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Messages - nb587

I know a little bit of Tom Savage and disagree with some of the analysis including a key fact.  Savage left Rutgers on his own; he was not  booted off the team by any means.  They tried very hard to keep including firing the offensive coordinator who utiliized a spread offense and bought in a coordinator who ran a pro style offense which would have helped Savage had he stayed.  Schiano screwed up big time by hiring the spread coordinator in my opinion and fired him quickly but not quick enough.  My sons went  to Rutgers at that time and I know people who know the family.  It was Savage's father who convinced him to leave in the same way that Savage's older brother, also a QB, also transferred colleges. 

In terms of his performance, the OL at Rutgers during the time peripd you mentioned ws much like the Giants OL this year and it's hard to make a meaningfull conclusions about the QB performance.  He has a big time arm and is a vey tough kid.  He is also very coachable.  I've read this and agree that if he had stayed in 1 place for 4 years, he would have been a 1st round pick.  As it is, I think he'll go in the 2nd round or early 3rd.  His arm is that good.
Agree with the smash mouth comment. I think the Giants want at least one guard who can do what Snee used to do in short yardage.  They have been weak in short yardage for 2 years now and terrible at all run aspects last year. By teh way, I think this coming year would be Moseley's 3rd year.  He was injured as a rookie and played some last year.  That said, I think he still is part of the plan. Not sure about Brewer. I don't think he's as bad as you do but if he doesn't show more in training camp, he's gone.  The Giants have been patient with young linemen. They had Koets on the roster for a few years before he got his chance and he looked good until he got hurt.  Brewer has had more chances and the need was greater and he did not fall on his face but did not impress. 
I agree with Jimbo. This has been a pretty civil and interesting conversation. It did go off topic slightly but not crazy and personally I don't get offended by heated conversation and I suspect most don't either.  I'm dying to ask one of the posters if he has been off his meds but am resisting.
Funny thing about Reagan being so well liked today, I think, is that many on the right don't really know his Presidency as well as they should. For one, he raised taxes many times and spent far more money than the country took in adding massively to the deficit and debt, but, to his credit, compromised often and socialized with Democrats (not like what is happening today).  He was also strongly in favor of reducing nuclear stockpiles.  What sticks in my mind the most though is that he sent the Marines into Lebanon on a questionable mission and when the Marine barracks were blown up and about 240 Marines were killed, within a very short time, maybe a few days, he evacuated the troops.  If that's not cutting and running, I don't know what is and can you imagine what would be said by the right if that happened today?

I think that if Reagan ran on his record today for the nomination that Romney won, he would have problems because he would be too moderate but most of those who love him now don't know or understand history.   
Great post. This was really sweet to look at again.  I've read in places that the play won the game for the Giants and maybe that's true. For sure, it totally changed the momentum of the game.  But, I believe that even if Cruz didn't take it to the house, the Giants would have found a way to win. 
Agree with joeynygiants.  Was waiting for the name Ron Johnson  to come up.  He was a fret RB for a short period of years but, if my memory is good, ran behind a woeful offensive line with o passing attack.  But, for owe few years, he was as good as anyone we've ever had.

To the post above re Tiki.  I think he also had a few very special years.  But, he was a cancer in the locker room well before he retired. To his credit, he produced on the field.
I'm a relative newbie here and do enjoy the site.

1) I live in Westfield, New Jersey which I think of as central NJ bit others tell me it's northern.  Originally from Brooklyn but living in Westfield for 25 years. Before that we lived in the upper east side of Manhattan where we had a huge rent stabilized apartment that people never give up but we did to raise our family in the suburbs. 

2) I am almost 63 years old and my oldest memory of the Giants is the listening to the 1958 game against the Colts but I believe l was a fan since 1956. Back then, I was a big fan of Frank Gifford as were most of my friends.

3) I'm retired now ( 2years ago) but do consulting part time.  I was chief fiscal officer for an organization that gave out unbelievable amounts of grant money.  My consulting is around monitoring how grant money is spent. 

4) I've got 2 sons in their mid-twenties, one of whom is a big time Giants fans. The other is a fan but not a die hard and is getting married this summer.  My wife hates football. 
I don't agree with your Sanu evaluation. I don't enough about the other wide receivers to make a legitimate comparison but I think Sanu would make a valuable contribution to this team if he was available at the end of the 2nd round.  By the end of the 3rd round, I think he'd be a steal but as with all rounds, it depends on who else is available when the Giants pick.  Sanu played for a few different offensive coordinators with radically different offensive philosophies and he came into the program as a defensive back/quarterback having had no experience as a wide receiver.  He played with lots of different QBs none of whom will ever suit up in the NFL and for several years playing alongside absolutely atrocious offensive lines.  He was always the player that the opposition wanted to take away so he was always double teamed and often triple teamed which I think explains the yards after catch issue (if there is an issue).  He has very good hands and is fearless in going over the middle and is strong the way Hakeem Nicks is strong.  I also think he runs faster than his 40 time in the same way that Victor Cruz does.  Cruz does not have a great 40 but I saw him run away from defenders who had much better 40 times. I think Sanu (and Cruz) are fast football players not track people. 

Sanu can be valuable in every aspect of the special teams both as a return person and covering both punts and kickoffs.  He is a very good tackler and a solid citizen with very good work habits and no off the field issues.  He also ran the wildcat well. 

As a disclaimer, I am a Rutgers fan and both of my sons went there so I saw alot of him over the years. Initially, I expected him to be a 1st round pick and that does not seem like it's going to happen.  But, I couldn't disagree more with your assessment that you don't want Sanu on the Giants.  Coughlin and Manning, in my opinion, would love him on the team. It just depends who else is available when the Giants pick.