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Messages - Painter

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Hypothetical trade
February 04, 2024, 10:04:52 PM
The whole idea of it makes no sense to me. For beginners both teams would have to see such a change to be to their advantage in order to be in any way interested. That hardly seems likely.  The Giants would be worse of economically, no?

In the five seasons since they were drafted in 2019, Murray No.1 overall and Jones 6th, each have had just one winning season while their teams otherwise have had losing records and indeed share the same number of loses. And neither of them has proven to be durable, in fact in the past 2 seasons Murray actually missed 3 more regular season games than did Jones.

So, is the rationale that both QBs and their teams would somehow benefit from a change of scenery? I'm not so sure about that given that Jones has an established strong work ethic whereas the opposite seems to be true of Murray. Some might say that the guy Giants would be trading for might be the bigger bust of the two. Even so, unlike Giants fans, I don't see Cardinals fans to be quite so ready to give up on Murray this year when they have 6 picks in the top-90,    two 1st, a 2nd and three 3rds 13 picks in total.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: What QB would you trade up for?
February 04, 2024, 05:15:05 PM
It would seem that for many if not most, the "right prospect" is anyone not named Daniel Jones. While that is certainly not unreasonable, those whom are cited as "GUY"s including Burrow and Herbert have yet proven to be as or more successful than the majority of those others also drafted in Round One who might somehow have been chosen otherwise to succeed Eli.

Indeed, when we get down to it, other than Mahomes, we'd have to go back 11 years to Flacco to find another 1st Round QB to win the Super Bowl- preceded back-to-back by Eli and Rodgers- and 17 years for a No.1 overall pick Peyton Manning to do it.

Of course, we're not as yet talking about Super Bowls, just winning more games in an effort to compete to get there more often than not. However, it should be quite obvious that actually hooking the brass ring does requires a whole lot more than a GUY.

While that does not support keeping DJ any longer than financially necessary neither would it seem to justify incurring a huge multiyear deficit in talent resources as the cost of a 3-5 place trade up. In any case, that's how I feel about it.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: What QB would you trade up for?
February 04, 2024, 02:07:41 PM
My answer would be no, and most certainly not for Williams. I don't doubt that he has the physical ability to be a franchise QB, a term which should only be used in retrospect if and when appropriate, but I have my doubts about his temperament should he find it a struggle to play for a team with even lesser current and future talent assets in a more demanding environment than that of Southern California.

I don't just understand the impatience and sense of frustration, I feel it as much as anyone else. However, I firmly believe that unless and until we see the end of the Daniel Jones saga next year, as we assume, I would prefer to do everything possible to improve the talent around him and his successor.

I do wonder, however, if there are not those here who fear that the Giants might actually win 9 or 10 games, make the POs, and so not give us the end we are so clearly rooting for. :banghead:

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Saquon
February 03, 2024, 08:26:15 PM
The Giants have just $27 million ($14 million effective) Cap space so it would hard for anyone including Mara to justify giving Barley something like a $40 million multi-year deal now considering his age, wear and tear, an almost 25 pct. average attrition rate in what has been 1 winning season in 6 so far.

Let's not forget that the Giants were ready to let him walk last year if he hadn't decided to sign the tag on the last day before camp. He blinked, they didn't

As for Harbaugh, how would the Chargers be able to meet Barkley's demands when they are $44.8 million (an effective $55.4 million) OVER the Cap?

In any case, it won't be for another 5 weeks before teams can even begin to talk to FAs, so for now all speculation is bootless.

C'mon Harbaugh, you can support your boy McCarthy without a) sounding like a disingenuous jerk, and b) embarrassing him when he not only isn't among the top-3, but possibly not even taken on Day One. But then, I would guess that McCarthy is not so naive as to take Harbaugh's prediction seriously.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: This is just pathetic
February 02, 2024, 05:21:29 PM
No so fast, my friends or, perhaps, I should just say, Whoa Nelly!

How long did it take Thomas and Dex to prove their worth? If they are your basis for comparison, you might have to eventually consider also comparing bust lists between Schoen and his more recent predecessors.

Moreover, what he inherited could well be described as an economic liability and talent deficiency. Yet the Giants had only its 2nd winning season in more than a decade and even after last season's ill-prepared, injury-marred start, they still managed to have a better 2-year Winning Pct. of .457 than the .345 they averaged over the previous 9 seasons.

Quote from: MightyGiants on February 02, 2024, 12:35:13 PMBill Polian has said that fans and draft pundits (and even himself these days) know only 10% of what teams know about prospects.

Yeah! sure okay, but in the end, how does that affect the good, the bad, and always uncertain outcomes, and our altogether unpredictable hoorays!, boos! and huhs, post-Draft? That sure ain't obvious unless we feel that chance is really what it's all about and always will be.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but respect for those guys given the challenges they face, and the efforts they make in trying to get it right more often than not.

Quote from: uconnjack8 on February 02, 2024, 11:58:10 AMI think beyond the interviews, the coaches working with them in practice.  That's not to say the interviews are not a factor as well, they definitely are. The coaches at the Senior Bowl get a really good candid feel for the players.  They seem them in the environment that they are most comfortable and just being themselves. 

