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Big Blue Huddle / Re: S2 cognitive test score
January 18, 2024, 03:06:26 PM
What always strikes me first in such instance is that the media, and we with it, are more interested, or at least focused, on the exception rather than the rule hence the current discussion.

And so, what are we thus inferring from a S2 Cognition comparison of Brock Purdy and C.J.Stroud? Is it that we are reminded, as we were with the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test, that there can, and no doubt, will be significant differences between test results and performance in execution of a specific function, role and responsibility? If so, whether we know it or not, we do seem to recognize how broad in scope and meaning are the words, the terms, the titles Cognitive and Cognition.

By way of reminder, words like cognitive and cognition are best understood as relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. Although the Wonderlic Test suggested otherwise, cognition is by no means synonymous with intelligence as we generally conceive the latter.

The narrower the scope of the test, the more limiting is the information and knowledge provided whereas, the broader its scope, the more likely to produce exception in practice and application. In either case, if we see it as problem, the cause is almost always in the analysis rather than the data. 

Quote from: brownelvis54 on January 16, 2024, 05:51:12 PMFor me its five decisions for FA

1- Can the Giants Bring Back Saquon Barkley?

2-Do the Giants Invest in Isaiah Simmons Long-Term?

3-Do the Jets Pursue a Top Receiver in Free Agency?

4-What to do with Darren Waller

5-Who can we afford to add on the O-line? And should it be a RT or Guard?

1.They can but I don't think they will nor should they. Even at his best, you can't say that Saquon has made an essentially poor team measurably better or any sort of winner. Some may blame it all on the accompanying QB play. But even if you buy that, it would be an especially bad time to risk making another questionable investment, ne c'est pas?

2. I anticipate that they will make a strong effort to re-sign Simmons who seemed to be fitting in and doing well at key time and place. For how much and for how long will be up to Joe Schoen and perhaps to the new (who) DC.

3. I expect them to draft a WR possibly with their 6th overall but not look for one in FA.

4. I don't have a strong opinion re Waller's future but I'd be more surprised than not if there is much of a change.

5. They not only can but they must afford to add an OG in FA such as:  Andrus Peat, Robert Hunt, Kevin Zeitler, or Connor Williams. Hell! make it 2. Otherwise, make sure it also gets priority in the Draft. And while I'd be fine with a top pick OT like Alt or Fashanu in the Draft, it seems unlikely to happen if as Schoen says- they are keeping Neal at RT and not moving him inside.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Should the Giants cut Waller?
January 16, 2024, 02:31:18 PM
Quote from: Jclayton92 on January 15, 2024, 07:50:23 PMWaller looked bad because of the qb play and injury. Healthy with a good Qb and he may be worth keeping with a pay cut.

Still looking for ways to beat that same drum, huh, Jess. Not to worry, we get it. But as if it really matters, Waller actually faired a tad better re targets/completions average in his 5 games with Jones than in the 7 games he played subsequently.

While Jones having been lost for 12 games versus Waller for just 5 is perhaps worth mentioning, they would seem to be separate issues re the question of Waller's cost/performance as is, and as projected.

I realize that every move they make has all sorts of cost implications and constraints, and rarely more so than with the burden of Daniel Jones's $47 million cap hit which according to "usual sources" would still leave them with nearly $50 million in cap room, an amount which would disappear in an eye blink in signing FAs and re-signing their own. We are talking about guys like McKinney and Simmons, not to mention Barkley AND a couple of these FA OGs: Kevin Zeitler, Andrus Peat, Robert Hunt, and Connor Williams. Gotta happen. We can expect a lot of turnover comings and goings before we get to the Draft. And while perhaps it should be, Waller's status has not stood out to me based on 12 games this season one way or another irrespective of who was at QB.

Whether or not we think there is even a slight chance that Daniel Jones, if and when heathy, will or can- after 5 years of trying- prove to be worth keeping after this year, is simply the large animal in the room which we will be forced to study for as long as it takes Schoen/ Daboll to decide one way or ...

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Eagles Fans Are Melting Down
January 16, 2024, 11:16:23 AM
As bad as was the Cows 29th straight egg face, if not explicable, it was at least not surprising.

But the Eagles complete and utter collapse from defending NFC Champion with a 10-1 start was not just unimaginable but seems almost conspiratorial. I'm not suggesting a plan but by the time they played yesterday's playoff game with the opportunity to recover and reassert, the Eagles players individually and collectively had already quit the entire season. It was almost as if they were mumbling under their breaths, if we can't win all the time, why should we even try?

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Great game
January 14, 2024, 08:17:10 PM
What is it with them Cowboaz? Same story every year-28,29? Don't seem to matter who Coaches them, they gag on cue. It's not just a Giants fan gloating; that would be pretty lame, but the extent of today's loss to the Pack was shocking.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: NGT - Wildcard Weekend Games
January 14, 2024, 07:00:56 PM
The Cows can't get out the own way. In any case, if they can't stop the Pack, what difference does it. 41 points through 3Qs. Wooho!
What has bothered me about this past season more than the obvious lack of improvement was the lack of ambition, motivation, and preparation with which the team began the season and displayed for much of its 1-5/ 2-8 start. I feel strongly that the Giants was ill-prepared to begin the season and played below its capability far too often.

If I am justified in my thinking, I don't have much of an option or alternative but to blame Head Coach, Brian Daboll. In the interest of fairness and positive thinking, I will leave it at that, and an expectation of improvement whatever may be the circumstances.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Giants rejected again
January 12, 2024, 03:36:32 PM
That's not a rejection of the Giants per se rather it is a denial/ limitation of an opportunity for which Tabor's still contracted current team must and most likely will account. Although, we don't know the details, it doesn't seem to have involved an obvious promotion; more like a no harm in asking.

