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Messages - AZGiantFan

Quote from: Bob In PA on April 28, 2024, 12:31:12 AMI think it came down to the trade for Burns. 

With Pick 39, IMO they had enough ammo to buy Pick Three from the Pats (and take whomever - probably Maye).

So which would you rather have... Burns plus Nabers -or- Maye?  My favorite (Daniels) was already gone so I say they're better off with Burns and Nabers (and they still have next year's 1st-round pick in case they stink again this season).


I have my doubts whether Kraft was going to approve any trade out of #3 and Maye.  I don't think the pick we traded for Burns would have tipped the balance.
It seems to me that the post-draft smokescreen is just as thick as the pre-draft smokescreen.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Have you noticed?
April 27, 2024, 09:35:39 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 27, 2024, 04:18:44 PMI just wonder what happens if the computers or the network crap out

I would imagine they have a duplicate system in place for just that contingency.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on April 27, 2024, 04:55:59 PMI went with average.

We are a way below average team that has generally had way below average drafts, so average is good for us right now. I'll need to see it to believe it for me to think this draft was better than average. I have plenty of confidence that Nabers will be a very good player, but any of us could have made that pick. The real measure will be all the other picks.

It might also depend on whether it is average for the league or average for the Giants.  The bar for the latter is lower than the bar for the former.
Quote from: Jclayton92 on April 27, 2024, 02:16:31 PMSo what part of the line do you not expect to be at least solid to good?

I need to see it before I believe it.  We've been sold this bill of goods many times since 2012.
Quote from: Trench on April 27, 2024, 12:06:34 PMI was referring to a a snapshot they put up on tv pertaining to how many QBs Washington has picked in the past 10 years or so. There were a bunch of them. My point is Jones has had 5 years already as compared to Washington picking QB after QB in the draft.

We know what Jones is. I've heard excuse after excuse for the guy. Time is up. He now has a stud WR and all sorts of other weapons AND his Oline is pretty good. He has to learn from his mistakes - which by evidence of his continuing to take hits instead of throwing the ball away (or sliding) proves it.

His OL is NOT pretty good until they demonstrate it on the field.
When is enough is enough?  Never.
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 27, 2024, 09:04:11 AMdrafted a safety and CB on day two?  It's not like they restocked in free agency

I like the fact that from what I am reading and see in their highlight videos (yes I know about highlight videos, but still) the both have some good run support skills, and run defense was the Giants defensive Achilles heel.
It depends as much or more on the OL as the RB.  It's also worth noting that it's hard to know who is going to be that guy based on thing like size and power.  Bradshaw was a better short yardage guy than Brandon Jacobs, for example.
Quote from: GloryDays on April 27, 2024, 01:50:05 PMI think this team just doesn't get it. The offense lives and dies through their line.
Just throwing bodies at it doesn't work. Other teams' leftovers is not the way to have a dominant O line.
Just look at the Steelers. Their O line was decent, check their draft!
Evan Neal is a bust, who is the RT we can rely on to stop the pressure on DJ from that edge? Are they really relying on Eluemunor or Cajuste?
Who is behind Schmitz? Even if he improves, who's backing him up, Morrissey?
This to me is weird.. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it. They are ignoring to address the line effectively, like they did last year too.

I dunno, I keep reading here that the line is going to be much improved this year.   /sarcasm/
Harbaugh, though, is doing the same thing with Alt that the Giants did with Neal.  They are both LTs and just like the Giants the Chargers have a good established LT.  So somebody will need to change sides.  And as we've seen with Neal, that doesn't always go well.
Quote from: T200 on April 26, 2024, 09:30:43 AMThat's what you're reading into it, Rich.

What is Jones responsible for? Aren't his stats attributable to him and not his offensive line?

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Will DJ Be Better With Nabers?
April 25, 2024, 10:22:09 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 25, 2024, 10:14:52 PMIf the line proves adequate, the receiving trio of Nabers, Hyatt, and Robinson should finally give DJ his first set of NFL-caliber receivers since he got to the NFL.

If Jones can stay healthy and he can overcome the trauma of last season, then there is a potential for Jones to be a top-10 guy

If the line proves adequate (by which I mean average) it will finally give DJ his first NFL-caliber offensive line since he got to the NFL.  If that happens and they get a modicum of health I think top ten is not out of the question.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 10:02:52 PMDid Thomas play with either Devito, Jones or Tyrod at all this year? not sure...all I'm saying is Devito and Tyrod 100% moved the ball WAY WAY better than Jones "when it mattered". That's my point

Quote from: TONKA56 on April 25, 2024, 08:57:43 PMIt's going to have to get fixed eventually.

We've said that about the OL for more than 10 years and it hasn't happened.

So we can say hope springs eternal.

Or we can say expecting it to get better, in each case, is the triumph of hope over experience.