All of that stuff matters yet, as we know all too well, when Draft Day(s) roll around even the best of them are bellied up to a craps table where chance decides more often than not.

One thing we can count on is that McCarthy will be available at 6 while there is no need, thus no way that the Giants would take him that high. However, I do think they are giving serious thought to taking him in Round 2, or even late in Round 1 by trading up from pick 39. Of course, later is cheaper on the one hand, whereas on the other, earlier could mean the benefit of an optional 5th year.

I'm not near the point of predicting it but there are several reasons why I could see it happening including concerns about DJ's availability/ability this year, and next year's financials. it might be a case of thinking the sooner the better and a best situation for McCarthy. Of course, the need for a stud at the X- and studs for the Oline, so as to give whomever is at QB a better chance, not to mention needs elsewhere on D, do tug against the idea.

What is said is perfectly reasonable and not unexpected but it hardly makes the Draft any less unpredictable for anyone. Whether or not some of these former GMs are more or less astute than their current counterparts will be noted more in terms of surprises, both good and bad, than of overall accuracy. That's just how it works post-Draft.

There is, of course, one big difference in this years and future SENIOR, Shrine, and Legacy Bowls as the now include participation by qualified Underclassmen. Whether that will make much or any difference in the chorus of Yay! Boo! and Huh? we will hear from Detroit, April 25-27 is anyone's guess including our own.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Ben Macadoo And Patrick Mahomes
January 31, 2024, 09:13:39 PM
Quote from: MightyGiants on January 31, 2024, 02:33:19 PMIt wasn't that hard to understand the 11-game season.  Reese spent like a drunken sailor in free agency, and they had enough talent to make it to the playoffs.  Of course, as mercenaries tend to do, their motivation faded over time.

I must say that's an interesting take on the matter, Rich. So, I reckon that the "boat trip" must have signaled the end of mercenary motivation.  <:-P

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Ben Macadoo And Patrick Mahomes
January 31, 2024, 02:29:01 PM
Quote from: Brooklyn Dave on January 31, 2024, 09:39:35 AMImagine the Giants now with Mahomes as their QB ?

Hell, no! I can't imagine it. It's hard to imagine much of anything making sense where the Giants are concerned.

Think about it. Why were the Giants picking as late as 24th in that 2017 Draft rather than in the top-10 as most often they are? Because it followed the McAdoodoodle Giants now almost inexplicable 11-win season, the most in the past 15 years, before crashing back the next year to a 30 years worst 3-13. Neither irony nor good fortune has been a Giants fan for what now is well over a decade.

Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on January 30, 2024, 10:23:21 AMHe just seems to have the "it" factor, like Puca Nacua did last year. He does all the dirty work and leads the nation in YAC and won't go down. In the 22-23 season, he got 975 yards after catch. Not the tallest, not the fastest, but does all the extra stuff from blocking to do whatever it takes for the team to win. Also one of the leading punt/kick returners. He is consistently compared to Deebo Samuel in his style of play, but to me, he's more like Puca Nacua in the "I am going to win no matter what it takes" attitude and style

My opinion doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, as Schoen has a group of experts who study every past plays by every WR (at least the top 50) in the draft. My opinion doesn't change their opinion...if it did, we would have drafted Puca last year instead of Eric Gray, as Puca was still on the board

If I understand correctly, you must have been miffed that no one had anticipated that Puka Nacua, having lasted until the Rams Round 5 (177) pick would have proved to be capable of setting rookie receiving records or anything of the sort, not to suggest that you had it figured. On the other hand, your comment about the Giants having taken Eric Gray- a Running Back- 5 slots earlier, whether or not an implied criticism is irrelevant.

All we do know for sure is that as the Draft progresses, uncertainty increases and the odds for success decreases until luck becomes its chief residue.
Quote from: Jolly Blue Giant on January 29, 2024, 01:01:52 PMThe top three WRs in the draft are obviously Harrison, Nabers, and Odunze. I suspect we'll pass on a WR in the first round unless Harrison is sitting there like low hanging fruit. So I've spent more time studying WRs in the 2nd and 3rd rounds

I've had Xavier Leggette much higher than the consensus, and definitely higher than Xaveir Worthy, which could become an issue if some team doesn't differentiate between the two Xaviers...LOL

Anyway, if we wait until the 2nd or 3rd, I personally prefer Malachi Corley over almost all the other higher ranked receivers and am hoping the swipe Ainias Smith in the 5th or 6th if he falls that far. I like Leggette a lot, but if it came down to him or Corley, I'd grab Corley


What brought you to prefer Corley over guys like Coleman, Franklin, and Thomas, especially if targeting an X- unless you figure they'll be gone by the time the Giants pick a 2nd time? I don't know a lot about Corley but I don't recall him playing anywhere but from the slot. Nice player but I don't see him as filling a position of current need if it's not as an X-

Quote from: MightyGiants on January 25, 2024, 01:40:16 PMI will accept the claim that Brown is brilliant and up-and-coming.  If that is true, why have the Giants' first two drafts been so mediocre?  Surely the contributions of a brilliant assistant would have generated better results.

Before asking, "Compared to whom or what?", in no way would I regard the Giants most recent Drafts as "mediocre" whether as a rush to judgment or otherwise. 
