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Big Blue Huddle / Re: Banks on Daniel Jones
February 04, 2024, 09:28:23 AM
Quote from: Doc16LT56 on February 04, 2024, 09:23:57 AMCarl Banks has no credibility when it comes to the Giants players. If he's so down on the OL he should start naming names. Is he ready to criticize Evan Neal and JMS or is he not allowed to do so just yet.

Banks has a great deal of credibility with me.  First, I understand what Banks' situation is, so I understand what he can and can't say.  I also appreciate if you can listen with that in mind, there is a great deal of insider information and insights that can be gained.

It's like listening to the two beat reporters who act as Giants' mouthpieces; if you know how to interpret what they say, there is a great deal of value.
Quote from: ozzie on February 04, 2024, 09:22:27 AMI'm not sure how this will play out. Supposedly, Daboll wants to call the offense leaving Kafka as "OC" but without those responsibilities. Seattle wants Kafka as their OC and will most probably give him the freedom to create his own offense and call the game, but NY blocks the interview.
Do the Giants really want another disgruntled coordinator on their hands?
One theory I read has it where maybe the Giants keep him around to become HC in case Daboll flames out again this season...
I'm interested to see where this goes.

That's the previous drama; the Giants are in a damned-if-they-do/damned-if-they-don't situation.  If they let Kafka walk, Daboll looks even worse, losing 2 coordinators who didn't want to work for him and losing all three in total.   If they don't let Kafka walk, they don't look as bad, but you have an unhappy coordinator who likely will be counting the days until he can get out of his contract with the Giants.
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Banks on Daniel Jones
February 04, 2024, 09:22:45 AM
Quote from: katkavage on February 04, 2024, 09:18:25 AMThe O line can be addressed and fixed concurrently with improving the QB position as well.

This claim may or may not be true.  If there is a QB 4 that the Giants can draft that is a franchise QB, then yes, you can hopefully fix both.  If, on the other hand, the Giants need one of the elite 3, they will either need to pay a king's ransom to move up (in which case they will not have the draft capital to fix the line), or they can't trade up (in which case they don't improve QB).
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Banks on Daniel Jones
February 04, 2024, 09:16:07 AM
Quote from: gregf on February 04, 2024, 09:14:32 AM85 sacks this past season, the second-most in NFL history

We should be able to get a solid guard at 39.  Evan Neal at tackle is the 2nd biggest decision after QB in my view.  Do we pluck a tackle at 6 ( if top 3 qb not on board) or grab WR?  I expect we will address the o line in FA and rd 2.

This is where the new O-line coach is going to earn his pay.  He will need to tell the team if Neal can become an NFL caliber RT or if he needs to move to guard (and hopefully improve)
Big Blue Huddle / Re: Banks on Daniel Jones
February 04, 2024, 09:12:30 AM
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 04, 2024, 08:22:24 AMI think if anyone is going to try to make conciliatory statements about Jones' season by passing the buck to the supporting cast, it is not particularly interesting unless they explain why the other two QBs on the roster, both of whom make either a very small or, in DeVito's case, a very tiny fraction of what Jones makes, were both clearly better than Jones in 2023 with the same teammates Jones had.

@EDjohnst1981 @Doc16LT56 @katkavage

If you are going to make a claim about other QBs being clearly better than Jones, one should do the homework and compare the performances of QBs along with the performance. of their supporting casts (as you dismissed supporting cast claims by Banks).

I did the homework, and frankly, the claims about the other QBs being "clearly better" simply don't hold up.

