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Messages - LennG


I have tried several pictures in the past, and it told me file was too large. If that is so, what are our options. You can only crop a picture so much.
  Excellent post Brian. Now we know why we still keep you around.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

If some one sends me a picture or a video thru my email, how do I post it here??> I have tried everything I know and just cannot get it done. Am I doing something wrong???????
Also welcome BigGiant. Another NY leaves the nest. Where in queens did you live. I lived in Rosedale for about 18 years before I moved to LI. Many here know you, post on the main board and let all welcome you here.

You just passed my exit. Why didn't you stop in and say hello. (Exit 17)
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
January 23, 2008, 09:26:39 PM
    A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, "Father,
            I have a problem. I have two female parrots, but they only
            know how to say one thing."

            "What do they say?" the priest inquired.

            "They say, 'Hi, we're prostitutes. Do you want to have some

            "That's obscene!" the priest exclaimed, then he thought for
            a moment. "You know," he said, "I may have a solution to your
            problem. I have two male talking parrots whom I have taught
            to pray and read the bible. Bring your two parrots over to
            my house, and we'll put them in the cage with my Francis and
            Jobe. My parrots can teach your parrots to praise and worship,
            and your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no

            "Thank you," the woman responded, "this may very well be the

            The next day, she brought her female parrots to the priest's
            house. As he ushered her in, she saw that his two male parrots
            were inside their cage, holding rosary beads and praying.
            Impressed, she walked over and placed her parrots in with
            them. After a few minutes, the female parrots cried out in
            unison, "Hi, we're prostitutes. Do you want to have some fun?"

            There was stunned silence. Finally, one of the male parrots
            looked over at the other male parrot and exclaimed, "Put the
            fucking beads away, Francis, our prayers have been answered!"

The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
January 23, 2008, 09:24:00 PM

Don't let Weeze see that one.

Hey Weeze, you still hunger for those 'redneck' women??????

Even this long after, I still get goose pimples watching that game and hearing Summeral's call. Without a doubt, the greatest Giants game ever played.

Gives you something to shoot at Eli.

:goteam: :goteam: :goteam: :Giants: :Giants: :Giants: :goteam: :goteam: :goteam:
Chalk Talk / Re: Explain football to my girlfriend
January 07, 2008, 05:29:44 PM
Quoteas long as she knows about the mandatory half time sex,  then you are all good...
:what: :what: :what:

Now why didn't I EVER think of that.  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I stayed to watch the goofs on the half time shows.

Is it too late to train my wife for THAT??? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Chalk Talk / Re: Football terms defined
January 05, 2008, 08:09:00 PM

If the TE switches sides on every other play, do the LBers also switch sides. So does the SAM become the WILL depending on where the TE lines up, or do they just stay where they are the entire game??
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
December 19, 2007, 09:45:16 PM

I still like that one Tom.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Another thing that came from that game and from that play. From then on, EVERY team, when running out the clock, basically kneeling down, put a man deep into the backfield, to prevent anything like this ever happening again. I do not believe that was ever done before this play.
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
November 15, 2007, 04:04:56 PM
A woman visiting Salt Lake City in the latter half of the 19th
century sees someone that she thinks may be Brigham Young, the
founder of the Mormon church.

Woman: "Are you Brigham Young?"
Brigham Young: "I am."

Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that is the head of the
Mormon church?"
Brigham Young: "I am."

Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that led the Mormons to
Brigham Young: "I am."

Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that denounces all Christian
religions as false except Mormonism?"
Brigham Young: "I am."

About this time, the woman is beginning to lose her temper.

Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young who preaches polygamy?"
Brigham Young: "I am."

Now she's really getting mad.

Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young who has 26 wives?"
Brigham Young: "I am."

Then furiously in anger, she says.......

Woman: "You ought to be Hung!"
Brigham Young: "I am!"

From You tube, here is the entire Bills final drive of SB XXV and the climatic Wide Right kick that made our GMen Champs
The Front Porch / Re: Just a joke
November 14, 2007, 07:38:48 PM

That ones been around for a while under several different sports and themes, but it's always good to rehash it. thanks BW.