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Messages - LennG

The Front Porch / Re: March Birthdays
March 01, 2022, 11:52:22 AM

Happy Birthday to all my fellow Pisces. (and all other March guys.)
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
February 28, 2022, 08:45:58 PM

We just finished watching the latest mini-series on the History Channel about Abraham Lincoln  (
It was 3 parts and each part of 2 1/2 hours long. If you DVR it, as I did, that 2 1/2 hours gets taken down to 2 hours. for each chapter.

I am a HUGE fan and devotee of the Civil War, and try to gobble up anything shown about it. I am far from an expert but I am a bit knowledgeable about certain aspects of the war, about Lincoln etc. If there is something new about the Civil War shown anywhere, I'll be first online to view it. I don't read much anymore and there are some fascinating books I should read, but, well, I just don't. I have had the honor to visit and tour quite a few battlefields of the Civil War, from Manassas to Gettysburg, Antietam, Shiloh, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania to name a few.

Anyway, I looked, with great anticipation, to this mini-series. My darling wife, who knows nothing of the Civil War even though she toured with me all those battlefields, does enjoy a series about history also watched.

So, overall, it was good but not as good as I had hoped it would be. Maybe I expected more as this series veered off on tangents sometimes spending a lot of time talking and showing Frederick Douglas. It did hit several key points in Lincoln's life but also, as someone who does know something about the Civil War, had some glaring mistakes, but, hey, it's TV.

Maybe what took some of the enjoyment of this away was the gentleman who portrayed Lincoln (Graham Sibley). I don't know, maybe I was spoiled by Daniel Day-Lewis when he portrayed Lincoln as he WAS Lincoln. This gentleman really never even looked anything like Lincoln and maybe my biggest grip was his voice. Lincoln was a big man and since we have no idea what his voice was, I always imagined it to be a husky, deep sort of voice. Mr. Sibley's voice was sort of high pitched and I never, for even an instant, thought he was Lincoln. Every time he talked I sort of cringed, but he did a very good job as far as acting is concerned.

Overall, I would recommend it especially if you like or what to learn things about the Civil War.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 28, 2022, 07:42:26 PM

You guys 'GOT IT"


More to come tomorrow
The Front Porch / Re: What are we watching these days?
February 27, 2022, 08:15:50 PM

I was a HUGE fan of the original Vikings show which was on the History Channel for several years and finished on Prime. I watched every episode of every season and thought it to be one of the better TV dramas.

Now, on Netflix is the sort of reincarnation of the Vikings with 'Vikings Valhalla' which premiered the other day. Being a fan of the original, this was #1 on my list to watch this weekend. So, I have watched 3 episodes so far and would say at this point, not as great as the original, but right up there with it. It will take time to develop the characters as the original series did. Many references are made to some of the characters on the original show, but this takes place 100 years from then and you do not have to know anything about the original to watch or enjoy this. It stands alone. If you are a fan of this type of genre of movie you will like this. Lots of action, some loving, and well, they are Vikings.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 27, 2022, 11:22:01 AM
Quote from: LennG on February 25, 2022, 12:04:48 PM
Excellent job my fellow movie watchers. You got them all so let's move on to maybe a couple a bit less well known (maybe)

1--- "Nothin'! A handful of nothin'. You stupid mullet head, he beat you with nothin', just like today when he kept comin' back at me, with nothin'.


Easy one today
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 27, 2022, 11:19:18 AM
Quote from: jimv on February 27, 2022, 12:10:12 AM
Is it ?????????? for # 6 too?

Sorry I didn't see @6--Naked City????

Pitt won Best Supporting Actor for this movie and he deserved it. Great performance. Loved when he took on Bruce Lee.

I would add more but since you haven't seen it, I won't spoil any of it for you.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 26, 2022, 07:39:27 PM
Quote from: jimv on February 26, 2022, 03:39:58 PM
So far, nobody's giving tries at my quotes.  They're not from obscure movies, so I'll list them again:

1.  "Down Ares!  Up Mars!"

2.  "I would like to have seen Montana."

I'll add a few more:

3.  "God alone knows when we'll meet again."
     "Then we'll leave it in His hands."

4.  "Last night I dreamed a dreadful dream...Beyond the Isle of Skye...I saw a dead man win a fight...And I think that man was I."

5.  "Is that a bed or a parade ground?"

6.  "It looks like a heavy case.  A heavy case."

#1-- Too easy so I'll leave it for others

#2--Hunt For Red October


#4--Man Who Never Was

Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 25, 2022, 07:38:38 PM
Interesting rankings. For me, I would have ranked the Reservoir Dogs main characters higher. In particular, I thought Mr. White (Keitel) and Mr. Pink (Buscemi) were superb. Mr. Blonde (Madsen) was also terrific - what a complete psycho.

Pulp Fiction is my favorite Tarrantino movie ever, but Reservoir Dogs was not far behind for me. Some of those scenes with Buscemi and Keitel arguing with each other while Tim Roth is slowly dying in a pool of his own blood were just pure cinematic gold.

Myself, I loved the Kill Bill epic, Funny, I am not a fan of blood and gore type of movies, but my son told me that it is all sort of 'Hollywood' blood, so fake it is almost laughable, so I watched both movies and simply loved them both. Whenever I come across them while scrolling thru the channels I always stop for a while and enjoy.

I would agree though that Pulp Fiction has to be his #1 epic and made stars of Travolta, Jackson and even Tim Roth all over again. What a terrific cast and I do agree with the link, Keitel was just terrific in his limited role.

If you are not a fan of Quentin Tarintino then just skip over this thread.

If you ARE a fan, as I am, then take a look at some of his memorable characters and, I'm sure, there are several more not mentioned.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 25, 2022, 04:43:22 PM
Quote from: GIANTS1 on February 25, 2022, 03:00:21 PM
#2 i think there was a line in the uncut version of { angels with dirty faces} with if you slap me in a dream you better apologize. not sure if thats where your coming from.

There might have been a line similar but it isn't from this movie. Think a lot more modern. The gangster theme is correct though.
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 25, 2022, 04:41:12 PM
Quote from: T200 on February 25, 2022, 01:00:23 PM
I know #3 but I'll leave it for others.

I knew you would   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
The Front Porch / Re: Let's Try Movie Quotes Again...
February 25, 2022, 12:04:48 PM

Excellent job my fellow movie watchers. You got them all so let's move on to maybe a couple a bit less well known (maybe)

1--- "Nothin'! A handful of nothin'. You stupid mullet head, he beat you with nothin', just like today when he kept comin' back at me, with nothin'.