Big Blue Huddle / NYG QBs and supporting cast
February 04, 2024, 09:09:02 AM
I figured it would be worth looking into the supporting cast and QB performance through the season.  I tried to make this a reasonable effort project, so I used PFF metrics.  I am using two assumptions: that "tomato can blockers" (blockers with 25 or more snaps and a score below 45) are the killers of a QB production, and I will use a number of heroes (75 or greater) for where receivers helped out a QB.  All grades for QBs are PFF grades.  (QBs minimum 15 snaps)

Week 1 Dallas

QB  Jones- 41.6

Tomato can blockers- 4

Hero receivers- 1

Week 2 Cards

QB Jones 92.5

Tomato can blockers- 0

Hero receivers- 2

Week 3 49ers

QB Jones 55

Tomato can blockers- 4

Hero receivers- 0

Week 4 Seahawks

QB Jones 40.4

Tomato can blockers- 2

Hero receivers- 0

Week 5 Dolphins

QB Jones- 87.0

Tomato can blockers- 4

Hero Receivers- 0

Week 6 Bills

QB Taylor 79.3

Tomato Can blockers- 1

Hero receivers- 0

Week 7 Commanders

QB Taylor 69.7

Tomato can blockers- 2

Hero receivers- 1

Week 8 Jets

QB Taylor 51.3 DeVito 46.5

Tomato Can blockers- 3

Hero receivers- 0

Week 9 Raiders

QB DeVito 69.3

Tomato Can Blockers- 1

Hero Receivers- 0

Week 10 Dallas

QB Devito 39.8

Tomato Can blockers- 3

Hero receivers- 2

Week 11 Commanders

QB DeVito 70.7

Tomato Can Blockers- 4

Hero receivers- 1

Week 12 Pats

QB Devito 63.7

Tomato Can blockers- 1

Hero receivers- 1 (elite)

Week 13 Green Bay

QB DeVito 74

Tomato Can Blockers- 2

Hero Receivers- 2

Week 14 Saints

QB DeVito 58.1

Tomato Can Blockers- 2

Hero receivers- 0

Week 15 Eagles

QB Taylor 72.9 DeVito 65.6

Tomato Can Blocking- 2

Hero receivers- 2

Week 16 Rams

Taylor 68.2

Tomato Can blockers- 3

Hero receivers- 0

Week 17 Eagles

QB Taylor- 69.4

Tomato Can blocking- 0

Hero Receving- 3
Big Blue Huddle / Nix VS Penix VS McCarthy
February 04, 2024, 08:19:24 AM
I came across these excellent (at least, I consider them high quality) scouting reports on the 3 QBs in competition to become QB 4 (likely the best QB the Giants will have access to)

Bo Nix, Oregon
Height: 6'2"; Weight: 217 pounds
Age on Draft Day: 24 years and 2 months
Class: Fifth-Year Senior
Overall Grade: 3.17/4 (Good Starter)

2023 Games Charted: Oregon State, Utah, Washington (Regular Season), Washington (Pac-12 Championship)

Totals from Games Charted:

Short Throw Accuracy on Platform: 143/194 (73.71%)
Short Throw Accuracy off Platform: 30/50 (60%)
Medium Throw Accuracy on Platform: 14/24 (58.33%)
Medium Throw Accuracy off Platform: 8/10 (80%)
Deep Throw Accuracy on Platform: 7/12 (58.33%)
Deep Throw Accuracy off Platform: 1/2 (50%)
Left Side of Field Accuracy: 87/124 (70.16%)
Middle of Field Accuracy: 39/56 (69.64%)
Right Side of Field Accuracy: 77/112 (68.75%)
On Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 4/7 (1/1.75 per game)
Off Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 2/2 (0.5/0.5 per game)

Sacks/Fumbles: 3/0 (0.75/0 per game)
Deflections/Pass Interference: 1/1 (0.25/0.25 per game)
Throwaways/INTs: 4/1 (1/0.25 per game)
Drops: 8 (2 per game)
Designed Runs/Scrambles: 12/8 (3/2 per game)
Success vs Blitz: 19/29 (65.52%)
Success vs Pressure: 30/54 (55.56%)

Footwork: C
Pocket Presence: B+
"Playmaking": C+
Short Throw Accuracy: B+
Medium Throw Accuracy: A
Deep Throw Accuracy: B+
Throw on the Run: A-
Success Against Pressure/Blitz: B
Arm Strength: B
Release: A-
Ball Security: A-
Top Starter Potential: B-

