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Messages - Gmo11

That better be in 5th pick in Round 2 cause in Round 1 that's not gonna be good for business.  Personally I think there are only 3 QBs worth taking in the top 5 right now and then about 3 more worth late 1st early 2nd round range. 
Quote from: T200 on January 03, 2024, 04:16:19 PMFirst, this isn't a political thread so please leave politics out of it.

Second, I don't care to speculate about what he was thinking. I know what he said and did. He's a big boy. If he didn't believe in them, then he should have manned up and said just that. There were plenty of people that didn't get it and it's their prerogative. It's not about the shot. It's about LYING about the shot and putting other people at risk.

To your point...Kirk Cousins didn't get it. Said he wasn't getting it and why. And nobody hates him. Rodgers is a dirtbag and receives the hate that he does purely of his own doing.
Quote from: katkavage on January 03, 2024, 12:09:59 PMThey should have done it before last year.

Even I thought they should have at least seen what Daboll could do with him.  Josh Allen was no better than Jones his first two seasons.  So to me I was on board with giving him a shot even if I was skeptical. 

If we want to keep going back...they never should have drafted him at all, given Eli a farewell season, and drafted either Burrow/Tua/Herbert the following year.  Since any of them rated out about 10x better of a prospect than Jones did.  But I digress...sigh...
Quote from: katkavage on January 03, 2024, 11:48:08 AMI've been saying this through two GM tenures. A rebuild is not a compromise. You have to tear down before you build up. Gettleman foolishly thought a running back added to a QB on the decline with a bad offensive line would win. We love Eli but he should have been either forced to retire or find a new team. Now Schoen comes and has to work a rebuild around a mediocre QB. It's not how it is done. Jones should have been cut loose before last year. I don't care that he has a winning season last year. That was short term success. You need to build for the long term.

This is of course correct.  They absolutely should have cut bait last year and there were plenty of voices around here suggesting they do exactly that.  However, the success of the team put Schoen in an unenviable position because there were not other real solid options to go to.  Even though Baker Mayfield looks great now going into last offseason he was a disaster.  So how do you as a GM explain to your fans that the team that just won a wild card spot and a playoff game needs to be blown up and will be starting Tyrod Taylor?  Even though the team absolutely did need that. 

I think he did the best he could by signing Jones but giving himself the ability to get away from him after next season.  Would have been nice to get him on a one year prove it deal but he never was going to go for that so he did what he could without damaging the future too much.  You can question the decision not to pick up the 5th year but at the time Jones was (and still is) very very bad at this.  I don't think they expected in any sort of wildest dreams to be a playoff team let alone win a game when they got there.  In a sense, that screwed up the entire rebuild.
I think we have enough evidence to suggest that the OL coaching/development on this team is about the worst in the league.  Whatever the hell they're teaching in this organization needs to be immediately stopped and turned on its head.  Feliciano is a top C, Hernandez couldn't block his grandmother with the Giants but now is suddenly good, even going back to Flowers being a serviceable guard when the Giants couldn't even be bothered to try him there. 

JMS and Evan Neal were superb prospects coming out of college.  Absolute studs.  There is no reason for them to have simply forgotten how to play football unless what they're being told to do is holding (pun intended) them back. 

The OL coach should be fired after the season and anybody that worked on the OL with him can also see the door.  They need an entirely new style of coaching, new philosophy, new techniques, new everything.  And if they can get even a semi-competent system in place I think Neal and JMS will both show some significant improvement next season.  In the case of Neal, he can't really be any worse so he's got no place to go but up!
Grade A, card carrying, licensed piece of s**t
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Tankathon Mock draft
January 03, 2024, 10:49:00 AM
I love the way Penix plays and his accuracy is exceptional but the two ACL injuries really hurt him. Literally and figuratively.  If he gets another it might end his career.  Typically 2 will severely harm an elite athlete like that.  Though he seems to have been able to move pretty well in the pocket this season. 

If he's a middle round flyer or even one of the two second round picks I could understand that just because they didn't have many other options picking 5th if they don't trade up. Plus, if he can avoid that knee blowing out he'd be pretty good value for 2nd round...but that shouldn't be Plan A.  Too risky. 
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Tankathon Mock draft
January 02, 2024, 12:36:11 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on January 02, 2024, 12:30:35 PMHere is an article that cites 7 NFL GMs. They all say the Bears should move on from Fields

It makes the most sense to move on so you can get equal or greater play from a guy making significantly  less money than he's about to make after this season.  From a front office standpoint it's pretty cut and dry.  The one X factor is that this team that is suddenly playing well LOVES Fields.  And most of these guys are gonna be around next year.  So you do run the risk of losing the team if they draft a guy and it turns out he's either awful or just not great as most rookies are. 