Quote from: Jclayton92 on January 11, 2024, 02:27:41 PMWhat a horrible take.

An out of touch coach that just finished worse than us, and hasn't drafted well in 6 years.

Out of touch would seem to describe a lot folks around here, Jess.

And for what it's worth, between 2005 and 2012, Tom Brady by choice took less than top dollar and was only the NFL's 7th highest paid QB whereas thereafter through 2019, he never ranked in double-digits. While that may have had little impact on the Pat's Drafts, it sure didn't hurt their ability to sign targeted FAs or re-sign /keep their own top talent.

In any case, it all Pat's history, and Little Bill might do well to follow suit.

Quote from: MightyGiants on January 10, 2024, 02:15:24 PMI am not sure which is more shocking, this announcement or the Titans firing Mike Vrabel

And how! Take your pick. How about Vrabel for Daboll?  =)) That is until Kraft decides Little Bill's future.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Are we really THAT bad?
January 10, 2024, 04:03:32 PM
Quote from: files58 on January 10, 2024, 09:14:53 AMLarry, actually losing is in their DNA. As I've mentioned in several previous posts a couple of months ago I compiled a regular season W-L record since 1965, the year I became a fan. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but they are about 50-55 games under .500 during that span. Coaches, GM's, and players have come, and gone. The one constant is the Maras.

Point made, Allan. DNA or Legacy, the Giants W/L record for the 20 years from 1965-1984 was 69 games below .500 with 3 ties and just 4 winning seasons. Certainly, we know that prior to 1979, Wellington Mara- the Duke/ HOF and all that- led the team a with a firm grip into abject failure.

Subsequently, in the Young/Parcells era, we finally enjoyed some sustained success, Championships, more wins than loses, and competitiveness over the next 25 years through the Coughlin era from which we seem to have since reverted to much earlier unhappy time without, sorry to say, the slightest insight as to the future.

None of the "if this, then that" conjecturing has any more value that simply acknowledging our ignorance as challenging at that may be. What is the point in speculating about an issue in which we have no role to play in its resolution?

Are we concerned about how we may be impacted by whatever decision is reached by the parties involved? Is this not a situation in which cause far outweighs effect? Certainly, that's where my concern is centered.

Big Blue Huddle / Re: Are we really THAT bad?
January 09, 2024, 05:43:49 PM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on January 09, 2024, 03:43:21 PMBesides Washington, the Pats, and Carolina, who in the entire league can you confidently say we are a better team than?

No one really. Still, I don't blame anyone for rationalizing in the name of hope with logic suggesting that the losing can't last forever. That's true, isn't? I mean, like eventually they will have 2 winning seasons back-to-back, right?

Hey, this is a franchise which has played in 5 Super Bowls and won 4 (1986 & '90, 2007 & '11) so there can't be any suggestion that losing is in its DNA. However, we have at least once before seen Our Heroes go walkabout to a quite similar extent- actually, quite a bit worse. It started just about the time in 1970 that the NFL reshaped itself into Conference and Division format which as it happened began a stretch of just 2 (non-consecutive) winning seasons in and of the Giants next 13. That's right 2-13 compared to our current 2-9. Still, chilling as that may be, they are not related situations, and so no conclusions should be drawn, nor projections made.

But returning to the question- based on the results which are the established facts, the answer is Yes! And so, we are seeing changes once again about which it could be said, it's only the best teams which might prefer the status quo.


"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we all have a Merry Christmas" -Don Meredith, late and lamented.
No, not in most cases. Not unless there was a previous history of friction in which case the issue would be moot; wouldn't arise. There are so few such opportunities that unless a so called, candidate is independently wealthy, poorly motivated, and indifferent- how likely is that?- the whole notion is just a finger-wave in and to our fanny.

If there is a problem, it will be in finding the right guy from among the many. That's a matter for which no doubt we will be offering our wisdom once we have decided who to blame for the larger issue which involves the team's return to its more usual state of profound mediocrity or worse.

Although, I am not going to speculate about cause, effect, or blame re any of the recent coaching changes including the Wink dink, I must say that the performance of the Giants Defense has been disappointing, not just this year, but over the last 10 games of the year before. Not much difference if you give up 26 ppg to finish 3-6-1 or 24 ppg and end up 6-11.

Yes, the Giants Offense is even worse which is why it is must be the center, the nidus, the focal point currently for any and all issues regarding the competency, ability, and talent of staff and players. And for me, it begins with Joe Schoen needing to decide if Brian Daboll, despite being named 2022 COTY isn't an example, a victim if you like, of the Peter Principle. And if he is, we can only hope that we aren't as well, so we can keep trying to make sense of Big Blue Nonsense.


The only thing we know for sure is that whining about missed opportunity is not just a waste of time but can also prove fraudulent. Where QB is concerned, we must consider it almost a given that, like it or not, the plan is for Daniel Jones to be the Giants starting QB next season unless he is  unable or proves to be incapable. Whatever level of confidence the staff may or may not have in DJ, the economic exigency of his cost this year will be determinant.

Personally, I think it unlikely that the Schoen/Daboll Org will use its first pick on a QB (unless they trade back) but might use one of its 2nd Rounders on a less challenging risk/reward type as a back-up and, you never know, bottled lightening. ::)

Although, I am not into guessing, I can't imagine that they won't do all that's possible with 2 of their first 4 picks and in FA as well to add a couple or more legit talents to the starting Oline. There can be no waiting there.