Comp: Geno Smith

Bo Nix is going to be an interesting player to see what the general consensus is on him and see where he gets drafted. After struggling at Auburn for the first three years of his career, he transferred to Oregon and became a legitimate Heisman candidate and turned several doubters, like myself, into fans. He greatly improved his accuracy and is accurate on all sides of the field and easily was the most accurate QB I've looked at so far (currently through 12 QBs) in the medium depth area of the field. He has a good arm with a fast, compact release to allow him to quickly get the ball out. He also consistently showed the ability to throw accurate passes while off platform and especially while rolling out of the pocket. He likely is helped by Oregon's quick passing scheme but he has consistently shown the ability to make quick, safe decisions in the passing game and has good anticipation of his receivers' routes. He also has solid mobility to add another dimension to his game and make him more of a threat.

I started his charting with the Oregon State and Utah games and I was surprised that his scores were surprisingly at the top of the class. Then the Washington games hit and oof, did they ever hit. The biggest area of improvement for Nix is definitely the ability to not panic when things go off script and when pressure gets in his face. While he wasn't the worst against pressure thanks to his legs, his footwork would fizzle out and he would too often throw off his back foot and doesn't seem confident climbing the pocket. Speaking of footwork, he does have some strengths such as having a wide base at the end of his drop and keeping his toes pointed towards receivers. But he also often just seems a bit out of rhythm in his drop back and won't always finish his drop strong. He also seems to have a false step/hop with his right foot that he will need to work out and is too toesy during his drop. Also, an alarming amount of production came from the short passing game and YAC and these types of plays just won't always be there in the NFL. He also didn't do it too often, but I caught him staring down his first read on key downs during the Washington games and forcing it to the first read instead of scanning the field and missing an open receiver. So, while there is a lot of truth to Nix being one of the most accurate and safer passers in this class and NFL offenses starting to get closer to college style of offenses, there is definitely going to be an adjustment period for him in the NFL and he could be in for a bit of a clunkier start than expected.

If any teams or GMs do checkmarks for what they want a QB to do or be capable of, its hard to find too many things Nix can't do. But something important to consider with Nix's grade is that this is looking at him in the best possible light due to being in a near perfect system for him. As a current player in the best offense for him, Bo Nix is up there with the best of the best in this great class. For a team looking to add a QB to a Shanahan-like offense, Nix is basically the blueprint for the QB you want. He excels at hitting the medium yardage routes that are a key part of the offense, he plays safe and can play within the system, and he has a plus arm and legs to make him more than just a back-up level QB hanging on to survive. While he likely won't have the highlight moments that get fans excited, he is capable of making the plays necessary to win games and a little more. In past years, he likely would be a player that would be ignored in favor of the highlight reel type of players coming out. But, I think he will get more consideration due to the Brock Purdy effect and could sneak into the first round. While I definitely understand if others may not be as high on him due to a limited ceiling, I think there will just always be a place for guys that make good decisions and can play within a system with accuracy. Due to this, I have late-career Geno Smith as his comp due to Geno showing those moments of greatness despite never being viewed as a star but having occasional games where he looks overwhelmed. Like Geno did in Seattle, I think Nix can earn a starting role with his accuracy, ability to keep the offense on script, and protective nature with the ball.

JJ McCarthy, Michigan
Height: 6'3"; Weight: 202 pounds
Age on Draft Day: 21 years and 3 months
Class: Junior
Overall Grade: 3.06/4 (Good Starter)

2023 Games Charted:

Totals from Games Charted: Ohio State, Iowa, Alabama, Washington
Short Throw Accuracy on Platform: 86/118 (72.88%)
Short Throw Accuracy off Platform: 21/32 (65.63%)
Medium Throw Accuracy on Platform: 4/12 (33.33%)
Medium Throw Accuracy off Platform: 9/14 (64.29%)
Deep Throw Accuracy on Platform: 1/2 (50%)
Deep Throw Accuracy off Platform: N/A
Left Side of Field Accuracy: 35/54 (64.81%)
Middle of Field Accuracy: 19/26 (73.08%)
Right Side of Field Accuracy: 67/98 (68.37%)
On Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 4/2 (1/0.5 per game)
Off Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 3/1 (0.75/0.25 per game)