If it were me I love Caleb Williams so much as a prospect I'm taking him immediately and telling the mad now...but just watch this kid throw a football and talk to me in camp.  I'm just not 100% sure the Bears will do it too.  Especially if they get some sort of Godfather offer for that 1st pick.

Either way...Williams is gonna be the #1 pick and Maye is basically locked in at #2.  Daniels and Harrison will be 3 and 4 in some order depending on who ends up where.  After that it's a crap shoot.  So the Giants kinda have to get into that top 4 to have a realistic shot at a huge QB.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Tankathon Mock draft
January 02, 2024, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: T200 on January 02, 2024, 12:11:46 PMFields now has three years of NFL experience. I'm in favor of Schoen trading our first round pick to Chicago for Fields. This would give Chicago 3 picks in the top 10.

Fields is the type of QB Daboll can work with. Not as big as Allen, but more athletic.

Can't trade the 1st round pick for a possible 1 year rental...but if you're saying the Giants give up a 2nd round pick for Fields...given how he looks right now...I think they have to do it.  This assumes of course they end up outside of the top 4 meaning they can't get a Top QB in the draft.

McCarthy has not impressed me all season but I will say he looked pretty darn good this weekend.  He'd have to do it again in the championship game before I started looking at him in the same category as the Big 3 QBs this year.  Currently I'd have him in the mix with Penix and Nix and before this weekend I had him 3rd of that tier. 
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Our team is poorly coached
December 26, 2023, 02:46:42 PM
Quote from: Messiah717 on December 26, 2023, 01:20:58 AMNonsense.  It happens all the time in sports.  What about all the no show efforts?  Is that a sign of awful coaching?

It's a sign of a terrible team with pathetic QB performances. To me bad coaching is taking a team that should win and losing with it. If they played the Panthers with Jones and lost that's bad coaching. They're better than the Panthers. If they had lost to Washington that's bad coaching. They're better than Washington. He won 3 games with Tommy Freaking Devito. I don't care who they were playing that's great coaching.  They damn near beat the Eagles without a QB. That's great coaching. If you think this team is going to win 12 games with this QB play..I just don't know what to tell you.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Our team is poorly coached
December 26, 2023, 12:09:00 AM
Quote from: Messiah717 on December 25, 2023, 08:20:08 PMBecause some of us are tired of a decade of moral victories.

It's unreasonable to walk into that game expecting to win or really even have it be close. The fact that it was is a sign of excellent coaching.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Our team is poorly coached
December 25, 2023, 08:16:16 PM
How anybody could watch this game... In which the out manned and out gunned Giants without a single QB of any reputable skill took the defending NFC champs and one of only maybe 4 or 5 legit super bowl contenders to the absolute brink and could easily have pulled it out...and question the coaching afterwards is beyond me. They should have lost by 4TDs to this team. And they might the next time they play but today was not a good example of bad coaching. Quite the opposite.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Who needs a QB
December 25, 2023, 11:15:10 AM
The best things the Giants can hope for now are that

1) the Bears keep winning and Fields looks good doing it

2) the Giants lose out

3) The Pats beat the Jets

4) the Cards and Commies agree Caleb Williams is head and shoulders better than the other QBs.

Which if all works out exactly right could lead to the Giants picking 4th the Bears drop down from 1 but only to 2 or 3 to take Harrison and the Giants get one of the big 3 QBs albeit the 3rd option.

Short of all that happening the Giants likely have to be the ones trading up in order to secure a QB and the only team that would consider trading out of a QB spot would be the Bears at 1. So that doesn't seem very likely at this point given how much it would cost.
I think all of the WRs are currently underrated simply because the QB play has been so putrid how could they possibly show what they are capable of?  Hyatt would likely be in the rookie of the year discussion if he had even average QB play.  Hodgins looked great last year when Jones was playing the position properly and this year looks non-existent.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is ORT A Position Of Need?
December 22, 2023, 10:40:43 AM
Yea probably.  BUT if they can find a good OL coach (admittedly easier said than done) Neal might be serviceable. At least serviceable enough to fill a greater need than that.  It's tough to just give up on the guy after 2 miserable seasons given that Feliciano has proven that the coaching he's been getting with the Giants has been just abysmal.  It is a wonder Thomas has developed into anything in this environment.