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Messages - LennG

BBH Archive / Re: The Big Blue Huddle BBQ
August 05, 2008, 04:17:51 PM

   You should be writing for a living. You, with words of awe, have painted a picture of exactly what we did and how we felt.

It was just a pleasure meeting you. I'm just sorry we didn't have more time to spend getting to know each other.

Kudo's, my friend, for a masterful post.

I, also received a very nice thank you from Ralph. I guess, I was the one who originally contacted him, so it was very nice of him to send several people thank you notes. He is one classy guy.
I told him he must come hungry next time.

I don't know if it was mentioned, but we did present Ralph with an official BBH T-Shirt. Hopefully he'll be wearing it as he writes about our Giants.

Glad you were able to find us because I didn't hear my cell phone ringing. Believe me when I say everyone there thoroughly enjoyed your presence and your keep insight into the Giants, and even some of their future plans.

Next time come hungry though.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Words simply cannot express our appreciation.

PS Hope to see you wearing our BBH T-Shirt around camp.
BBH Archive / The Big Blue Huddle BBQ
August 04, 2008, 12:45:28 PM
 As most already know, this past weekend was out annual trip to training camp and BBQ. To say it was a huge success would be putting it mildly.

For myself, being able to see some of my old friends again, made the experience at camp so much more than what it usually is. And being able to finally meet the Drakester, and the wonderful Mr Weeze, well, my life in now complete.

Just for my time there, which was Saturday night dinner and the full day on sunday, it was just too great for words. Why others here just don't take the time to join us, well, is beyond me. We have such a magnificent group of people, that anyone, no matter who, would be instantly at ease with this group.

Dinner on Saturday nite was great. And to make it even better, when we arrived at the place and mingled at the bar, who was sitting in the booth right behind us, Spags, his wife and Jesse Armstead. We really didn't want to bother them as they were eating, but finally, Mrs Rocky went over and introduced herself, and several other went over to shake their hands. Spags was so cordial, and had a big smile for everyone. Sorry same couldn't be said for Jesse, but it was a great pleasure to shake their hands.

Sunday we all met and sat together for the AM practice, with Spider doing play by play. It was MY first time seeing our Giants since the SB, and the experience is just magnificent.

The afternoon was spent at the near by park, where our annual BBQ takes place. As usual, we had so  much food, and about 6 grills going at one time. My hats off to all the chefs, everything was worthy of the Food Channel. Weeze kept his word and brought his famous fish which the Drakester cooked up as well as Emeral could have done. When I finally got around to having some, it was gone, but what I did taste, just mouth watering. AND, on a side note, the Weezer did keep his word to me, and brought some of HIS famous clear liquid that shall go nameless here, because in Northern territories, it is STILL illegal. Mixed a bit with Drakes famous Hazelnut Java that was brewed right in his hotel room, and I was sure to enjoy the rest of the day.
After, we were surprised when our 'guest' came by. Ralph V from the Daily News said he might stop by, and he did, and stayed for 2 1/2 hours with some terrific insight into the giants and how they are doing and what they are thinking. The time just flew by.

The evening practice was also great and the Giants really look  deep in several positions--WR, RB and even safety now. As was said in another thread, a guy like Dahl, who made the team last year, will be hard pressed to make this team in 08. Forget what you hear from the media,. the Giants will be right there in January, ready to defend their title.

There is so much more you can say about camp, as you observe so many things, but anyone who can make it there, should attempt it. From the fan friendly atmosphere, to the players signing autographs, to just watching whatever part of the team that catches your eye, it is a wonderful experience, and to share it with some great friends, well, the entire time will be long remembered.

To try and thank everyone who had a hand in making this event such a great experience will never work because I know I will leave out several names, so I just wanted to thank EVERYONE who was there for making this the BEST   BBH   BBQ   EVER.

Guys, tip of my cap to you all.
 Welcome aboard. Nice story
  If you want, post a hello to the board and tell them your story. we are like a family here, and you will be warmly welcomed
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
July 18, 2008, 04:09:43 PM
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hey Mike, you are a hop, skip and jump away from me. I also live in Nassau County, West Hempstead to be specific. We are practically neighbors.
Giants History / Phil McConkey video
July 06, 2008, 05:54:43 PM
 Anther great video about Phil McConkey and the 1986 Super Bowl.
Parcels is a riot. Can anyone ever see Coughlin saying something like that to a player????
 Jsut a great story from OJ.
I loved it when he says he ain't going over to see what Parcels wants. He already knows what Parcels wants.
 Nice job Rich. Glad I made it to the front page.  <:-P <:-P <:-P

I have tried several pictures in the past, and it told me file was too large. If that is so, what are our options. You can only crop a picture so much.
  Excellent post Brian. Now we know why we still keep you around.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

If some one sends me a picture or a video thru my email, how do I post it here??> I have tried everything I know and just cannot get it done. Am I doing something wrong???????
Also welcome BigGiant. Another NY leaves the nest. Where in queens did you live. I lived in Rosedale for about 18 years before I moved to LI. Many here know you, post on the main board and let all welcome you here.

You just passed my exit. Why didn't you stop in and say hello. (Exit 17)