Sacks/Fumbles: 6/0 (1.5/0 per game)
Deflections/Pass Interference: 4/0 (1/0 per game)
Throwaways/INTs: 0/0
Drops: 5 (1.25 per game)
Designed Runs/Scrambles: 6/5 (1.5/1.25 per game)
Success vs Blitz: 15/26 (57.69%)
Success vs Pressure: 31/49 (63.27%)

Footwork: B
Pocket Presence: C+
"Playmaking": B-
Short Throw Accuracy: B+
Medium Throw Accuracy: B+
Deep Throw Accuracy: B-
Throw on the Run: A
Success Against Pressure/Blitz: B+
Arm Strength: B+
Release: B+
Ball Security: B-
Top Starter Potential: B-

Comp: Daniel Jones

A lot of the mock drafts I've seen recently have him as a clear first round QBs. Other individuals have even gone as far to say that he is a day 2 pick on a good day, day 3 pick on a bad day/team. I will come out and say that I personally didn't get the hype with McCarthy last year. When I went and worked on my watchlist for QBs for the season last summer, I got a slightly better understanding where the hype was coming from but still couldn't bring myself to get that excited. I was hoping doing a more thorough review and charting would make me have an epiphany like I had with Drake Maye. While he graded better than I expected, I still have some concerns. But let's start with the positives. From a fundamental standpoint, he has decent mechanics in the pocket and great mechanics outside the pocket. In the pocket, he maintains a nice, wide base during his dropback and at the end of his drop. He also does a good job keeping his feet flat during his dropback and when scanning the defense. He also isn't afraid to deliver throws in the pocket through hits and does a good job keeping his eyes downfield. He also has a nice, compact release that doesn't seem to have much wasted motion. He's at his best on the run or rolling out with great form to keep his chest and feet square to his target when making throws on the run leading to his most accurate throws. He's able to combine his strong arm and fast speed to be a threat when on the move and capable of picking up big gains on the ground. In general, these strengths helped him ensure he kept the offense on track. Also, while it can fluctuate, he is capable of sprinkling in some truly elite throws and ball placement from time to time. From my summer review of his previous season, it even seems like his "way off" accuracy improved this year providing some hope he will continue to grow as a passer. Finally, I don't put a ton of weight into this, but he nearly always came up big in the biggest games and biggest downs of the year.

Now to the negatives and why a number of individuals, including myself, still have some concerns. Like I said, outside the pocket his mechanics and accuracy are great. Inside the pocket, they can use some work. He doesn't always align his feet with his target and seems to mostly work through his upper body potentially contributing to his erratic accuracy when throwing in the pocket. The lack of use of his legs in the pocket also shows with his release which while it is compact, doesn't have the speed you would like to see and at times almost looks too casual. Also, I don't know if I would call it a false step, but he seems to almost have a false rock at the start of his drop. He also just doesn't seem to have a good rhythm to his drop back and often will seem like he's rushing it especially when he has a quick pass/read he knows he wants to hit. Speaking of reads, he will at times seem a bit slow/late on reads when throwing from the pocket but will still try to force throws after the receiver has been taken away. There were also a number of times where he seemed too indecisive whether to throw or run and was caught in the backfield before getting the throw off or breaking a run. He also doesn't always seem confident stepping up in the pocket to move with pressure. When pressure does start to close in, he seems to have a tendency to duck his head and look for a running lane. With pressure, he does generally do a good job getting the ball out before it gets too close, but will still at times have this sneak up on him and seemed to be a bit too confident in his ability to escape the pressure leading to unnecessary sacks. He also seems to struggle with putting touch on balls and will often unnecessarily launch lasers at targets. He also wasn't asked to get the ball deep down the field too often but his downfield accuracy is lacking from what I saw during these games and from casually watching during this season and last. His general ball placement is just also not great with him seeming to often make life more difficult for his receivers with them needing to make tough adjustments due to poor placement. In general, his games were frustrating to watch because I would occasionally shift between, "okay that was a good play" to "how did he miss that throw that badly?" Also, not so much a fault of his, but he didn't have too many opportunities to show he can be a leading force for an offense that needs to keep up with another competent offense. In fact had easily one of the fewest total passing attempts of any QB I've looked at so far (including ones I haven't made posts for yet).

