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Messages - LennG

Quote from: Ed Vette on April 19, 2022, 08:57:33 AM
After watching the series Breaking Bad this past month, then this episode of BCS, I was disappointed in the final season premiere. The stupid antics just didn
Quote from: jimv on April 21, 2022, 12:23:35 AM

A clue:  Gary Cooper, 1954


I had to look up Gary Cooper and 1954 and all I can come up with is Garden of Evil. I have no idea if that line is from this movie though.
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 20, 2022, 06:56:07 PM
Quote from: LennG on April 19, 2022, 04:44:31 PM

You guys are movie watchers and got the entire last list so let's move on.

So for some who don't deleve too much into movies here are some characters I think everyone knows

1--Clarice Starling

2-- Henry Potter

3--Jake LaMotta

4--Osgood Fielding III

5--Henry Higgins

6--Dan Taylor

7---Ann Darrow

8---Max Bialystock

Seems people are stuck on the easy ones so let me make it unbelievably easier

#1-- you got,

#2--Substitute Mr. instead of the first name--Mr. Potter

#3--you got

#4-- Agaion, just think of the first name--- Osgood

#5-- you got

#6-- Drop the last name and put in Lt. in front of the first name

#7--you got

#8---Co star Leo Bloom,------ Bloom and Bialystock
Quote from: jimv on April 20, 2022, 03:24:48 PM
"If the earth was made of gold, I suppose men would die for a handful of dirt."

Sorry Jim, I haven't a clue
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on April 20, 2022, 07:52:16 AM
I woke up yesterday morning to a little over a foot of snow. Very wet snow, so really heavy. I almost grabbed my camera because of the beauty of the trees so laden with sticky snow that it was stunning...but I didn't. The beautiful sight was also the cause of hundreds of trees going down and taking electrical wires with them. Almost all secondary roads were closed with trees across them. It was a mess.

I knew the day was going to be bad because of the many storm warnings. My phone went off at 5:15 AM to announce that the grandkids school was closed. I thought, "hmmm...must be bad already". No sooner than that and my fan quit and the electricity shut off and there's no going back to sleep when there is nothing but eerie silence. I figured, "'ll be back shortly as it always does"....NOT. No morning coffee, no early morning Wordle, no spending the first hour of the day reading news...just sitting in the dark

To make a long story short - I had no power until about 10:00 pm last night. And I'm lucky because a lot of friends of mine in Binghamton still have no power. They got over 14 inches. I dug my car out and realized just how heavy the snow was and that I'd probably have a heart attack if I tried to shovel my driveway so I called my brother to come over with his tractor and scoop to dig the driveway out. I finally got out and took a drive to Cortland to hopefully find a cup of coffee. Everything was closed except a McDonalds running on a generator and the line was so long the cars were backed up to the highway so it was a 20 minute wait (so I got two cups!) It is horrible to not have coffee first thing in the morning. I make a pot of coffee before going to bed so that as I walk to the bathroom in the morning with my eyes still half closed all I have to do is hit the button and it starts brewing so within minutes of getting out of bed, I have hot coffee waiting for me. And I'm pretty much worthless without my first cup of coffee!

It was a frustrating day. I wanted to get on the internet and see what was going on with this storm, to do my morning Wordle, and to get caught up on what's going on in the world. I was forced to use my phone which is okay I guess if you have the eyes of a hawk. I went to this site, but couldn't sign on because I can't remember my own password and I keep my passwords on my computer. It eventually became to frustrating to use my cell phone so I gave it up

By noon, my mother (90+ yrs old) was in near tears because she was so cold her teeth were chattering. So I wrapped her up with extra clothes, blankets, and put one of my ski caps on her head, got her to bed and put several more blankets on her before heading out to find a way to heat her house without using electricity or using something that would create carbon monoxide. Finally borrowed a propane heater, but my tank of propane was empty. Back on the road, but the places that would normally fill it couldn't because they needed electricity to run their pumps. Finally went north to Lowes for a swap out. It was evening by the time I got it hooked up and it was a pain because the tank had to be outside and the heater inside. My brother stopped over and said that he called NYSEG and we wouldn't have electricity back until tomorrow night. My friends in Binghamton said they'd be out of electricity for three days. Anyway, I stayed with my mother until the house started to get into the 60's. Meanwhile, I emptied her refrigerator into big plastic storage boxes and took them outside in the snow

Anyway, I got her into bed after 9:30 and just as I was about to leave, all the lights came on. Never such a beautiful sound as hearing the furnace kick in and actually be able to see what I was doing without flashlights. What a horribly frustrating day! So much for the long story short - sorry


Let's see if I got this right.

