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Messages - coggs

1)  What part of the Country do you live in?  Staten Island

2)  How long have you been a Giants fan?  ~1981

3)  What do you do for a living?  Teacher

4) Anything else you would like to mention about yourself?
I have been an on and off regular at bbwc for awhile, probably going back to 2005, 2006.  Maybe even earlier.  When I say on and off, I would disappear for months at a time.  Probably why I missed this place being formed.  Also never really paid much attention to the board happenings, so probably why I didn't notice a lot of what was going on back then.

Anyways, I am a season ticket holder.  This year 2 of my brothers and I took on 6 tickets from my friend.  He had 14, was looking to get rid of 8.  We took 6, another guy took 2.  I had seats through someone else going back to 2004.   Also love to take road trips to see them play.  Last year went to San Fran in November, then GB in the play-offs and the ultimate trip.  Yup, went to the Super Bowl.  This year going to Cincy, Baltimore, and possibly Atlanta.  Wanted to go back to D*ll*s, but things didn't work out with those whom I was planning on travelling.  Most of the time, I go with my wife, but she is running the NYC Marathon next month, so can't go to D*ll*s the week before.  I played football from the time I was 11 into college, now I ref HS, semi-pro, and mens rough touch.  I freely admit I can be a bit of a football snob.  I try to keep it in check, but sometimes I just can't take it.  I also try to remain even-keeled after both wins and losses.  Anything else you want to know, just ask.