McCarthy will be another good test to see if people value a player's ceiling or floor more. There's a lot to like about McCarthy between his best throws, his protective nature with the ball, and his legs. I liked him more than I expected after following him last year and during this past season but I don't see him as a high, middle first round type of guy and I have a lot of concerns for him as a pocket passer. His inconsistent accuracy, pocket confidence, and processing speed make me question how much he will further develop as a passer. Honestly, some of the play calling and decisions Harbaugh made in games made it seem like he was aware of both McCarthy's limitations but also had a good awareness of how to maximize his impact in big games. He's at his best throwing on the move and not pushing the ball downfield. NFL teams will look at his Alabama game as a template of how to use him in his early days as a starter. That game, he was great outside of the pocket and did a good job getting the ball out before pressure got close. For both his ability to run the ball and having tepid feelings about both coming out, I have Daniel Jones as his comp. As I mentioned, but have good speed and smaller frames. Also, both had tendencies to be wildly inconsistent and would struggle with ball placement as passers. Both also benefited from play action offenses and appeared to be a tick slow as processors. Honestly the Daniel Jones comps will likely be made by everyone, if they haven't already, but it just feels uncanny the more I watch McCarthy.

Michael Penix Jr, Washington
Height: 6'2"; Weight: 212 pounds
Age on Draft Day: 23 years and 11 months
Class: RS Junior
Overall Grade: 2.97/4 (Good Role Player)

2023 Games Charted: Utah, Texas, Michigan, Oregon (Pac-12 Championship)

Totals from Games Charted:
Short Throw Accuracy on Platform: 117/154 (75.97%)
Short Throw Accuracy off Platform: 53/80 (66.25%)
Medium Throw Accuracy on Platform: 35/56 (62.5%)
Medium Throw Accuracy off Platform: 3/4 (75%)
Deep Throw Accuracy on Platform: 16/26 (61.54%)
Deep Throw Accuracy off Platform: 0/2 (0%)
Left Side of Field Accuracy: 100/144 (69.44%)
Middle of Field Accuracy: 40/54 (74.07%)
Right Side of Field Accuracy: 84/124 (67.74%)
On Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 15/2 (3.75/0.5 per game)
Off Platform, Way Off Target Throws (Vertical/Horizontal): 4/1 (1/0.25 per game)

Sacks/Fumbles: 5/1 (1.25/0.25 per game)
Deflections/Pass Interference: 3/7 (0.75/1.75 per game)
Throwaways/INTs: 13/3 (3.25/0.75 per game)
Drops: 5 (1.25 per game per game)
Designed Runs/Scrambles: 8/2 (2/0.5 per game)
Success vs Blitz: 30/52 (57.69%)
Success vs Pressure: 53/102 (51.96%)

Footwork: B
Pocket Presence: B+
"Playmaking": C+
Short Throw Accuracy: B+
Medium Throw Accuracy: B+
Deep Throw Accuracy: B
Throw on the Run: B+
Success Against Pressure/Blitz: B-
Arm Strength: B
Release: B-
Ball Security: B-
Top Starter Potential: B-