You had 12 inches of heavy wet snow,
you shoveled your car out
You had your brother come over and help plow the driveway
Just to drive to Cortland to get a cup of coffee?

And you didn't ask your girlfriend to help or what you could pick up for her?

=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 19, 2022, 04:51:07 PM

And some that are a bit tougher, but all very well know

1--Maxim De Winter

2--Howard Russell

3--Carl Fredrickson

4---Bertrum Cates

5---Walter Neff

6---Dave Bowman

7---Joe Gillis

8---Billie Dawn

9--Henry Drummond

10---Roy Earle
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 19, 2022, 04:44:31 PM

You guys are movie watchers and got the entire last list so let's move on.

So for some who don't deleve too much into movies here are some characters I think everyone knows

1--Clarice Starling

2-- Henry Potter

3--Jake LaMotta

4--Osgood Fielding III

5--Henry Higgins

6--Dan Taylor

7---Ann Darrow

8---Max Bialystock
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 19, 2022, 04:01:39 PM
Quote from: T200 on April 19, 2022, 03:46:55 PM
Mad Max???

There you go guys--EASY--Right?
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 19, 2022, 01:49:47 PM
Quote from: ozzie on April 19, 2022, 01:17:25 PM
I'm going to go with the only Luke I can think of......Cool Hand Luke?

There you go Lou, I told you they were easy.

Now the last one, first name Max, what movie has Max in its title?
The Front Porch / Re: Interesting question
April 19, 2022, 12:01:52 PM

There are just so many people I would love the chance to just sit and talk to in the just wonderful location,

Since I am a history buff, my first thoughts were to chat with Abraham Lincoln about life and hear his thoughts, then I thought of Winston Churchill, but because of the spot, I decided on Benjamin Franklin. The man would be a wonderful companion for that hour, so witty and knowledgable and there are so many questions I could put to him.

If it were in a classroom, a lecture hall, or even in an office, I might say someone different, but on a park bench, overlooking the beach and ocean, Franklin was my choice.
The Front Porch / Interesting question
April 19, 2022, 11:57:00 AM

Nice location, and a wonderful question.

So If you could have a seat on this bench and the chance to talk to anyone for an hour while sitting there, who would it be?
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
April 19, 2022, 11:53:30 AM

Time for some new ones (or, I hope then are new)
The Front Porch / Re: Movies' Characters
April 19, 2022, 11:50:33 AM
Quote from: LennG on April 18, 2022, 07:34:01 PM
Excellent job Lou. A couple were pretty hard.

Of the 3 you didn't get, you have seen these movies so let me help you a bit.

#3-- forget the last name and go with just the first and see what you come up with

#5--Same thing, forget the last name and just think if the first name and what movie

#7--Once again, the character is always known from just the first name but it's not in the title.--Home Alone

Come on guys, two EASY ones left
Quote from: Ed Vette on April 11, 2022, 12:06:41 PM
I just finished Season 4 of Breaking Bad. Kind of disappointed that Gus had his head blown off. He was the Negan of this series but clearly a sociopath. Anyone else like his character more that Walter White?

I haven't watched the new season just yet, hopefully, tonite if I can find 2 1/2 hours to dedicate to it.

Funny you mentioned Gus. He was on Jimmy Kimmel last night to promote the new season of BCS, but he is so not like his character Gus. He talks a mile a minute and tries to make jokes about everything, while Gus is so reserved, and talks only when he has something to say. I was so taken aback as it was the first time I have seen him off screen.
Got it in 5 and yes, once I got the Y in the middle, it was easy.