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Messages - LennG


Took me 6 and about 10 minutes of trying different combos to get it. I know the word just couldn't put it together until the end.
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 19, 2022, 12:55:30 PM
A movie that I just thought of that should probably be on this list...Chariots of Fire

I don't really remember the entire score but the theme music was magnificent.

You can also add

The Exorcist


And for Bob--Theme from the Third Man  (I just love that Zither music)
Quote from: jimv on May 19, 2022, 03:19:07 PM
Shane doesn't die.  He just rides off.

Sorry Jim, we don't know that. Many feel he is mortally wounded and rides away to die. There is a huge debate on this.  We know he has been shot, so why would he just leave unless he knows he is going to die and doesn't want the boy to see this happen.

Does Shane die at the end?
The film leaves that question unanswered, although viewers can be found to support either side of the argument. Those who conclude that Shane dies argue that the last scene in which he rides through a cemetery is an indication that he is dying or is already dead. They point out that he is slumping slightly with his arm to his side and that, in the novel, the gunshot was to his abdomen. They reason that he goes off to die as one last favor to the Starretts. Shane admires and likes Joe but is in love with Marian. He leaves so that they do not know for sure that he has died; he knows that the guilt Joe and Marian would feel at his death would poison their marriage. Those who conclude that Shane is not dying counter that the cemetery is simply on the way back to the mountains and that he is leaning forward because he is going uphill, as horseback riders tend to do. Although he was shot, they argue, it appears to be a superficial wound to his upper arm. The wound isn't bleeding profusely, Shane isn't acting like the wound is serious, he could mount and ride his horse, and he is holding up the reins. Others circumvent the argument entirely by pointing out that it matters little whether or not Shane dies from his wound. The movie itself is an allegory saying that the gunfighter, like the free range cattle rancher, are dying breeds. The West is being settled, civilized and developed. It's giving way to a new era where the rugged individual was being replaced by families... where peace would prevail and gunfighters no longer had a place.


Yes Shane does die at the end. First clue is when Shane says "A man is what he is, he can't break the mold". 2nd the boy says "Its bloody, Shane you're hurt". And finally Shane is died when his head is down and his left arm is hanging out and straight down as he rides up over the hill. He had to die, he was the last of the gunfighters and now he could be at peace.

Let me add a few more

Mr Orange (Tim Roth) in Reservoir Dogs
Mufasa in The Lion King
Marley--Marley and Me
Jimmy Malone


Just on a roll.   :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

You should also know #3--Big hint, think Belushi saying this
 My usual 4.


A few 'new/old' quotes

1---"Run away!"

2---"Apologize To My Mule"

3---"Was It Over When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor?"

4---"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman"


Myself, I will still go with Amaros's catch in '55.

Sorry GO, but May's catch makes O'Neill's look easy and I will also go with Ed, Ron Swoboda's catch was remarkable, especially if you followed those Mets and knew how bad a fielder Swoboda was.

Another easy one today. Probably could have gotten it earlier, but after putting in my usual 3 words, I had all the letters. My usual 4 today

Got this today in an email from a good friend who also cherishes movies.

Can't argue with most of them and I'm sure there are several other great ones

EG Robinson--Little Caesar
Cagney-- White Heat
Henry Fonda--Once Upon a Time In the West
Bogart (Take you pick--he was always being killed off in his early flix) High Sierra
James Caan--The Godfather
Maybe the best ever was King Kong
Old Yeller
Appollo Creed--Rocky something


Sort of an easy one today but it took me 5 to get it. I guess I have to get that sea air out of my brain.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
May 16, 2022, 07:11:47 PM
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 16, 2022, 12:28:41 PM
I got distracted reading that last one and had to go back and reread it a few more times...LMAO

Now THAT is funny.  =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on May 16, 2022, 12:54:24 PM

I had a girlfriend for a long time. We had one of those "Forrest and Jenny type relationships"....i.e., I became a retard and found out she was a slut, but I digress. Anyway, her father was the same way - die hard Brooklyn Dodger fan, hated the Yankees so she inherited his genes and was the exact same way. Thought Scioscia was a "real man" that she would like to take for a ride and thought the infield of Garvey, Lopes, Russell, and Cey were the greatest in history and Tommy Lasorda the greatest manager ever. She was avid...and annoying  >:( 2  She would only call the Yankees by her pet name, the "Yank me's". To make things worse, she was a die hard, over zealous Cowboy fan. But boy could she...never mind, I'll get banned  :scared:

I tried to stay with the Dodgers as long as I could, but once the likes of Drysdale and Koufax were gone, so was I.