Comp: Ryan Fitzpatrick

Michael Penix Jr. was one of the better stories in college football these past 2 years. After struggling with season ending leg injuries at Indiana, he transferred to Washington to reunite with his former OC/QB coach and be paired with the great receivers there and thrived these past two seasons. Penix Jr. is one of the better QBs at getting the ball downfield consistently with the most combined medium and deep attempts of any of the QBs I've watched so far for this class. While he has a good, but not great arm, he does have great touch to his deep balls and also uses this for good accuracy on back shoulder throws. While he is very much a gunslinger type of QBs, he isn't the stereotypical type of passer that refuses to throw the ball away and is willing to acknowledge when a play is dead. He also uses his eyes well to draw defenders away from his true target and does a good job at directing throws to his receivers to set them up to evade defenders. He also shows the ability to work through progressions that you would expect from an upperclassman like him. He also has a lot of toughness and isn't afraid to make throws through contact. When pressure is getting to him, he generally does a good job to get the ball out before pressure gets to him and makes some nice subtle movements in the pocket. If you heard of him but haven't watched him, you probably assume he is frozen in the pocket and incapable of moving. This isn't the case as he did have some QB runs, including QB sneaks, and does have some ability to pick up some yards on the ground. Some statues are made out of stone (like Tanner McKee from last year or Carson Strong from 2022) and are truly stuck in place in the pocket while others are made of clay and have at least a little wiggle to move around in the pocket and move if absolutely necessary. Penix fits more of the clay statue mold. His footwork is also better than expected with a wide base at the end of his dropback and he consistently does a good job keeping his feet and chest pointed towards his targets on throws. Finally, he can be a bit streaky. But when he's on, he's on fire. You can look to the Texas game as an example of this as that film will likely get at least one GM to pound the table for him come draft night.

Now while he does have a good arm, like I mentioned its not at the level as the top of this class. He could also benefit from stepping more into his throws to add more speed to his balls. The start of his drop also doesn't have a strong start and seems to start him a bit out of rhythm due to doing a small skip/hop to start. It usually works itself out as the drop goes on but is not ideal to start with. His heels will also tend to get a little close together when gathering himself before the end of his drop but again, he usually bounces back to a wide base. There were also a few times where he would miss opportunities to step up in the pocket to prolong plays and let pressure end the play early. Also, he has a tendency to air mail some throws, some of which caused interceptions or just made him miss big plays. Now to talk about his release, and oh man, its funky. The speed of his delivery is still pretty fast thanks to his solid arm strength, but from a path standpoint, it drops too far down and far back. Also, with his strange release, he seems to have limited arm angles to make throws with. This especially seemed to create challenges when needing to make throws around oncoming pressure. Also, while his on the throw run grade was high, he had minimal medium and deep passes on the run allowing this to be higher and I think the minimal attempts prove that this is an issue for him. He also still struggles with the tendency to make some questionable decisions that became too common near the end of the regular season. Also goes without saying and something I won't be able to answer, but his medical history will need to be examined extensively and may take him off of some teams' draft boards altogether.

His injury and college story, the exciting offense with the rise Washington has seen, and even quirky things like Penix's last name and release being memorable make him really easy to root for. But, I still have my reservations about him from an injury standpoint and how well he handles games when he doesn't have time to set and throw deep as we saw against Michigan. Due to both having the ability to be starters for multiple years, both capable of catching fire, and having a good deep ball, I have Ryan Fitzpatrick as his comp. Both also struggle with pressure and have a good, but not excellent arms, and both have more wiggle than you'd expect and both likely will get a lot of fans from whatever team they go to.

-Future All-Pro= 4-3.5
-Top Tier Prospect= 3.4.9-3.25
-Good Starter= 3.24-3
-Good Role Player= 2.99-2.75
-May Have a Future Role= 2.74=2.5
-Needs Improvement to Contribute= 2.49-2.25
-Unlikely to Contribute= 2.24-2
-<2= Likely Not Worth Rostering.

    Caleb Williams, USC; Overall Grade: 3.22 (Good Starter)
    Drake Maye, UNC; Overall Grade: 3.17 (Good Starter)
    Jayden Daniels, LSU; Overall Grade: 3.17 (Good Starter)
    Bo Nix, Oregon; Overall Grade 3.17 (Good Starter)
    JJ McCarthy, Michigan; Overall Grade: 3.06 (Good Starter)
    Michael Penix Jr, Washington; Overall Grade: 2.97/4 (Good Role Player)
Big Blue Huddle / Banks on Daniel Jones
February 04, 2024, 07:19:38 AM
Carl Banks routinely talks with Giants coaches, so he speaks as a man who knows things (but will not directly report his inside knowledge)

"I am, for transparency, a big Daniel Jones fan. But I will be the first to say that he took a step back this past year," Banks told Mail Sport.

