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Messages - AZGiantFan

It's going to be a very slim chance if he can't get and stay on the field
The Front Porch / Wagyu beef
June 28, 2024, 11:27:09 PM
I'm at a stage in my life where I 'm certainly not rich but I can pretty much afford anything I'd like, within reason.  And my Dr. says I am a little anemic but have excellent cholesterol levels.  When I told her I would eat more steak she laughed and gave me the go ahead.

I'm a pretty simple filet mignon guy, and I graduated from buying my meat at the supermarket to going to a very good butcher.  It's more expensive, but the quality makes it worth it to me.  I've been getting 'high choice'.  While it sounds a little gimmicky and there is no such 'official' rating, it seems reasonable that within such broad categories as Select, Choice, and Prime, there is quite a bit of room between categories.  Some countries have significantly more grades.  And it does seem like the meat is better than the choice I can get at the supermarket.

So last time I was at the butchers I picked up a couple of my regular filets, and then just for the heck of it I picked up a Prime filet.  I want to see whether the higher cost is worth it.  And then I got to thinking, which is always dangerous.  For the last several years the buzzwords in the world of beef are Kobe and Wagyu which, while denoting different things, are interchangeable.

There are primarily three different options, American Wagyu, Australian Wagyu, and Japanese Wagyu.  Besides the obvious geographical differences the difference is the genetic percentages.  Japanese Wagyu is purebred wagyu beasts and A5 is the highest grade. Needless to say, it is not cheap. Apparently they have a gene which causes an insane amount of marbling.  American Wagyu is typically 50% Japanese and 50% American, although there is no regulation of the term.  And Australian Wagye is in between.

So I've been thinking about trying one or more of them.  Especially since I found out that Costco, of all places, now sells Japanese A5 Wagyu for $100/lb., which is actually a pretty good price compared to other online outlets.  I'm not sure, but I think they only sell ribeyes and new york strips.

So I'm in a bit of a quandry.  Should I start with American Wagyu, then try Australian, then Japanese?  (None of them are going to become a regular thing for me, maybe a once a year or 6 months)  Or should I get a little of each and taste them side by side to see how the taste and texture match up with cost.

So, does anyone have any experience with these ultra costly, ultra quality steaks?  Or have any comment on how I should go about this?
Impossible to tell.  Ask me in October.
Quote from: MightyGiants on June 28, 2024, 07:02:41 AMMy guess is that Jordan learned more (there were stories in the article I hadn't heard before).  In terms of positive changes, considering that Daboll has pretty much denied there was an issue, it's sort of hard to highlight the positive changes.

For what it's worth, I did see reports that Daboll losing it during practices didn't happen this year.  So, hopefully even if Daboll hasn't publicly acknowledged the issue he has taken steps to resolve the issue.

Someone is feeding him these stories and you have to ask yourself, why?  And who?  They sure don't seem to have the Giants' best interests at heart.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Crazy Giants Stat
June 28, 2024, 01:18:24 PM
Quote from: Bob In PA on June 28, 2024, 09:44:38 AMThere's a lot to be said for avoiding injuries, especially to key players at important times. Despite all of today's fal-de-ral... like (1) having so many coaches; (2) use of bank of computers and other technology to plan things out and analyze what's happening; (3) over-attention to minute details; and (4) presence of numerous other doodads and accouterments, games still come down to basic stuff that never changes... like sheer luck.

If Vince Lombardi could return, I believe his offense would still do well (even in today's pass-happy NFL) by running the same handful of plays the Packers ran during their string of good teams, great seasons and many championships.

In addition, stuff like trying hard and not making mistakes never goes out of style.


The funny thing is, that was before all of the restricted practice time, rest days for vets, limited pitch count, etc. that have become so common in training camp that are supposed to reduce injuries.  Is it possible that rather than reduce injuries those things foster injuries?
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Crazy Giants Stat
June 27, 2024, 02:32:50 PM
How about this one.  In 2008 all 5 offensive linemen started all 16 games.
Who was worse, Neal or Flowers?
Quote from: T200 on June 26, 2024, 10:26:22 AMGuess he didn't learn anything from the boat trip.  :crazy:  :crazy:

I thought more about McKinney's ATV misadventure.
The Front Porch / Re: Scariest movies
June 26, 2024, 04:59:59 PM
Quote from: LennG on June 25, 2024, 07:53:43 PMI think the genre is scary movies and not horror movies. Myself, I classify them differently, but no matter.

I don't disagree.  I was thinking about movies that have 'jump' scenes, not gory slasher movies.
I think it would be instructive for folks to go back and watch some games from his rookie year when he was doing a lot of things that he now is purported not to be able to do.  Yes, he had a big turnover problem, but when he was coached out of it a lot of baby went out with the bathwater, IMO.
The Front Porch / Re: seriously?
June 25, 2024, 07:24:23 PM
Quote from: LennG on June 23, 2024, 08:31:30 PMYeah and most people there probably thought it was cool. The lady should know better and given the kid the ball.
Two morons. :boooo:  :boooo:  :boooo:  :boooo:  :boooo:

Cubs' fans.
The Front Porch / Re: Scariest movies
June 25, 2024, 07:19:44 PM
For some misbegotten reason my Dad took me to see Psycho when I was about 6.  It scared the living chit out of me and put me off horror movies forever.  The jump scene that was scariest to me was when the guy goes into the basement, turns the chair around and finds the dessicated Mrs. Bates
I'm goig to deviate a little on the grounds that this unit played like one person.  and i remember seeing these guys having dinner together on a video and wishing I was there.

circa 2008:

David Diehl
Rich Seubert
Shaun O'Hara
Chris Snee
Kareem McKenzie
Quote from: T200 on June 25, 2024, 03:49:29 PMI'm not saying I'm right but it stands to reason that Jones had more pressure on him than the other two. Plus, he had more time being shellshocked behind that wet toilet paper line than the other guys. He was more concerned about the rush than the receivers.

Plus Daboll ran a country club camp that didn't prepare the team to compete coming out of the gate.
Quote from: Jclayton92 on June 22, 2024, 04:29:52 PMRed Zone hasn't been our issue since Daboll got here, it's actually the one area Jones thrived at in 2022.

As I stated in the other thread, the offense has no issue throwing the ball down the field regularly when Tyrod was in the game. Infact tyrod led the league in big time throw rate, the issue then becomes what is wrong with Jones that he is not seeing the defense in the same way tyrod is or why the coaches call those plays for tyrod but don't with Jones.

They really bounce around on red zone even before Daboll.  Here is the conversion rate and ranking for the Jones era:

2023 44.2% (31)

2022 64.8% (5)

2021 44.7% (32)

2020 46.3% (31)

2019 57.1% (17)