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Messages - LennG

The Front Porch / Re: NYT "Connections" Game
April 27, 2024, 07:55:04 PM

I didn't even know what purple was and just got it by elimination. Even reading them I still don't understand the connection
Quote from: jgrangers2 on April 27, 2024, 06:28:33 PMDid you want the Giants to draft a QB at 6 that they didn't fully believe in? If not, them not taking a QB was  kind of our of their hands. As for O-line, it was our heaviest investment in FA and that's without considering that we got a new OL coach. Our starting OL in week 1 will likely be Thomas, Eleumanor, JMS, Runyan, Neal barring injury.

The defensive secondary was far more of a pressing need. We probably needed DL help more than OL help so if they ignored anything, it was there.

 Do you really believe this OL is solid? And not even using a lower-round pick for some stability in case someone goes down. YOu draft maybe the best WR in the draft, and you give him to a QB who can't stand long enough to look downfield and you think this is not a pressing need? OK, we differ on that.
Same as drafting Barkley and now having an OL that can open a hole for him. Not one pick for this OL. Lunacy.
Quote from: todge on April 27, 2024, 07:25:13 PMOne more thing - thank you Rich for providing us with scouting reports on each pick. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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It's good to see you back among the living. You had us very worried.

We might not agree on many things here, but I always viewed your opinions and you have been missed. Glad you are OK.
I say average.
Sorry did not address our biggest need QB. Did nothing for our second biggest need solid help on the OL.

Does anyone think our OL is solid? We gave Jones a big piece but what did we do to keep him upright?

I guess our management thinks what we have is good enough.
Quote from: sxdxca38 on April 26, 2024, 07:45:38 PMHi GMO,

The Giants and DJ went 10-7-1 in 2022 and won a playoff game without Nabers.

They've added an excellent edge in Brian Burns, and now an elite WR.

Have you seen their upcoming schedule?

I think they can win 10-11 games this year going something like 10-7 or 11-6.

And once there in the playoffs anything can happen.

 I think many people also explained how I feel and the last post by Dave said it best. Yes, Jones had a decent year compared to many of the terrible years.
I'm sorry but fans (and I don't mean you specifically) keep telling us how Jones lacks certain things for a QB to be successful. True, but how many QBs in the league have a perfect system, great OL great WRs, and a good running game.
Anyone can succeed in those conditions. What separates the winners from the losers is that the good ones can overcome obstacles and still succeed. Jones is just not in that category. Everything needs to be perfect for him to have success and that is still not what the Giants offer. He simply cannot overcome certain things that other good QBs can. We have given him plenty of things now, so overall, I hope you are right, but I seriously doubt it. Jones is what Jones is, an average QB who can make certain throws in the right circumstances but when he is asked to do more, he cannot. That is why he succeeded in the years you mentioned. He wasn't asked to do more than he was able to, we got a year of lucky ounces and breaks and we won. His numbers, as far as league wise, were average at best, but compared to his numbers from other years, he was successful. Nabors might get him a few more yards and completions, but that is about all.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
April 27, 2024, 11:59:27 AM
A bit naughty so beware

Unfortunately, 3 nuns got hit by a car and died, they entered the gates of heaven. There was an angel to greet them. The angel said to the nuns you need to answer a few questions before you can enter.

So the angel asked one of the nuns who was the first woman born on earth. The nun said Eve- the angel said correct you may enter the gates of heaven.

Next question to the second nun, where did she live, the nun answered the Garden of Eden- correct please enter.

The angel said to the next nun who was the Mother Superior, your question will be a bit more difficult because you are the Mother Superior - what did Eve say to Adam when she saw him? The Mother Superior said why that is a hard one.

The angel said that is the correct answer you may enter..
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
April 26, 2024, 06:34:30 PM
We need some humor to take on the draft

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Will DJ Be Better With Nabers?
April 26, 2024, 06:31:52 PM

Look, Jones is what he is, an average passer who doesn't throw a very good long ball. On 10-15 yard passes when the guy is wide open, he hits him, but, to me, he is sort of hesitant to throw and let the WR make a play. He is sloppy with his throws many times and just looks to run a bit too much. Can we win with that, maybe for a while, but winning isn't what we want, a championship is and we will never achieve that with Jones. He just has too many flaws.

Take any average QB, line him up with a very good OL and very good WRs and he had better succeed. Look at Dak on Dallas. He has one of the best OLs, maybe the best WR in the NFL, and an excellent running game, and yet
Dak can't get them even deep into the playoffs. Does anyone here really think Jones is better than Dak? and Dak is basically average with a lot of help.

Sorry guys, the goal is a championship and we will never achieve that with Jones under center no matter how much talent we surround him with.

 I think too many people, think, because some of us do not think Jones is the not guy, are down on Nabers. I think everyone agrees he is a remarkable talent. Where we differ is--is Nabers another shiny hood ornament that will make some special plays but not be able to help us win because our QB won't be able to deliver the ball to him?

Many said the exact same thing about Barkley--remarkable talent, but why draft him when we have no OL to help him achieve greatness? Now, according to some, Nabers is the answer Jones was waiting for, well we shall see. All the excuses are over, but, I'll bet if the Giants do not succeed, there will still be excuses for Jones.
If Jones fails, it does set this franchise back another 2-3 years of waiting for the new QB to get it going.

As someone said a few pages back, those who tend to repeat their mistakes will never succeed. IMVHO we are doing the same thing as we did when we drafted Barkley. Great talent but no one to really help him become as great as he could be.
The people who are the happiest this AM are the people who still believe Jones is the future of this team. Those of us that think Jones is not the QB we need to be able to win know Nabers is a great talent but a great talent needs a good QB to help make his talents excel. Drafting a great WR before we have that talent at QB may well be Barkley II. His talents will be wasted for several years as we try to find a QB who can help him excel.
Quote from: AYM on April 25, 2024, 09:23:57 PMHe's fired up we didn't go QB in round 1 lol.

He can be as fired up as he wants it still takes talent to succeed.
What will the excuses be now?
OBJ really didn't help the Giants win. Good player but wrong thinking.
What will the excuses for Jones be now?
Well folks our future is now
Question is how much do the Vikings give up to snare a QB?
Sorry Ric I have not. As most know I have had 4 surgeries for melanoma and just had another 'suspicious'mole taken off the top of my head for a biopsy. Thank God it was benign but it is still scary stuff. Seems everytime I go to the dermatologist I am getting something removed. That's I go every 3 months. I also go for an eye exam every year as I have told that behind the eyeball is a site melanoma can form.
I think your case is different Ric and I wish you well at it. I personally don't understand why the dermatologist doesn't want to do a test beforehand.
Again I'm sure everything will be fine.