"But I'll also add context to that and say, I can understand why. His offensive line was awful. He took so many hits early. And people don't want to understand that quarterbacks under duress — and I would challenge any individual who just continues to criticize the effectiveness of a quarterback who continues to get hit, I would challenge you to stand anywhere and get hit by a 2×4, about five times in a row and see if you can make great decisions."

The Giants' offensive line surrendered 85 sacks this past season, the second-most in NFL history. And all three of the team's quarterbacks — Jones, Tyrod Taylor, and Tommy DeVito — suffered injuries as a result of the porous line. It was undeniably a factor in the poor quarterback play.

"It does impair your decision-making because I was one of those guys who was doing that to quarterbacks, so I know how it impacts them," Banks said. "But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."
Quote from: uconnjack8 on February 03, 2024, 04:50:38 PMShould pin this thread and see how opinions evolve over the next 11 weeks or so.

If I were a betting man, I would say JJ's draft stock will continue to rise.  Because he didn't declare until January, nowhere near the amount of work was done on him.  As more people (particularly NFL people, and their thoughts leak) dig in, I think he will be pushed higher and higher on people's draft boards.

I think these comments by former GM Randy Mueller support what I am saying:

That information is very tricky to gather on players who might be returning for another year, like McCarthy, especially at a place like Michigan, which has been known to not always be open with its information to visiting scouts. Gathering character and background information on McCarthy is a much different process for scouts than it was for Penix.

Off-field information is a big part of the evaluation process. Those of us on the outside are not as plugged in as scouts and NFL executives, and for quarterbacks, this part of their file might be even more important than their arm strength. If these things check out, I could see either of these guys being top-10 picks, maybe even higher, in April.

Quote from: nb587 on February 03, 2024, 04:16:11 PMLet me ask a real stupid question here from a non fan of the college game.  I have not read about Michigan WRs talked about as being especially good.  If true, and JJ is just a game manager, how is it that none of the quality opponents, Ohio St, Alabama, Washington etc couldnt stop the run- put 8-9 guys on the line of scrimmage and make JJ beat them with his arm.  To my knowledge, it never happened.

According to PFF

Here are Michigan's rankings by offensive metric

total offense- 5th
passing- 11th
pass blocking- 50th
receiving- 6th
running- 50th
run blocking- 9th

Quote from: brownelvis54 on February 03, 2024, 03:44:18 PMI was really high on McCarthy, but I have concerns about his mental health. In the NFL the pressure is at an all time high...especially QB

That was an interesting article, thanks for sharing.  Having read it, I have no worries about his mental health.  He has his head on straight and meditation is a powerful tool.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 03, 2024, 09:37:29 AMAgreed.

While I have no ill will towards Wink and hope he gets a job he's happy with, the harder a time he has getting hired, the better (or less bad) a look this whole episode will be for Daboll.

I am not sure Wink struggling to get another job will help Daboll's image any.  Daboll's issues that were exposed will not be made better by Wink's fate.   Winning and demonstrated improvement by Daboll will.
Quote from: DaveBrown74 on February 03, 2024, 09:22:22 AMIt is kind of interesting that Wink still hasn't been hired. There are still openings though, like Dallas.

While the drama has no doubt hurt the Giants during the hiring process, it also sullied Wink's reputation as well.   
Quote from: Ed Vette on February 03, 2024, 09:02:04 AMHarbaugh said he wouldn't be surprised if he's the first QB off the board.

Some say Harbaugh should take a drug test.

It's sort of funny, before Harbaugh made his pronouncement I had heard that many thought that Jim is/was legit crazy (in a good way)