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Messages - Gmo11

Big Blue Huddle / Re: NFT: NY Rangers 2023 - 2024 Season
November 14, 2023, 02:29:45 PM
Quote from: Giant Jim on November 14, 2023, 02:17:58 PMAnyone understand why Will Cuylle's goal was disallowed? I thought the ref's explanation didn't make any sense.

Shenanigans?  There was no real explanation for that.  It was clearly a goal.  Regardless of camera angle they all showed it was a goal.  Inexplicable to not rule that a goal.  Between that and a plethora of missed calls in that 3rd period really makes you scratch your head.  Fortunately they were able to overcome all of that.
As much as I am in the "this season shouldn't count too much against Daboll camp" that was a very Judge-like thing to do.  I'm just not sure why he even considered it.  Was one of the DBs in his face adamant it was a fumble?  Did somebody on the headset scream at him it was a fumble?  Because it's hard to find any sort of explanation for something that dumb.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Is this on McKethan or the coaches?
November 14, 2023, 11:11:16 AM
My guess, and this is strictly a guess, is that he's got an option.  Given the misdirection from Saquon and Breida if Lawrence stays home to take Saquon he gets flattened by McKethan, if he crashes down like he does here, he goes with Breida and McKethan can let him go and turn and run upfield.  I don't think he's supposed to tackle Barkley at the line of scrimmage though it appears that's what he's trying to do.
It's certainly interesting when you look at Josh Allen with and without Daboll, he's like a completely different person.
It is unfathomable to me that the Giants draft in the top 3 and not take a QB.  Even Top 5 for that matter.  Because it may require a trade up a couple of spots but if that's what it takes they should do it. 

If they somehow stumble into a couple of wins that drop them into the 7-10 range of the draft then fine, the cost of moving up that far could be considered too great, but I can't believe they're going to win a single game Devito starts and for that reason they should start him every game the rest of the way.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Bill Belichik
November 14, 2023, 07:09:35 AM
If he wants to be the DC then sure. If he wants to run everything...enjoy retirement Bill!
Big Blue Huddle / Re: NFT: NY Rangers 2023 - 2024 Season
November 14, 2023, 07:08:47 AM
Any chance Chytil and/or Lindgren are back after this mini break? I'm pretty sure Fox is gonna need a little more time.
Quote from: StompYouOT on November 13, 2023, 03:41:35 PMI can't imagine they will fire Daboll if for no other reason that they don't want to go through another search.  He knows offense and we have a chance to draft a franchise QB next April so I think the prevailing thought from ownership would be to give this GM/Coach a chance with their own QB and see if we get back to "Coach of the Year" days.

However it's not the 2-8 record that is the problem, it's losing by 40 points every week.  I don't know if any coach can survive that, they just look lifeless and pathetic.  How do you justify retaining that? I don't ever remember days this bad and I was around for the Kent Graham days. 

You could easily justify it by saying there's nothing they can do.  They're going to lose by 30 points every single week regardless of who's coaching or what the situation is because they don't have a QB.  And because of that, the offense is going 3 and out or turning it over every possession and the defense can hold their own for a while but eventually it'll all unravel and they lose by 30.  Nothing can or will change that except for the opponent inexplicably doing some incredibly stupid things to keep the game close.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: NGT- CJ Stroud
November 13, 2023, 03:03:43 PM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on November 13, 2023, 03:02:16 PM3-13-1 last year.

5-4 so far this year.

Pretty noticeable single year jump.

And Stroud appears to be getting better every single week which is downright scary.  He's going to be in the discussion for league MVP.  Rookie of the year is just about in the bag already.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: How Bad Are The Giants?
November 13, 2023, 01:59:34 PM
Get a real QB on this team and the turnaround will be fast and furious.  The Texans won 3 games last year and are heading to the playoffs thanks to Stroud.  I don't know if there are going to be any QBs THAT good right out of the gate next season, but if the Giants get even 75% of that from their new QB they'll be in wild card contention.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: NFT: NY Rangers 2023 - 2024 Season
November 13, 2023, 01:57:20 PM
They're doing everything they didn't do last year.  They will never be able to sustain this pace, and last night they damn near lost to a less than stellar Columbus team, but right now they're hot, Laffy is hot, Quick is hot, and lets ride this wave for as long as it lasts.  And when the other shoe does drop at least they'll have built up enough of a cushion to where it won't matter as much.
Quote from: AZGiantFan on November 13, 2023, 12:21:00 PMFrankly, luck.  The 6-1 start was largely smoke and mirrors.  And a team shouldn't make the playoffs when they are negative on points differential.

And then so if good luck is not a reflection of good coaching, then would it not make sense to say that bad luck is not a reflection of bad coaching? 

Because Jones reverting to an amateur, losing both of our top 2 QBs to injury, a million OL injuries, Zach Wilson making two plays he never makes, refs not calling PI against Waller, these all feel like bad luck to me.
Didn't realize they had that much of a shot at #1 still.  Tommy understand the assignment...let's get this done.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Old coaching axiom
November 13, 2023, 11:14:54 AM
This was never going to be a game won by FGs.  At that time they still have hope to keep it close enough to steal it late.  They don't expect to be down there deep in Cowboys territory all that often.  Going for it is the right decision.  Giving it to Barkley up the middle without any sort of misdirection... may not have been the right decision.
Quote from: Ed Vette on November 13, 2023, 10:46:14 AMHe came in after an autocrat who was a strict disciplinarian that lost the team. But the fundamentals were there.

He was a breath of fresh air who walked into an easy schedule and had some luck on his side, but take a hard look at how the season ended. They were 3-6-1 to end the season and they beat a Vikings team with a high school secondary. The Eagles exposed them for who they were but the wheels started falling off last season.

Right but I kinda think that is the main reason why this isn't Daboll's fault.  He took a team that was basically as lousy as this one, and got them to play over their heads.  Particularly the QB.  If we are to give him all the blame for this season and call for his job, I don't know how we can take away all of the credit for last year when he was the Coach of the Year.  The performance last year was over achieving, the performance this year is under achieving, but the actual skill level of the team is somewhere in the middle.  Until you lose your top two QBs to injury at which point no matter what you do the team is going to get pummeled.  It's the biggest reason why I don't think teams should even carry a 3rd QB at all.  Anybody pulled off the street can do what Devito is doing so why bother having him around at all.