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Messages - files58

The Giant's value board and we play D Jackson, J Macklin, and D Bryant, M Austin twice a year. He has been widely rated as the second best corner in this draft. I read where BP thought he would turn into a better pro than Peterson taken at #5. The GMEN need speed and athleticism on defense. You can't fill all your needs with one pick.
Dasher, Gruden has said live on a broadcast that he would "love to coach a Manning".
Lenn, you're a Met fan, am I correct? If yes, sorry about that. I'm a diehard Yankee fan, but a realist. It's ALWAYS about pitching. If one watched them during the season this is what you saw. This staff gave up too many two out runs and two strike hits or walks. Combine that with being "wild in the zone" and not having an "out pitch" led to this disaster. The fifth inning the other night was just a microcosm of the season, Gurrerro two out hit, and Cruz's home run on a 1-2 count. Burnett and Vazquez are the worst offenders. Phil Hughes despite his 18 wins during the regular season did not show the stuff of a pitcher that can dominate. However he shows the ability to develop, so give him time. It's all in to sign Cliff Lee. Signing Crawford gives them four outfielders, and three lefty bats in the OF. Gardner, Grandy, Swisher, and Crawford. Swisher is valuable as a switch hitter and he puts up numbers. It's a tough call. If Pettitte retires and Vazquez is dumped there's the 20-25MM to sign Lee. It was a mistake to walk Hamilton. By doing so what you are saying is we can't get you out. What ever happened to purpose pitching? If you want to walk him fine, but do it by making him very uncomfortable in the batter's box. Buzz him, throw low and inside etc. Pitching is an art, and some of the greatest artists were Gibson, Drysdale and Marichal, and yes Clemens. No one throws inside anymore, moves batters off the plate, makes them uncomfortable. I left someone else off the list the President of the Texas Rangers was pretty good at it too.
That's why Wilkerson is being considered for the Mike. He is the only LB that when healthy has the ability to cover a TE.
There seems to be alot of well rated players on that list.
My condolences to his family. May they know of no more sorrow. So very sad.
I vote yes.
Sorry for your loss, and a big thank you for the post. 1965 was my first year as a fan as well, although I have vague memories of 64'. I remember game 2 when Stynchula kicked those fg's. During that game Tucker Frederickson had a long TD run called back for illegal motion. The first game I ever attended was the 10/31 game against the Cardinals. Sat in what would have been great seats for a baseball game, right behind home plate, not so great for a football game. Tucker's game winning td run was around left end and he pulled up with a slightly twisted ankle, the beginning of his injury woes. In those days they allowed fans onto the field after the game, I have a vivid memory of how chewed up the field was.
If he is BPA, yes. He is thought to be the complete package. They have four TEs on the roster. Boss, Johson, Matthews, and Lee Vickers who they signed as a free agent.
Is Glenn Coffee related to Junior Coffee who played for the Falcons and then the GMEN in the late 60s? I could see a RB taken in their first 5 picks should they have them.

December 13th

Bergen County, New Jersey
Wonderful analysis. Thank you for the time and effort. Send a copy to TC, maybe there is a job for you in the organization breaking down film(I'm not kidding).
I live in Northern New Jersey- Bergen County, about 15 minutes from the stadium. Born and raised on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Been a fan since 1965(9 yrs. old) with vague memories of 1964. Tucker Frederickson was my favorite player. I inherited Giantitis from my father(may he rest in peace).

I am an executive recruiter with a focus on advertising/marketing professionals that support the pharmaceutical industry.

Married for 7 1/2 yrs to my lovely wife and we have the most adorable 3 yr old boy/girl twins. Yes thats right I am 50 yrs. young with 3 yr old twins.