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Messages - FL GMAN

The Front Porch / Covid Whistleblower/Fraud
May 13, 2021, 03:51:36 PM
Article in N.Y. Post today that lays out the timeline on this woman's claims and contradicts everything she stated, regarding Florida's numbers. She is going to be prosecuted and has been proven to be a liar and a thief.
You can believe who you want. All I'm saying is that Daszak appears compromised. If the positions were reversed you would be screaming about this. The man was part of the funding of the lab. As for Christian, read the article, her reasoning as to why the virus couldn't have come from the lab appears incorrect. I'm sure there will be discussion on this going forward. You frequently claim to be open minded but get angry at any questioning you don't agree with. If the CCP won't allow inspections and verification why would anyone be anything other than suspicious.
Excellent and thought provoking article written by Nicholas Wade a respected science writer on the origins of the virus. Wade does not say if came form the lab, only that we don't know. He directly challenges two scientists who were leading the natural origin argument and dismissing the  lab origin as false. The first was Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance. Daszak it seems was involved with the funding of the lab and had a clear conflict of interest. The other Kristian Anderson Professor of immunology for the Scripps Research center made definitive claims about the origin he could not have known, per Wade. He lays out why but it's very technical and you would have to read the article. The total resistance to the Lab origin and denial of any investigation by the Chinese has many rethinking their initial assumptions.
Fauci being questioned yesterday on whether the U.S. helped fund the Wuhan lab. Emails surfacing regarding connection. As Rand Paul stated this virus started in a city larger than N.Y., not in the mountains near bat caves. Wouldn't it be something if the U.S. helped fund this lab which, supposedly, for years has been known to have lax safety protocols.
Aid should go to those most in need, race and color should not apply. That's my H.O.
Rich I didn't intend to attack anyone. My point was about the use of the term " follow the science" when much of the science and data don't support the actions of the people speaking those words. BTW I have seen much worse on this board with regards to comments about the other side and no one called it an attack.
OK that's a good comparison, cmon man that's weak. On a different note I heard a sports guy criticizing the Giants for not taking Kwtty Paye, when the caller pointed out they got a better guy in Rd. 2 the sports guy had nothing to say other than he didn't like the pick.
Rich think about it in football terms. We can blame this, that or the other but bottom line you are what you're record says you are. The nursing home decision in both states was the worst of the crisis, hands down. Desantis segregated Covid from the old. Second if he had listened to the liberal media he would have reverted to what your states are doing and had worse results but would have taken less grief because he would be in lockstep with the shutdown group. It took courage to go against the tide something Cuomo who blames everyone for everything knows nothing about. Lastly I hope you are right about NY and NJ people because we like it here just as it is. You always use the phrase right wing propoganda machine but that's a bicycle compared to the Liberal media Mack truck that runs over anyone that gets in their way.
Mighty you say they follow the science but Florida's numbers are markedly better. How can this be if restrictions are working. Follow the numbers. BTW I have never seen so many NY and NJ plates in Florida as this year and they don't appear to be leaving. It seems like many residents agree with me.
Mighty the truth is that no one really knew and it is becoming more obvious every day. MIT just completed a study and one of the findings was that masks and social distancing are ineffective. The virus can spread up to 60 ft. and masks won't help.  The numbers say Fl. is in much better shape than N.Y., N.J. and Illinois, 3 heavy lockdown states. Desantis was crucified and called a murderer but if you listen to Desantis he clearly has studied Covid and has a much better understanding than the lockdown people. The nursing home decision in N.Y is the worst decision made in this crisis and Cuomo is still hiding numbers. My biggest beef with the lockdown is the small guys are closing left and right while Amazon and the other Giants make billions. Now we hear herd immunity may never be reached because not everyone is vaccinated but that doesn't factor in people who have already had the virus. It's this type of deception that keeps people frozen in fear while all the while touting follow the science. We don't need another stimulus, we need to open up. The point here is not to criticize because what's done is done but it is time to open. The half ass proposals, dancing at weddings, school 2 days a week and wearing masks outside do nothing other than make us fearful. I realize many will disagree but I  truly feel we need move forward. Just my 2 cents
Washington D.C. announced they were ending some restrictions and 24 hours later reversed themselves after pressure from the teachers union. One particular rule that caught my eye was no dancing at weddings, you can't make this up. Ron Desantis just announced the end of all restrictions in Fl. effective July 1. I am very thankful I live in Fl. With the crap this guy took from Liberals he could have easily folded but he held fast and it ends up he was right.
The Front Porch / Re: Database of "Canceled" People
April 25, 2021, 10:14:02 AM
Rich I will stop because if you don't believe what you hear then what can I say. The idea that the guy that was fired was badgering the principle is laughable and if the situation was reversed you would be screaming for the principles head. On a side note I appreciate your football contributions to the site.

The Front Porch / Re: Database of "Canceled" People
April 25, 2021, 09:44:38 AM
Rich, you are getting off track. The principle agreed with him, period. Your question of how would he know is absurd, teachers talk and being asked to sign a ledge of loyalty to this doctrine is proof. If you view everything though a lens of racism that's all you'll see. I repeat I would not want my kids to be taught that they are bad for something they weren't involved in. We need to look forward not backward. BTW look at Virginia's change to the math curriculum and you will see how this doctrine permeates everything.
The Front Porch / Re: Database of "Canceled" People
April 25, 2021, 09:22:52 AM
Rich the man was a math teacher at the school for 20 years with no issues. They make teachers sign pledges to agree with their vision. The reason he asked him repeatedly was obvious, the principle didn't want to admit it and tried to dance around the question until forced to admit it. As for the site I didn't ask you to believe the story only to listen to the tape. If you can't admit the tape proves the principle agreed with him it's because you don't want to. You say he should be fired, why, because he disagrees. As a parent at another elite school facing the same issue stated," I want teachers to teach my child how to think not what to think". This isn't China we are allowed to disagree.
The Front Porch / Re: Database of "Canceled" People
April 25, 2021, 08:21:57 AM
The author of the story was Leah Barkoukis, the story has audio files in it that confirm the quotes in the story. The Teacher is Paul Rossi and the head of the school is George Davidson. As for Doctor Seuss I don't understand your point as I agree that there was no outcry for their removal, yet a few elites decide this is racist. I don't find Doctor Seuss racist at all and I have read many to my grandkids. Your dislike of anything you disagree with makes you angry and you always seem to say the other side is worse. I think Bob said it right bad things happen all around and to say it is just one side is naive at best.