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Messages - MagicRat

Hi all.

I'm from Scotland (live in the Highlands), my real-world name is Ken

Been a Giants fan since roughly 84 ish.

Story is, Channel 4 in the UK started showing the NFL following its lauch in 1982.

At that time you had a highlights show round about 6pm on Sunday evening (1pm ET) basically a round up show of the previous week's games (this was pre-internet and satellite TV.....ask your parents kids).

The format was (as I recall) that there was extended highlights (i.e. 15 minutes or so) of two or three games with round ups of the other games.

So I started watching it without really understanding the game, just the spectacle.

As time passed I got a better handle on the rules etc and started to follow the game.

Anyway, as some will glean from my user name, I'm a massive Bruce Springsteen fan.
In 84 he released Born in the USA and announced a massive UK tour in 85.

I was already aware of the Giants' New Jersey connection, which was my initial "in" but at this time when C4 showed any Giants' highlights they'd accompany it with a blast of Bruce, due to the pre-tour domestic publicity here.

I remember this happening regularly, though it maybe just happened a couple of times, but it sealed my Giants fandom.

Of course the best Giants team of the modern era happened along soon after that, so maybe there's a front-runner element also.

But I've stuck with it through thick and thin ever since.

NFL fans in the UK of a certain age will recall the demands of fandom in those early days, the AFN (American Forces Network) was a God-send.

The live commentaries were the only live action available in the regular season.

The reception on a.m. was garbage, there'd be a third and two and the commentary would crackle away and you'd be left with some German oompah music.

But as time passed technology advanced and coverage improved it became less demanding to follow the game (beyond the time difference) and now every game is watchable with relative ease.

I still miss those early, static filled, commentaries .......and I still recall the despair when the phrase "Hey Flipper Anderson, for all you do this Bud's for you" came all too clearly over the airwaves.

Now I'm a middle-aged man who should know better and keeps dreadfully unsociable weekend hours from September through January in pursuit of my Jints obsession.

Anyone else from Scotland here?
I'll check the thread from the top when I'm not on my phone.