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Messages - AZGiantFan

Harbaugh, though, is doing the same thing with Alt that the Giants did with Neal.  They are both LTs and just like the Giants the Chargers have a good established LT.  So somebody will need to change sides.  And as we've seen with Neal, that doesn't always go well.
Quote from: T200 on April 26, 2024, 09:30:43 AMThat's what you're reading into it, Rich.

What is Jones responsible for? Aren't his stats attributable to him and not his offensive line?

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Will DJ Be Better With Nabers?
April 25, 2024, 10:22:09 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 25, 2024, 10:14:52 PMIf the line proves adequate, the receiving trio of Nabers, Hyatt, and Robinson should finally give DJ his first set of NFL-caliber receivers since he got to the NFL.

If Jones can stay healthy and he can overcome the trauma of last season, then there is a potential for Jones to be a top-10 guy

If the line proves adequate (by which I mean average) it will finally give DJ his first NFL-caliber offensive line since he got to the NFL.  If that happens and they get a modicum of health I think top ten is not out of the question.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 10:02:52 PMDid Thomas play with either Devito, Jones or Tyrod at all this year? not sure...all I'm saying is Devito and Tyrod 100% moved the ball WAY WAY better than Jones "when it mattered". That's my point

Quote from: TONKA56 on April 25, 2024, 08:57:43 PMIt's going to have to get fixed eventually.

We've said that about the OL for more than 10 years and it hasn't happened.

So we can say hope springs eternal.

Or we can say expecting it to get better, in each case, is the triumph of hope over experience.
Wow, first defensive player is picked 15th.
Quote from: H-Town G-Fan on April 25, 2024, 09:47:43 PMHonestly, this is pedantic waffling around the term "done with" for no real purpose. So I am, actually, done with discussing it.

I agree, along with the insistent 'will you agree X if Y' answers being demanded.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 09:41:07 PMThe 2 backups moved the ball better than the 40 million dollar QB (with the same Oline - except Pugh)

Are we forgetting that our best OL guy wasn't there for Jones?  Thomas being out was kind of significant, no?
Quote from: Jclayton92 on April 25, 2024, 09:38:45 PMDid I say there were? I was simply talking to mad about the 3 prospects he mentioned as it refers to next year.

Where would you put the 2025 class with the end of 2022 version of the 2023 class.  That is the REAL comparison.
Quote from: MightyGiants on April 25, 2024, 09:31:32 PM

With 6 of the top 12 picks being QBs I can predict that in 2 years this draft will be cited as providing the highest rate of QB busts in NFL history.  LOL
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 09:22:44 PMI'm invested because I'm a fan. It is not a hypothetical. I've sat here for years now listening to ultra pro Jones guys saying the one of the only reasons he stinks is he doesn't have weapons. I'm simply asking those guys if we have enough "weapons".....

No, you've sat there and heard that the primary problem is that they have a cr@p OL.  The weapons issue only really arose when people pointed out that other QBs were productive with bad Olines and it was countered that while their Ols were bad they had more than 1 elite receiver.

But I'm really sorry if my unwillingness to answer a hypothetical question is interfering with you being a fan.
Quote from: killarich on April 25, 2024, 09:15:08 PMWere the Jets really a threat to pick a QB ? Why would Minny do this

Maybe someone was talking with the Jets to jump ahead of Minny.  Or the Jets convinced them there was.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 09:13:47 PMUnderstood, my question is - is there a chance we will still hear people say Jones needs more weapons?

Why are you so invested in getting an answer to a hypothetical?  Let's see it play out. Heck, with the Giants luck and history Malik could get injured in training camp and never play a 2024 down.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 09:10:20 PMTo be clear - if our Oline is average will we will still hear "Jones doesn't have enough weapons" is my question?

I reject the premise until I see the OLINE perform with my own eyes.
Quote from: Trench on April 25, 2024, 08:55:22 PMOk - to all the Jones or bust guys - can we all finally agree "Daniel Jones has plenty of weapons?"!!!!!!

We don't know anything until we see if the OL improves or Lucy pulls the ball away yet again.