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Messages - madbadger

Big Blue Huddle / Re: NFT- Caitlin Clark offer
March 27, 2024, 07:03:00 PM
Quote from: Bill Brown on March 27, 2024, 06:56:49 PMIce cube has offered to pay her 5 million to play 10 games. The average Big3 player gets 100k to play 10.


If there's ever been a player who deserves it....
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on March 27, 2024, 06:37:07 PMWe still have the other 2nd round pick though and will be able to get a quality IOL with that pick if we want to. I get that it's easier if we have both 39 and 47, but it's not like we relinquished our opportunity to use a 2nd rounder (a location where you should be able to get an upper echelon guard) on O line. Even pick number 70 can be used on O line, and you'd have a pretty decent chance of getting someone who can potentially start in that draft spot. I know everyone has a bad taste in their mouths from Ezeudu, but early third round is not a bad spot for IOL.

If we use our second or third round pick on a guard, and then perhaps find someone in the 5th or 6th round we like, I would view the offseason in its totality as having solidly addressed the O line. Whether it all works out is another question entirely.

I was coming at it from the point of view that with a second round pick you are expecting to get a starter and most of us feel like we need to come out of this draft with a receiver and a quarterback. Without that second pick in the second round the odds of landing all three successfully went down when we sent one to the Panthers to get Burns. Like I said I'm fine with it but could see people not liking it as much.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: How exicited would you be
March 27, 2024, 06:34:19 PM
If they land excellent players at both positions I'd be over the moon. It remains to be seen if they can.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on March 27, 2024, 05:57:00 PMI don't know what more we could have done to this point in FA. I guess we could have not done the trade for Burns and spent more on free agents, but I think it's hard to say we haven't addressed the O line when we haven't even seen the draft yet. We have thrown more than $15mm AAV a year at it already, we got what appears to be a material upgrade at the O line coaching position, and if we grab a couple more O line picks I'd say not only have we addressed it, but we have significantly addressed it. Whether it all works out is another story.

According to some folks here though our line wasn't even that bad last year EXCEPT when Jones was playing. Apparently they played decently well for the other two QBs. So maybe it's not as big of a problem as we think and Jones was just unlucky that they played really badly for only him.

The Burns trade had the secondary effect of costing us a high second round draft pick that could have been used on a guard or swing tackle who would be expected to start. I'm fine with the move because we can't spend all our capital on one position, but I could see why some people weren't happy with the deal.
We've been burned so many times I won't say the offensive line is fixed until they prove it on the field. I feel much better about our coaching and our starting five now than I did back in August, but I still don't know if JMS is going to be a quality NFL center and what Neal really is and at what position. An offense line with three good starters and two bad ones is still a bad offensive line.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Bo Nix Pro Day Passes
March 27, 2024, 11:45:52 AM
Quote from: londonblue on March 27, 2024, 11:40:48 AMNix 'problem' for the ex-scout/GM group in the media is that he is perceived to be limited by both his average arm strength and his average raw athleticism. He is also judged by many to be at or near his ceiling given his elongated college career.

He looks to me like he could do well in a classic west coast system or for Payton at Denver but would struggle in more vertical attacks or ones that ask their QB to do more off platform stuff. Like most guys he needs to find himself in the right situation. Teams that like eg the things Maye can make happen in chaos and are willing to work to improve his reward/risk ratio probably won't like Nix as much and vice versa.

His best case feels like a lower ceiling (more arm limited) version of the younger Tannehill to me and his worst case as a hang around the league forever savvy, functional Colt McCoy type but who knows how the key NFL evaluators see him? Six is much too rich for that IMO.

His arm is undervalued my like Jones was coming out of Duke. Not a rocket but clearly strong enough to make every throw an NFL quarterback needs to be able to make. Similarly he isn't a great runner but he's in the Drew Brees neighborhood. A guy that is elusive enough to make life difficult for a defense but not a guy who's gonna pull it down and run it at the first sign of trouble.

A little known facto about Nix is that he's played for 3 different head coaches and 5 different coordinators in his five seasons. Anyone that can look as good as he did last year despite having to learn a new system is really impressive IMHO.
Quote from: kartanoman on March 27, 2024, 08:40:53 AMWe need more Aussies, plain and simple!

Iowa punter Tory Taylor is an Aussie and will start day one for whatever team drafts him. He is a ridiculously good punter. Hope the Giants can snag him later in the draft as I think we could use an upgrade at that position.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Bo Nix Pro Day Passes
March 27, 2024, 11:29:46 AM
I would be very comfortable with either McCarthy or Nix at 6. He's easily the most accurate quarterback in the draft and in many respects he reminds me of Stroud last year. Both were really accurate guys who won a ton of games but played in a system that doesn't closely mimic what NFL quarterbacks are asked to do. IMHO people are too tied up in the fact that he struggled earlier in his career at Auburn or the fact that they lost to Washington twice this year.
Quote from: londonblue on March 27, 2024, 07:58:41 AMThe UK residents on the forum feel much the same about American football=soccer players...

No doubt. No Manchester United fan would brag about how they have the most American players. My original post was mostly tongue in cheek with a tinge of truth to it.
No wonder why we suck.  =))
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on March 24, 2024, 06:33:40 PMObviously, this is just a hypothetical, but I'm curious what people think.

If Shadeur Sanders were coming out this year, which QBs do you believe would go before him? Do you think he would be a first round pick?

He'd probably be the 5th quarterback off the board and considering there are 8-10 quarterback needy teams he'd probably go anywhere from 12-25. Just my own mostly uninformed position.
Quote from: Bob In PA on March 23, 2024, 01:48:24 PMandrew: Not even a bit... he's IMO is already a pro football player due to his background plus (more importantly) taking full advantage of his background. As a student of the game, he really does have it all, IMO. Bob

Bob, the history of the NFL is littered with the bones of can't miss guys who missed. My concern is drafting a guy that early and belatedly finding out that he's a 4.6 guy who bluffed his way through not putting down a recorded time only to struggle to get separation in the NFL.
Quote from: Bob In PA on March 23, 2024, 11:24:46 AMWe'll never get him. We'd need either Pick 3 or 4, or the most outlandish luck, and we're not a lucky team.

At Pick 6 we'd likely need ALL 5 picks ahead of us to be QB's (there aren't 5 worth taking that high).

A trade up would be required, and it would have to be with the right team... and we really can't afford it, although I personally as GM would do it (damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead).


While not likely you could have four quarterbacks and a team who desperately needs a tackle for Harrison to fall to us.
Quote from: zephirus on March 22, 2024, 11:15:19 AMBy this standard no rookie quarterback should ever start?  I get the point you're trying to make but if I was a veteran on the Giants and I'm presented with:

- Daniel Jones is the starter
- a rookie qb will be the starter
- Drew Lock is the starter

None are terribly appealing but you can just as quickly lose that respect by ditching a guy who the previous season helped win playoff game for a fresh out of college quarterback.

A rookie quarterback needs to earn it. If the day after the draft the head coach anoints a draft pick as the day 1 starter he is going to piss off his entire locker room. Does it happen, yes. Is it harmful to a teams culture, absolutely.
Quote from: uconnjack8 on March 20, 2024, 02:38:49 PMYou don't think players ever tackled this way?  I just have a hard time believing that it never happened until recently.  Just like the horse collar tackle. 

While I agree it's dangerous and should be banned, I will be curious to see how guys tackle when they are trying to catch someone from behind.

It's a derivative of the horse collar. I can't recall ever seeing it in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Then it exploded on the scene 10-15 years ago.