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Messages - Woody

So if everything on Fox News is fake  . Which networks are not fake news and should be relied on for accurate information? Just asking what others watch or where they  get information.
I watch Fox and others
With your conclusion on what you perceive I am going to conclude on this mater just proves my point that politics plays a roll in all discussions including yours.
Pompeo saying something without proof or sources ? Dare I mention 4 year Russian collusion with no proof ? Or is that another right wing conspiracy theory? 
Or was The Trump admin. just covering it up ? I think I might know your answer to that question. Both sides play politics in everything and Washington is a reflection of the American people , on that I agree.
Unfortunately, every function of the Federal Government ( including this study underway by Biden ) has a political slant to it.
Politics dominates Washington and an honest debate on anything is very difficult and nearly impossible to happen.
So to blame or discard points of view by
The heck with all the Covid talk.      What The Biden administration is doing at the southern border is nothing short of propaganda and unbelievable . By that I mean why is the Biden restricting all free press , Congress people and basically everyone from covering the souther border crisis .  Absolutely disgusting covering up the real story . Not allowing the American people to see what is going on there!
The WHO has been lying and covering up for China since day one of covid. They are not to be trusted . The so called investigation by
I did not hear

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Plus many MSM Tv and newspaper reported that the Capital police officer was killed by rioters on Jan 6 . Not true. But it was reported as a murder just the same.
The only person that was killed that day was an unarmed White woman when she was shot in close range by a capitol police officer.
It was just reported last week or do that Sicknick died of a stroke and was never struck by anything.

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That is my opinion of MSM.  And there are many many other news sources besides the Main stream media.
Not reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop last September for example...not reporting on many Trump policies and deeds that helped many Americans ...And again why is the media not demanding the right to cover the border crisis at the border. They are not allowed to even go and talk with border patrol etc.

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Speaking of polls.   According to several polls they found that during Tump admin he received 90 % negative coverage by main stream media. And Biden is receiving 69 % positive coverage.   
In the words of late Walter Cronkite ....when ask one day what he missed most after retiring from CB S evening news he said,....
I will jump right to the overall.   The
BBH Archive / Re: Rate the Head Coach
December 23, 2015, 10:03:55 AM
TC has had his run and we all appreciate the two SB wins....I will try to be brief.....

His coaching style does not fit todays NFL. The latest collective bargaining agreement really put a crimp on his coaching style and preparation methods for the football season. And , myself being a retired manger of young people , I know it is not easy to relate and motivate the young people (21-30 year olds) in any work environment especially some of the spoiled athletes in todays NFL.
This will be the fourth season in a row that the team has not made the playoffs and really does not seem to be getting any better. Same old excuses from the the team, too many injuries  etc. but the bottom line is poor play with no positive results at the end of the year.
Reece , Coughlin, Fewell, Spags, Macadoo, Gilbride  whomever the names are things are not changing. Is Coughlin a bad coach , no. Are all these problems over the past few years his fault, no. Is there a better coach out there? Maybe ,maybe not ....but I really think it is time for the Giants to find out for themselves if there is someone that can change things up. Can things turnaround quickly , absolutely in the NFL today it is possible.
But I am afraid , that if changes are not made this off season , then why should we expect anything different than what has happened from the past 4 years , next year ?
In my opinion, changes need to be made after the season is over, and I hope it is done with class and dignity for all effected , especially, in regards to Tom Coughlin.
Reyna Thompson
Troy Archer !
BBH Archive / Re: Seat License Owners
August 17, 2011, 08:36:11 PM
I am looking for two tickets to Seahawks Oct 9th