from: MightyGiants on January 04, 2024, 09:30:44 AMHere's what I see as the flaw in your point, at least from my perspective.  I don't believe right and wrong are judged by what you say and do, and are independent of others.  Just because you don't like someone else doesn't mean you are free to discard right and wrong in your treatment of that person.

As for the vaccination status, I think you should drill down a bit on that issue.  One's choice to vaccinate or not has a great impact, both on those you were around as well as on society as a whole.  When Covid variants were still carrying a significant risk of serious illness or death, being in contact with others posed a risk to both parties.  Employers and people have a right to make informed choices and have the right to mitigate risk for critical tasks like working or shopping.  So, knowing the vaccination status of others was important information in terms of risk assessment and mitigation.

Still, that is not even the biggest issue.  The bigger issue was social cost.  When someone opts to skip the vaccine, and ends up for months in the hospital on a ventilator, dying, or being disabled for long periods of time, those incidents needlessly cost our country/society thousands to millions of dollars (compared to simply taking a few sick days if you were vaccinated).  Who do you think is paying for all those hospital stays and disability payments and the like?

So choosing to vaccinate is more akin to seatbelt laws or helmet laws (societal costs vs freedom) rather than say, what color underwear you are choosing.

Covid vaccine is nothing like a seatbelt law.... all those vaccines that ourkids get when they are born which 99.99% prevent them from getting what the vaccine is for is more closer to a seatbelt law ..,why ? Because it actually does something ... took years to create and actually is proven

I had Covid for the 4th time last month ... ALL after i got the vaccines .... And my civilian job i interact with people way more then my military job and I didnt get it... during the pandemic .

I dont blame anybody for not wanting to get the vaccine or give their kids a vaccine that is complete bs
Quote from: TDToomer on January 04, 2024, 09:23:01 AMHere are some facts. Comedians make fun of people. That is their job. This call out is like some members of Congress recently demanded SNL apologize for a skit where they actually made more fun of the so called "liberal elite" College Presidents than Stefanik.

There it is, a political insertion. This is the root cause of everything. This is why this country is so divided
Quote from: T200 on January 04, 2024, 09:16:49 AMMy participation in this thread was about Rodgers' lying about being vaccinated and Fletch's attempt to minimize it.

I'm not a Kimmel fan but I understand why he's upset and can appreciate his response to Rodgers.

I have nothing against his response either and also understand why hes upset. But Kimmel is a worse person than Rodgers , he shouldnt be held on some moral high ground here.
Quote from: MightyGiants on January 04, 2024, 09:08:27 AMTim,

Calling out bad behavior is never a bad thing, in my opinion.  What is toxic and destructive is excusing or even praising bad behavior just because that person has similar views and perspectives.

I will share an analogy.  Back when I was working on the ambulance, there was a policy that before you pulled the ambulance back into the bay, you needed to check the fuel level.  If it was not over half, you were required to pull the ambulance around back and fuel it up.

Now, with analog gas gauges, if you move your head to one side of the gauge, you can create what's known as a parallax error.  The gauge will appear slightly higher than the true reading.  Now it wasn't uncommon when the gauge was at the halfway mark or very slightly below, people would push their heads almost out the window and declare (we're good, it's more than half), especially if it was 2 in the morning you wish to get back to bed a grab a few Zs before work the next day.

I think that is the natural state of what you are describing.  Now what we are witnessing are people looking at less than a quarter of a tank of gas and saying "screw it, that's more than half a tank".

So from my perspective, it's a matter of degree.  A little "hometown" bias is natural and relatively harmless.  When you decide facts and values no longer matter, than it's a serious problem.

Im going to play Devils Advocate:

Here are some facts;

Rodgers is an azz, makes douchebag comments, said something about Kimmel he probably shouldnt have , and lied about his Vaccination status ... which imo really shouldnt be anybodies business

Kimmel makes Douchebag comments constantly, hes more political now so he tries to be "safe" with it now, old school Kimmel makes Rodgers seem minor league, Kimmel did a blackface skit and has borderline sexually harrassed women

This whole thread 100% defending one person because of his political beliefs not his actual character... that is facts
Quote from: T200 on January 04, 2024, 08:51:28 AMI think it's human nature to naturally side with or defend someone with whom you share similar views and perspectives. On the flipside, it's easier to call someone out if you don't like them or their views.

It's playing out in this thread.

Yea .... im not saying what Rodgers said wasnt wrong

But you cant defend Kimmel like hes an Angel.... the dude straight did a blackface..... if this was Rodgers it would be held against him
Quote from: uconnjack8 on January 04, 2024, 06:37:12 AMWhat disgusting behavior?  I loved the man show.  It was funny and had girls on trampolines.

I wish we judged our elected officials as harshly.

Didnt Kimmel do a "blackface" skit ?

Im not pointing this upcoming comment at you ?

if Rodgers did that, his career would probably be done and he would be getting straight destroyed in this thread

Media controls who we can hate or forgive based on certain things

Both are scumbags
What Rodgers did was wrong and idiotic, and yes he is a jackazz

But the whole thing with the vax, and shaming people for not being vaxed was extremely ridiculous....

idk about you guys but i got the rona FOUR times after the vax , zero before

I have to get vaxed because im military

and I am not anti-vax ... but I am anti making people inject something in their bodies if they dont want too

Either way what Rodgers said was dumb and he shouldnt have said it
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is it time to move Evan Neal to LG?
December 31, 2023, 08:21:27 PM
I think a lot depends on where we draft

If we miss out on any of the qbs and Harrison I think we need to go to OT

Then I would experiment with Neal and hope he's decent at guard